Reverb in Kemper or in the digital mixer?

  • Hi!

    My band invested in a new digital mixing console and some in ear equipment.
    Usually I never used a reverb in my Kemper and added some reverb in the mixing console in our rehearsal room and when we played a gig I dedicated this task to the FOH man.
    But now the situation changed because the natural room feeling is gone (in ear) and we have new possibilities considering of saving (reverb) presets in the digital mixer.

    But what is the best practice? Do you use the reverb section? Or do you use a "dry" signal which goes out to the sound guy?

    Thank you! :)

  • We do a lot of IEM rehearsals. As our music is not just guitar I make a monitor mix for myself (and other band members) which of course needs to have someone room information. I always use reverb and some generic delay (for vocals) from the mixing console, PLUS my own dedicated delay and a bit of reverb from the Kemper.

  • Thanks for your answers!

    Well, IEM is not my main concern. It was just the point I noticed "I need some room!". The keyboarder adds some reverb in his synthesizer. My plan was to record the rehearsal and tweak the sound afterwards without the band with my KPA.
    So I just wanted to ask for the best practice. The worst case would be, when we had a gig and the mixing guy would say "there's to much reverb. Turn it down in all presets!" :)

  • So I just wanted to ask for the best practice. The worst case would be, when we had a gig and the mixing guy would say "there's to much reverb. Turn it down in all presets!" :)

    I played quite a few gigs in venues of all sizes and this never happened.
    after all, what does a FOH mixer know about your sound/band?
    Unless it's the guy you hired and trained: nothing.
    and even if it is your guy, it's still not his call (and he still might know nothing)
    <insert Jon Snow joke here>
    FOH mixers are not producers ;)