• You could do it with an expressionator....one line to the kemper and one to the H9.... but you would still have to select one......

    I have one but not sure i would go there as it is confusing enough already....... separate e pedal to the midi.

  • Yes that's what I've been doing. I ran into a H9 anomaly when setting up a bunch of rigs for a new performance.
    When you have two different H9 long delay presets assigned to two different rigs, the H9 delay trails get cut off when you change rigs and the subsequent H9 delay preset (via Midi).

    After some research, I found this is a H9 thing. The delay trails will only stay audible if the H9 goes from "Delay 1" to "off".... not if you go from "Delay 1" to "Delay 2".
    I'm talking some long ambient type delays I've built up. Possibly not as noticable for short slaps etc. Eventide seem steadfast that this won't change.

    The only solution would be the have two H9's and have the two delays on different units.

  • Many, many thanks for the midi info. I struggled to get it working at first and suspected either a faulty H9, cable or Kemper. Having only one of each it was a bit awkward trying to find the culprit, so I plugged in my Voicelive 3 into the H9 and it took control instantly. So then I suspected the KPA, but thought maybe it was just a settings issue, so I read, and re-read your instruction and Hey Presto. A working midi connection.

    This H9 Max is gonna revolutionise my setup. The Flangers alone are EXACTLY what I've been searching for. Good and thick, and totally 80's. The EVH-type and the meaty Barracuda sounds are now well within my grasp. I've struggled to achieve similar results with the KPA. I have a horrible suspicion that the KPA is more than capable, but the parameters for a lot of the fx are less than intuitive.

    Same thing with the delays. Apart from a typical lead guitar type of delay, I struggle to make head nor tail of the KPA parameters. I've totally given up on trying to get decent dotted 8ths out of it. Again, I know it's more than capable, but really tricky to decipher at times. I'm finding the H9 makes a lot more sense. And knowing that I can attach a H9 preset via midi to each performance slot means that I can leave the H9 up with the Kemper, and do everything from the Remote. Really pleased so far. May even purchase a 2nd H9 and have all bases covered :)

  • I haven't tried just one,

    The is a bunch of chatter about the line/ instrument level glitch on another thread....I just updated to the latest OS as I thought that would fix it.

    Would they still work if connected backwards in the loop?


  • I haven't tried just one,

    The is a bunch of chatter about the line/ instrument level glitch on another thread....I just updated to the latest OS as I thought that would fix it.

    Would they still work if connected backwards in the loop?


    Not sure what you mean by "backwards in the loop"? I've got mine hooked up as per davec69's instructions above, and it is working perfectly, although just a single unit.

  • I'm glad you guys talked me into sticking with the H9. It's a weird box for sure. And I'm not sure I can't live without it, having found a new respect for the Kemper's effects.

    But it does add something professional to your guitar that makes it stand out in a track like it's hanging in the air. I'm very impressed with it actually using it.

    Playing with the SpaceTime presets today. Lots of stuff, potential. Having fun with Eventhorizon throttled back to something more tame.

  • I'm having problem with H9. My use is similar to Davec69. I use it in the effects loop in the X slot at 100% mix. the only difference is I use the mono loop, as my final destination going to mixer is mono anyway. I program changes with the slot settings. It follows my changes when I switch rigs perfectly, with one glitch.

    Suppose I have two rigs in which I want to use the same preset on my H9. Let's say preset #9, and it's a long tail reverb or delay. If I'm on a rig in slot one with the H9 set to its preset 9, and step on slot two Rig I sometimes get a hiccup. That is, the reverb or delay will reset and chop off the end. Now, here's the catch. Assuming the X slot is assigned to the effects loop on both rigs, the delay spillover happens, even if the slot 2 has the loop bypassed by default. However, here's the catch: If both slot one tell the H9 "go to preset 10" the H9 doesn't just ignore the command. (It's already on preset 10, so why doesn't it just ignore being told again to go to preset 10) When it receives the command to go to preset 10 on the second slot, (or third or fourth or fifth) it resets the delay trails.

    Therefore, even if I plan on using slot 2 with H9 preset 10, I can't tell it to go to preset 10 if I'm coming from a rig, say in slot one that already has the H9 on preset 10. I can work around this by being more intentional in my planning of slots, but it's a poor design on someone's end. It would be so much easier if I could just assign "go to preset 10" to my H9 on each Kemper preset that I'd like to use preset 10 without worrying about whether I'm going to use it coming from a rig that was already using H9 preset 10

    I asked the H9 forum this question and they were useless, no one even responded.

  • Refer my comment above... If I'm understanding your issue.
    copied here-
    "I ran into a H9 anomaly when setting up a bunch of rigs for a new performance.
    When you have two different H9 long delay presets assigned to two different rigs, the H9 delay trails get cut off when you change rigs and the subsequent H9 delay preset (via Midi).

    After some research, I found this is a H9 thing. The delay trails will only stay audible if the H9 goes from "Delay 1" to "off".... not if you go from "Delay 1" to "Delay 2".
    I'm talking some long ambient type delays I've built up. Possibly not as noticable for short slaps etc. Eventide seem steadfast that this won't change.

    The only solution would be the have two H9's and have the two delays on different units."
    I assume it's a processor power thing. You can't switch from 1 type of delay to another type of delay and keep the trails of the first delay. It obviously doesn't matter if you choose the same delay when you switch. The memory will reset. There are subjects in the forum on this that I found and a moderator just says it won't change.

  • I requested eventide to allow the h9 to ignore repeat commands, they said that the request would be passed up the chain but probably not something that would be changed. With Kemper coming out with new delays and then reverbs this year, I'll likely rely on them a little more often when the change is needed, or just gameplan the midi programming more