Weird that no-one mentioned it yet...

  • If it seems as I'm dumping on the AXE FX, I'm not. I just don't think that the stature that many have attributed to it is well deserved. It's not that far above, Eleven Rack, Even Pod HD or amplitube.

    Yes. It sounds like AEII is what the POD would have turned into if it had progressed. It still sounds cold. I totally understand why metal guys would like it and I don't. I don't like the "brootz" tones.
    I have S-Gear and it's the only other thing than the KPA that sounds really realistic to me.
    The Kemper has always sounded smooth to me. If one thinks Randy Rhoads/Metallica had great tone, they would probably prefer the AEII....if one thinks Larry Carlton or Mark Knopfler has great tone, then it's the KPA.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • If it seems as I'm dumping on the AXE FX, I'm not. I just don't think that the stature that many have attributed to it is well deserved. It's not that far above, Eleven Rack, Even Pod HD or amplitube. I've heard and I've seen performers using Pods…

    No tweaks, no tone match. Just volume treble bass mid volume:

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  • Quote from Dean_R: “If it seems as I'm dumping on the AXE FX, I'm not. I just don't think that the stature that many have attributed to it is well deserved. It's not that far above, Eleven Rack, Even Pod HD or amplitube.”

    Yes. It sounds like AEII is…

    Here, cold and sterile right?

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    More for Dean , Metallica live axe fx lot's of vids:

    Edited once, last by skankenstein (September 11, 2015 at 7:43 PM).

  • I have an Axe and it does sound great. I don't tweak it much but often use the Kemper for the amps and Axe for the effects which are more expansive (I am playing a lot with Andy's Vox profiles but am starting to use the Axe for amp sounds more as I get more comfortable with both units). You like Kemper more than what you have research on the Axe - great. I feel blessed that I can have both and find it would be hard to give up either. While I often defend the Axe on this forum (and the KPA on the other) I enjoy my Kemper every bit as much as the Axe.

  • i can hear a clear difference in the above clip of the Mark IV comparison. It's not huge, but it's there. And it's not good IMO. Kind of a 600 hZ honky mids thing. Maybe it's just a slight EQ thing, but it shows up in the attack a bit. The real Mark IV has a unique transient sound that I never really found in another amp. Still, it's pretty close.

    I don't think the Axe II fares better for high gain. I've listened to lots of clips and came to the same conclusion that it does sound a bit sterile compared to a real amp or KPA. I think that comes out in the above clip.

    In other clips, I felt notes didn't transition from transient to sustain like a real amp - they don't have that awesome bloom quality. You do get some action - it's not completely sterile sounding, but it feels a bit off.

    I do trust CKJ's judgment though. I'd be happy with the sound he's getting there, for sure.

  • Here, cold and sterile right?

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    More for Dean , Metallica live axe fx lot's of vids:

    Metallica is not currently using the AXE FX as far as I can tell from looking at the gear list in their website. I found 5 entries for line 6, but nothing for Fractal or AXE FX.

  • Here, cold and sterile right?

    Yes. It sounds very close to the tone Allan Holdsworth was getting 30 years ago with his solid state Hartley-Thompson or Gallien-Krueger amps. There is that very treble-y top and lack of warmth in the mid frequencies.
    I can see how that would fit in a recording.

    As I have said, I can understand the metal guys liking that kind of tone, but it doesn't sound very tube-y or warm to me.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • Quote from skankenstein: “Quote from HCarlH: “Quote from Dean_R: “If it seems as I'm dumping on the AXE FX, I'm not. I just don't think that the stature that many have attributed to it is well deserved. It's not that far above, Eleven Rack, Even… This is from 2010 Last month Russia

    Quote from skankenstein: “Here, cold and sterile right?”

    Yes. It sounds very close to the tone Allan Holdsworth was getting 30 years ago with his solid state Hartley-Thompson or Gallien-Krueger amps. There is that very treble-y top and lack of…

    Any netter?

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  • Look guys, a whole bunch of world class touring pros, local pros, and bedroom jammers use either the Kemper product or the Fractal. Not all use the sims on the Axe but there are some huge names that do. The point is if you can't admit that either device suits the bill for guitar sounds then you're really not being honest with yourself or have deeper insecurity issues. I posted a few clips to counter the some of the statements being made here like :There's never been a Fractal/amp comparison video" (there are very many) or Metallica dumped Fractal ( they are still touring with it) etc.

    Grow up, enjoy your Kemper, quit hanging out on forums talking about how the other "fanboys" are so juvenile and petty. It makes you look juvenile and petty. I just stopped by because I saw this thread and signed up for an account to reply. Last post for me. Thanks for listening. :)

    Edited once, last by skankenstein (September 12, 2015 at 1:43 AM).

  • so let me get this straight . its ok on the kemper site to dog the axe but its not ok for the fractal guys to do the same. people like the axe tones and people like the kemper tones. who is the judge of whats the best modeler? i was reading a post about someone purchasing guidorist's profile of a soldano and commented that he cant make the profile sound like his audio sample because he doesn't have his fingers. thats most of tone i believe.i just dont get the " mines better than yours" commentary. i have been complimented on my live tone with both kemper and axe. and i like them both. maybe my hearing is shot but i hear good sounds from both.

  • Yes. It sounds like AEII is what the POD would have turned into if it had progressed. It still sounds cold. I totally understand why metal guys would like it and I don't. I don't like the "brootz" tones.

    This sounds cold?

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  • In the context of band performing live, it's a very good representation. That was the AXE FX II golden opportunity to harvest all the built up hype about "no compromise" and the false infallible stature that many seem to attribute to it, but instead the performance shows how easy it is to screw your tone using the AXE FX II.
    I'm sure others can get better tone with AXE II.

    Well, as I see it, the only real issue for Fractal would be if it was impossible to tweak a better sound for that performance, hence we could say that the band has chosen a crappy device for their sound. Since we know this is not true, I'd dare say that the bad sound is certainly not Axe's fault. All the rest is just a clashing of fanboysms, isn't it? :)

    so let me get this straight . its ok on the kemper site to dog the axe but its not ok for the fractal guys to do the same. people like the axe tones and people like the kemper tones. who is the judge of whats the best modeler? i was reading a post about someone purchasing guidorist's profile of a soldano and commented that he cant make the profile sound like his audio sample because he doesn't have his fingers. thats most of tone i believe.i just dont get the " mines better than yours" commentary. i have been complimented on my live tone with both kemper and axe. and i like them both. maybe my hearing is shot but i hear good sounds from both.

    Just to clarify (and to redact things a bit), this thread was born to just have a good laugh an the n-th claim that the last FW revision from Fractal is the ultimate sound, and 100% real this time!.
    You might have heard the expression "120% more realer": it is a result from Fractal's (and relative fans') hyperboles at any new FR release.
    For no reason I intend to bash the product, I don't have any clue about how it can sound, and I am so happy with what I've got that feel no need to criticize others.

    HTH :)

  • Look guys, a whole bunch of world class touring pros, local pros, and bedroom jammers use either the Kemper product or the Fractal. Not all use the sims on the Axe but there are some huge names that do. The point is if you can't admit that either device suits the bill for guitar sounds then you're really not being honest with yourself or have deeper insecurity issues.

    I said I understand why the metal guys use it. Did you miss that? It makes sense for them to use it if it gets the tone they like.

    Grow up, enjoy your Kemper, quit hanging out on forums talking about how the other "fanboys" are so juvenile and petty. It makes you look juvenile and petty. I just stopped by because I saw this thread and signed up for an account to reply.

    Wow, Scott....pot meet kettle. (Oops...did I say "Scott"?)
    So your purpose here was to stir the pot and if somebody doesn't care for the example you posted, you get butt hurt? I have never created an account on the Fractal board to stir up poop because I couldn't care less if they like the Kemper or not. Sorry, I still won't buy an Axe FX, but I'm happy for those who enjoy it.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • Well, as I see it, the only real issue for Fractal would be if it was impossible to tweak a better sound for that performance, hence we could say that the band has chosen a crappy device for their sound. Since we know this is not true, I'd dare say that the bad sound is certainly not Axe's fault. All the rest is just a clashing of fanboysms, isn't it? :)

    Just to clarify (and to redact things a bit), this thread was born to just have a good laugh an the n-th claim that the last FW revision from Fractal is the ultimate sound, and 100% real this time!.
    You might have heard the expression "120% more realer": it is a result from Fractal's (and relative fans') hyperboles at any new FR release.
    For no reason I intend to bash the product, I don't have any clue about how it can sound, and I am so happy with what I've got that feel no need to criticize others.

    HTH :)

    yep, i got that from the get go.some people take things too seriously though.
    i like how ingolf sums it up

    TBH I like it when users are pleased that their platform of choice is evolving.
    Nothing wrong with that. ;)

  • Well, as I see it, the only real issue for Fractal would be if it was impossible to tweak a better sound for that performance, hence we could say that the band has chosen a crappy device for their sound. Since we know this is not true, I'd dare say that the bad sound is certainly not Axe's fault. All the rest is just a clashing of fanboysms, isn't it? :)

    It's not clashing fanboysms at all, I'm not a Kemper Fan boy, I still have tube amps in addition to Eleven Rack and POD HD500. It's a real issue that I've heard from many who complain about modelers mainly, because they don't sit in the Mix properly in a live setting. Those who abandoned the AXE FX and went back to tube amps most of the time, or at least when I heard or read about it, it's due to the difficulty of getting it to sit in the mix in a live settings. I view the Metallica Grammy Video as a clear example. Before I purchased the Kemper, I did try the AXE FX II at a friends studio and I didn't bond with it. It felt unnatural, artificial and harsh. I actually prefer the Eleven Rack over the AXE FX.II. Just because the AXE FXII is close to 8 times the price of Eleven Rack doesn't necessary = better from my personal experience.

  • I am sure tho that Metallica's sound engineers and producers would be able to tweak it in order for it to properly fit the mix or whatever.
    AFAIK, there are lots of pros who gig and tour with the Axe, so I guess it can sound good.
    It being hard to tweak is, IMO, a different story, this would not fit the current criticisms to Metallica.
    I mean, the most fitting criticism would IMO be "they sounded bad". We know this can happen regardless the amps that are used.
    I believe reference to the specific hardware (in the light of what I've written above) to be "political", if that makes sense.


  • there's also this, as long as we're piling on Metallica. Again, I don't blame the Axe:

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