Setting up DVP3 Expression Pedal

  • Hey folks. I opted for the DVP3 to handle my wah and volume pedal duties. Can anyone else using the DVP3 assist me with setup tips?

    I know that I need to have a wah stomp assigned to the rig, but how does the effect get turned on (since the DVP3 has no switch)? Can I set it up so that when I move the pedal the wah effect automatically turns on? And if so, how I do turn off the effect?

    Thanks all!

    Husband, Father, Pajama Enthusiast

  • I use the DVP3 for wah alone. Here's how I did that. Not sure for wah and vol.
    If you go to the wah stomp fx page you will see 3 pages - go to page 2 to see pedal mode. There you can select various option for when the fx is active. Go to the system option page 5 onwards to set up and calibrate the pedal use pedal mode 1. If using the remote then you can use pedal 3 or 4 for input using a TRS cable ( same for volume ).

    You're damned if you do and damned if you don't

  • I use the DVP3 for wah alone. Here's how I did that. Not sure for wah and vol.
    If you go to the wah stomp fx page you will see 3 pages - go to page 2 to see pedal mode. There you can select various option for when the fx is active. Go to the system option page 5 onwards to set up and calibrate the pedal use pedal mode 1. If using the remote then you can use pedal 3 or 4 for input using a TRS cable ( same for volume ).

    Thanks, I will give this a shot.

    I read somewhere else on this forum that the wah effect can be setup to trigger when the pedal is in motion, and that you can also set it so that the effect turns off when the pedal is in heel down or toe down position. I hope I have that right, we'll have to wait and see when my TRS cable arrives tomorrow.

    Now I am wondering how I can have the same pedal act as a volume pedal.

    Husband, Father, Pajama Enthusiast