Can the L/R analog outputs be separately assigned per rig?

  • Hello.
    I would love to use my Kemper in a live situation for two different purposes; my electric and my acoustic. I have profiles that I use for both.

    However, most FOH guys would prefer to utilize two different channels on the board for each instrument.

    Is it possible to assign, for example, the left analog output for my electric guitar profile/ rigs and then the right analog output for my acoustic profiles so that when switching the opposite output is muted?

    Vice versa, if that isn't inherently possible, is it possible to instead, somehow balance the output volume in stereo mode so that once again, in an electric profile, the left output is up while the right output is all the way down?


  • No, you can't do the above, but you could use a "One In, Two Out" A/B pedal to send to two different lines of the PA.

    Correction: Look at the PANORAMA parameter -

    This parameter allows to move the signal within the stereo base. The “Panorama” parameter affects HEADPHONE OUTPUT plus all "Master…" Output Sources of MAIN OUT as well as S/PDIF OUT.