• Nice that there's so much support for the sub menu feature request. However the many +1 don't impress anyone of the KPA officials. The more likes there are, the easier it can be seen how much support there is. So ... like the request, if you want to support it.

  • what if once you start browing, the page buttons jumped between effect types - or just switched which soft buttons relate to which effect types as in the above idea?

    [Blocked Image: http://s21.postimg.org/nb4tx7gfr/stomps.jpg]

    Well I don't have Kemper here and I am not sure what (or how many) "types" of stomp boxes are here.

    But taking my solution in consideration we would have:

    1st soft button would always take us to first DISTORTION on the list and would be lit in red (possible?) and would have DIST label underneath
    2nd soft button would always take us to first EQ type stomp on the list and would be lit in green (possible?) and would have EQ label underneath
    3rd soft button would always take us to first CHORUS type stomp on the list and would be lit in purple (possible?) and would have CHOR label underneath
    4rd soft button would always take us to first PHASER type stomp on the list and would be lit in blue (possible?) and would have PHA label underneath

    So if user invokes "Select stomp boxes" windows by turning TYPE and presses 3rd button he would be transferred to first chorus on the list.
    From there (1st CHORUS) if user presses 1st button he is transferred to first DISTORTION stomp - which in this scenario is after last let's say WAH types stomps.
    To go back to "Wah Wah" user would have to scroll left with BROWSE knob.

    The requirement here is to divide all stomps available into 5 categories (if not done yet). DIST EQ CHOR PHA - just examples.
    Button number X moves user to first stomp X+1 category where X>0 and X<5 meaning X{1,2,3,4) :D maths :D
    I can't remember where the cursor is put when the stomps window is invoked? On first stomp?


    i think keeping it simple is the best idea:

    -select stomp slot
    -use Type knob to scroll the Dist, Mod, Pitch etc

    This is also interesting.

    Invoking stomps windows by turning TYPE knob and then browsing the categories DIST EQ CHOR PHA.
    While user turns TYPE knob he invokes "Select stomp box" window. First Wah (or just first stomp in first category) is selected. And the name of category could be presented - like name WAH over "Select stomp box" label.
    When user turns TYPE knob right he goes to first stomp of another category, let's say DIST.

    But now I noticed that latter option is not eliminating "jumping" through the distortion. In my solution you could jump over distorions by pressing 2nd EQ button. In your solution to jump to the choruses you would have to visit first distortion :)

    mine seems quicker, just 1 button press +100000000 for this :D

  • Love it, Skoczy.

    The page buttons can be used to, well, switch pages, so it wouldn't matter how many categories there are - they'd just spread themselves across pages, 4 at a time.

    I seriously love it; it's actually how I expected it to work anyway. No point in wasting soft buttons; they're there for exactly this sort of thing - to minimise steps.

  • Love it, Skoczy.

    The page buttons can be used to, well, switch pages, so it wouldn't matter how many categories there are - they'd just spread themselves across pages, 4 at a time.

    I seriously love it; it's actually how I expected it to work anyway. No point in wasting soft buttons; they're there for exactly this sort of thing - to minimise steps.

    Monkey_Man bro to be 100% sure :)

    I meant the soft buttons not to jump across pages what you named... You mean page like constant number of columns? Here page 1 contains coulombs 1 2 3.

    [Blocked Image: http://s7.postimg.org/ues76r2bf/kemper_pages.png]

    For this case assume that "Bit shaper" is first stomp of distortion type.

    What I meant was that soft buttons don't switch through "pages" but through categories. Tell you why... Because if you choose your approach then in the situation above when pressing soft button 1, which would move you to page 2 and jumped to "Hard Shaper" (I'm guessing 'cause don't have KPA now) omitting "Bit Shaper" which for this case assume that is distortion stomp.

    My proposal is to use soft buttons to jump through the categories of stomps, where pressing category button selects the first stomp in its category - here pressing dist would jump to "Bit shaper" - what we assumed to be 1st of distortion stomps.

    What is limitation of soft buttons? We would have to divide existing stomps into 5 categories.

    1) Turning "TYPE" knob would select 1st stomp of 1st category (this category would be not available for soft buttons) if current slot is not activated.
    ALL soft button are off
    2) Pressing 1st soft button jumps to 1st stomp of 2nd category - in this case to "Bit shaper".
    DIST soft button lights up.
    3) Pressing 2st soft button jumps to 1st stomp of 3rd category - in this case to first EQ.
    DIST soft button lights off. EQ soft button lights up.
    4) Pressing 3st soft button jumps to 1st stomp of 4rth category - in this case to first CHOR.
    EQ soft button lights off. CHOR soft button lights up.

    and so on...

    When user uses BROWSE knob then, related soft button would be lit up depending in what type of stomp is currently selected.
    When user uses BROWSE knob and goes to 1st category ALL soft buttons are off - yes that's the case if you have more categories that soft buttons.

    The crucial question is: is the area on display, where I put DIST EQ CHOR PHA able to display characters?

  • You got me wrong, bro'.

    I meant page buttons (to right of screen) to page to next 4 categories as only 4 can be displayed under the soft buttons for selection.

    Ok I've got your point now - which buttons you meant.

    But what is crucial in my opinion is the definition of "page" which are you referring. And I think I also got your understanding.

    < PAGE > buttons are not to jump over 3 columns at once.

    < PAGE > buttons are to jump between the categories of effects.

    And pressing right or left < PAGE > button should always set a cursor on first effect in its category.

    And more... When the first effect of last category is reached, pressing RIGHT page button should loop to the first effect in first category. What about that?

  • Yeah, but... I haven't given the preset lists any thought, mate.

    As you correctly understand, I was only offering a way to be able to "scroll" through the category "headings" at the top of the page. I don't know how many there are, but I know there are more than 4, which is why I suggested it.

    As for how this scrolling might affect cursor position in the preset lists, I think it shouldn't do so; after all I'm suggesting the page buttons should only scroll the headings (categories) at the top of the page. Only those four words need change; this would minimise confusion until a new category is selected. There could be an option to update the preset lists in line with category selection, or just to "freeze" the current position whilst a new category is being selected. I say this 'cause sometimes you want to see some preset names when you browse categories, and other times you don't... I think.

    So, the arrow up / down / left / right buttons below the page buttons could be used to quick-navigate the preset lists, as they are for Rigs, and the Page L<->R buttons could be used to move to the next / previous 4 categories as named under the soft buttons.

  • Yeah, but... I haven't given the preset lists any thought, mate.

    As you correctly understand, I was only offering a way to be able to "scroll" through the category "headings" at the top of the page. I don't know how many there are, but I know there are more than 4, which is why I suggested it.

    Categories taken from "Deeper View and Reference Manual 3.2"

    [Blocked Image: http://s1.postimg.org/x3e97lckv/stomps.jpg]

    As for how this scrolling might affect cursor position in the preset lists, I think it shouldn't do so; after all I'm suggesting the page buttons should only scroll the headings (categories) at the top of the page. Only those four words need change; this would minimise confusion until a new category is selected. There could be an option to update the preset lists in line with category selection, or just to "freeze" the current position whilst a new category is being selected. I say this 'cause sometimes you want to see some preset names when you browse categories, and other times you don't... I think.

    Now not sure if there "four words" DIST EQ CHO PHA, can be displayed above the text "Select a stomp box" - completely don't understand the second part with updating preset lists :D

    So, the arrow up / down / left / right buttons below the page buttons could be used to quick-navigate the preset lists, as they are for Rigs, and the Page L<->R buttons could be used to move to the next / previous 4 categories as named under the soft buttons.

    Still not sure if the names DIST EQ CHO PHA can be displayed there as I proposed.

    But still arrow up / down / left / right buttons you want to navigate through all categories or all pages? (can't check now how arrow up / down / left / right buttons work on RIGS now...)

  • OK, so there are 9 categories. This would take 3 pages to display, 4 per page, navigable via the "Page L<->R" buttons.

    The categories you gave an example of (DIST EQ CHO PHA) could be displayed below the four soft buttons. You say you're not sure if they can be displayed there, but I don't see why not. They won't be able to be coloured the way you originally proposed, 'though.

    The arrow up / down / left / right buttons would be used for both categories as well as presets. Firstly for stomp / effect selection (or via the category knob on the left), and then once an effect is selected, for choosing a preset (or via the preset knob on the right).

    The columns will obviously update from showing FX to displaying presets once a stomp / effect is chosen.

    I can't make it any clearer than that, mate, so I sure hope you understand what I mean. ;)

  • My advice isnt to get super specific. Kemper isnt necessarily going to allow one person external to the company write the requirements. They do listen though and demonstrating the value and possible implementations is good. I do appreciate the work on this.

  • My advice isnt to get super specific. Kemper isnt necessarily going to allow one person external to the company write the requirements. They do listen though and demonstrating the value and possible implementations is good. I do appreciate the work on this.

    Yes these are specific precise requirements, but they are user friendly and based o UX (User eXperience)

    By the way Monkey_MAN if you look closely on the Kemper LCD screen, no text can be displayed outside of this blue rectangle (it has darker background), and I put the DIST EQ CHOR PHA labels there - wish Kemper could confirm my doubts.

    [Blocked Image: http://s28.postimg.org/pvsjl31ql/ass.png]

    Edited once, last by skoczy (November 6, 2015 at 9:47 PM).

  • Crumpets! Now I see what you were talking about, Skoczy.

    No biggie, mate. The idea is still valid IMHO; the category abbreviations could simply be displayed lower, at the very top of the usable screen area. To counteract the "loss" of screen real estate, a slightly-smaller font could be used for the lists.

    Oh, and I edited my last post - I used the term "category" several times when I meant to say "stomp / effect". Please re-read it now if you don't mind too much; it'll make more sense IMHO.

  • Crumpets! Now I see what you were talking about, Skoczy.

    No biggie, mate. The idea is still valid IMHO; the category abbreviations could simply be displayed lower, at the very top of the usable screen area. To counteract the "loss" of screen real estate, a slightly-smaller font could be used for the lists.

    Oh, and I edited my last post - I used the term "category" several times when I meant to say "stomp / effect". Please re-read it now if you don't mind too much; it'll make more sense IMHO.

    Now you see MMan what is the problem with screen. However I doubt smaller font could be used for just this particular window, because I believe this is like generic window and generic font size....

    And regarding this:

    The arrow up / down / left / right buttons would be used for both categories as well as presets. Firstly for stomp / effect selection (or via the category knob on the left), and then once an effect is selected, for choosing a preset (or via the preset knob on the right).

    Well to be 100% precise. You are referring to up / down/ left / right but earlier i mentioned to use < PAGE > buttons. And I haven't had presents in mind, just effect/stomps.

    So UPDATE from me:

    And the RIG buttons [Blocked Image: http://s8.postimg.org/4waoyonup/aaa.png]

    Would be used:

    If user clicks on A, B, C, D STOMP and user turns the TYPE KNOB:

    1) LEFT RIG button to go to the previous effect/stomp category
    2) RIGHT RIG button to go to the next effect/stomp category
    3) UP RIG button to go to the previous effect/stomp
    4) DOWN RIG button to go to the next effect/stomp

    And I still mean only stomps/effects not presets, I haven't been thinking about presets in my posts.

    BUT this kind of navigation could be also applied to presets.


    If user clicks on A, B, C, D STOMP and user turns the BROWSE KNOB:

    1) LEFT RIG button to go to the previous effect/stomp category of presets
    2) RIGHT RIG button to go to the next effect/stomp category of presets
    3) UP RIG button to go to the previous effect/stomp preset
    4) DOWN RIG button to go to the next effect/stomp preset

    In both cases DIST EQ CHO PHA soft buttons would be used to jump to first effect in relevant category or jump to first effects preset in relevant category respectively.

    How about this?

    Oh I think you just wrote that :D

    The arrow up / down / left / right buttons would be used for both categories as well as presets

  • ... except that there's only one brain involved and it's not mine. LOL

    To reiterate, I figured the Page L<->R buttons could be used to select the 3 pages (for the 9 categories, 4 per page with room obviously for additions in future), and then the soft buttons to select the category from any of the 4 headings under them. No fancy combination / hold-this-whilst-turning-that stuff necessary.

    Once a category has been selected, the stomps on offer would populate the columns. The categories would still appear under the soft buttons so one could change categories at any time, and the page buttons would still switch the types on offer 4 at a time to facilitate this, with the preset lists in the columns remaining intact. This way the page buttons' function is always to help select categories quickly, because the up / down / left / right (rig) buttons' functions would be to navigate the effect types within a chosen category, and then once one is selected, to peruse the presets on offer.

    To sum up:
    Effect types and subsequent presets would always appear in the columns, whilst categories would always reside under the soft buttons.
    The Page buttons would always call up groups of 4 categories for easy soft-button selection.