Who is using Pure Cab always on? And why?

  • ... the ambience in the Kemper, along with PureCab, really made my mind think that the tone was pressurizing the room when in fact it wasn't. It was that reaction where you are turned up too loud, making too much sound in the room, and you instinctively grab the master volume to quickly turn down. I've never had this happen before with any other modeler, not even close. When an amp modeler sounds so real it makes your gut think you are too loud in the room and not just your ears, you are really on to something.



  • I must admit that Pure cabinet is a great feature. I am using IEM and the Kemper is connected direct in the FOH. I enabled it in my studio and the tone difference was there... more real, more air. At the next gig the sound engineer came to me and asked me what did I do with my profiles - they sound even better than before...

    Values are Pure Cab=4,5 and Space=2,0.

    Thanks KPA!

  • Yeah, using 4.0 -> 4.5 now, whereas previously it was fixed at 3.9.

    Accidentally left it on 7.5 (after a Rig badly needed the phase treatment) whilst my guest "Fingers" perused the new freebies I'd saved for him, and we didn't notice. Mind you, I'd ordered them by date and we only got through the first 6 from Feb 2012... in 2 hours, such was the beauty of the Kemper's "renditions".

    Only 396 to go, and he's here for 2 hours a week. LOL