Newbie Questions about the Profiler PowerHead

  • Hi Everyone,

    Just got my Kemper PowerHead and I am very impressed. For the past few years, I have been using a Fractal Audio Axe-FX, which I like the capabilities, but find it hard to dial in the exact sound I wanted. I was able to get the sounds I wanted with the Kemper very easily, so I am very satisfied.

    I do, however, have some questions (coming from an Axe-FX world):

    1. I use a Apple's Logic for songwriter and the Axe's USB interface provided an input device that I could select in Logic. I have the Profiler's USB port hooked up to the Mac, but I don't see any input devices from the Kember on the Mac. What is the best was to record in Logic using the Profiler?
    2. The Axe-Fx had an application called Axe-Edit that allowed you to create and manage every aspect of a profile and rig from the Mac. You did not need to use the front panel LCD screen. Can this bedone with the Kemper? The main reason I need this is because I a vision impaired and it is extremely difficult for me to use any small LCD display.
    3. I am not 100% sure, but from what I can gather from the user's manual, the built in power amp is Mono because I only see one speaker jack. I hope I am wrong.

    Thank you!

  • <p><span style="line-height:1.28">Power amp is mono in the Power Head.</span></p>

    <p><span style="line-height:1.28">need to use the SPDIF output of the KPA to get to Logic in the digital domain, USB does not support audio transfers.</span></p>


    <p><span style="line-height:1.28">no outboard editing software yet for the KPA &nbsp;it has been requested but time will tell if it happens.</span></p>


    <p><span style="line-height:1.28">hope this helps.</span></p>

    <p><span style="line-height:1.28">sean</span></p>


  • Thanks, Joptunes. It did answer all of my questions.

    I don't quite understand the logic of the built in power amp not being stereo. It would make the profiler so much more versatile.

    I am a software engineer. If Kemper would share the specs need to write an outboard manager app, I would try to code something up as time permits.

  • Kory, most guitar outputs are mono signals. Usually a signal is sent to a mixing console or through stereo effect units such as pedals or rack units and from there become a stereo signal in either audio or digital depending on the last device in the chain. You can use SPDIF as was mentioned before or....
    Can you record the audio to your DAW? Do you have an A/D interface? If you can then you can create a stereo guitar part in the DAW. I believe there is a Left and right out on the rear of the Kemper which, I will assume should provide a stereo audio signal, this signal can be routed into a small mixing console and panned hard left and hard right. The board stereo signal can be put through any number of audio/ digital interfaces and sent to your computer. You don't need to spend huge bucks on an interface and some of them are class compliant meaning they don't require drivers to be recognized. I will, however suggest that you spend a bit more and buy one that has ASIO drivers rather than using ASIO 4 ALL. A home use unit should allow you to connect to a keyboard and a microphone as well.

  • I gotta tell you guys, after playing with the Kemper for over a week, I'm really digging it. I can't believe how easy it is to dial in a sound/tone I want. Not to tras the Axe-FX, but I use to spend hours fiddling with it. Now I play more guitar. :)

    I want to record some music. I use a Mac running Logic Pro X. I have both analog input and SPDIF. I would prefer to use SPDIF, but I have the following concerns:

    1. Is the SPDIF out on the Kemper just a tap in the final digital stage, or is the analog main out converted back to digital for SPDIF. If it is going through another A/D, then I will just go analog. I hope it is not because that will actually save me two conversions (D/A on the kemper -> A/D on the Mac).
    2. When you guys record analog, do you think there is any benefit in sampling higher than 48K?
    3. I don't have any SPDIF experience, so this question is going to sound even more ignorant than the previous 2. I don't know what re-amping means. if I just want to record on my Mac, do I need (should i) connect the SPDIF out from my Mac's I/O interface to the Kemper? Or is the Kemper SPDIF Out -> Mac SPDIF in enough?

    Tank you so much!

  • Re-amping is when you record a direct guitar signal for the tracks, then play that direct signal back through the KPA or a tube amp for final mix down.

    this allows the mixer/engineer the flexibility to change a guitar part from one sound to another if they find the original tone doesn't work in the song after adding in other instruments.

    so think of it as a clean direct guitar sound, almost like midi data for a keyboard player, that you then send into a sound generating box like an amp or KPA.

    hope that helps.
