NEW STEREO Camplifier add on amplifier module for your KPA Toaster !

  • I have the Camplifier 290 on my Kemper toaster. I run a Pro Tone Deadhorse deluxe on the front end of the Kemper . The Camplifier 290 runs to a Randall RV412 loaded with X pattern of Celestion GT-75 and V30s. It sounds completely undeniably Awesome!!!!. Metal is the word for this application and it has plenty of juice. I run it monitor out of the Kemper and the cab is 16 ohm so I believe I get 90 watt mono. It is plenty . Although I do not play gigs, I could easily. With all that being said, I do have a question that may have been answered somewhere on the forum.

    Am I correct in saying that I can run monitor out (Camplifier to Cab) with Monitor cab off and then run the mains to foh , powered monitors or pas, etc? Simutaneously
    with the full cab emulation studio sound out of the mains and then the monitor out everything but the cab?

    Furthermore, the merged profiles.... Do you have to use a merged profile in order to do what I previously described above? Or how is that different? What type of loadbox would work for taking a direct profile?
    I have a Torpedo Live. Could I run my Randall satan head to that and use the thru put on the Torpedo live to return to kemper?

    Thank you for your time.

  • Am I correct in saying that I can run monitor out (Camplifier to Cab) with Monitor cab off and then run the mains to foh , powered monitors or pas, etc? Simutaneously
    with the full cab emulation studio sound out of the mains and then the monitor out everything but the cab?


    Furthermore, the merged profiles.... Do you have to use a merged profile in order to do what I previously described above? Or how is that different? What type of loadbox would work for taking a direct profile?
    I have a Torpedo Live. Could I run my Randall satan head to that and use the thru put on the Torpedo live to return to kemper?

    The difference is that Direct amp profiles do separate the amp and cab portions of a profile accurately
    while a 'normal' Studio Profile does an estimation. You can read up on this in
    the manual addendum for FW 3.0.

  • If I remember correctly, I thought that with cab off in the master section for the monitor out but leaving CAB on in the stack section did cause some differences in sound coming from cabinet. Like a oversaturated sound. One of two things I would assume and need to confirm today.

    1. It was not a merged profile

    2. The master section Monitor cab off is not completely isolating the stack Cab section for a merged profile

    I will try this again today and confirm it was indeed a merged profile. Unless I missed something, please advise if so. I would think you need the stack section Cab on for mains and then check the master section Monitor cab off for camplifier monitor out to cab. Thanks again for your time.

  • Okay I tried some of the merged profiles and normal studio profiles.
    1. If cabinet is on in the stack but the monitor cab is off in the master section, there is a bit of difference when the cabinet in stack section is on vs off when playing thru a real cab via camplifier 290. More importantly, note that the cabinet section if left on and the user plays monitor out to a cab and main out to FOH, the changes made in cabinet section translate thru the monitor output into camplifier into real cab. Maybe I missed some setting. I thought that if using a merged profile, that the stack cabinet section would be isolated to the main outs for FOH with all cabinet adjustments on the kemper only applying to the main outs. The monitor out then just sending direct profile with no association to the cabinet section of the stack on kemper. Provided the Monitor Cab Off is checked in master section. So as of now I have to keep the cabinet section off and monitor cab off in master which means no running FOH or reference speakers on the mains at the same time as real cab via monitor out. Thank you for your time.

  • I just got my Camplifier S2. Although it has limited Watts, I wasn't concerned because I've been using a Mesa 20/20P for years and it is plenty loud. The Camplifier S2 is no different. It was a simple and perfect installation. I called up the GT 12 Merged Profile from the factory rigs and turned OFF the cabinet and had a beautiful perfect clean sound just like I had the amp running in stereo through my EVM 12 guitar speakers. If anyone is on the fence about this product, I give it a full thumbs up, wonderful product. I now have a lightweight amp head (or actually hundreds of them) and all I need to do is carry along one or two speaker cabinets. I will use this mainly for small jazz gigs and jam sessions and it is a better solution than anything I've ever used in my life.

    Thanks to Ritter Amplification (and of course Kemper Amps)


  • Okay I tried some of the merged profiles and normal studio profiles.
    1. If cabinet is on in the stack but the monitor cab is off in the master section, there is a bit of difference when the cabinet in stack section is on vs off when playing thru a real cab via camplifier 290. More importantly, note that the cabinet section if left on and the user plays monitor out to a cab and main out to FOH, the changes made in cabinet section translate thru the monitor output into camplifier into real cab. Maybe I missed some setting. I thought that if using a merged profile, that the stack cabinet section would be isolated to the main outs for FOH with all cabinet adjustments on the kemper only applying to the main outs. The monitor out then just sending direct profile with no association to the cabinet section of the stack on kemper. Provided the Monitor Cab Off is checked in master section. So as of now I have to keep the cabinet section off and monitor cab off in master which means no running FOH or reference speakers on the mains at the same time as real cab via monitor out. Thank you for your time.

    I've had the same experience on 3.0, but I haven't tried it with the latest firmware. It's definitely a bug, though

  • I just got my Camplifier S2. Although it has limited Watts, I wasn't concerned because I've been using a Mesa 20/20P for years and it is plenty loud. The Camplifier S2 is no different. It was a simple and perfect installation. I called up the GT 12 Merged Profile from the factory rigs and turned OFF the cabinet and had a beautiful perfect clean sound just like I had the amp running in stereo through my EVM 12 guitar speakers. If anyone is on the fence about this product, I give it a full thumbs up, wonderful product. I now have a lightweight amp head (or actually hundreds of them) and all I need to do is carry along one or two speaker cabinets. I will use this mainly for small jazz gigs and jam sessions and it is a better solution than anything I've ever used in my life.

    Thanks to Ritter Amplification (and of course Kemper Amps)


    Thank you, Dave, for your kind review of your Camplifier S2 !!
    I am glad you like our product.

    BTW :

    Here is a short video from Mr. Bond in which he explains a "hidden" feature of the unit (at least one that is not obvious if you look on the faceplate).

    The feature is this :

    If you connect the upper signal input only, you will get an amplified copy of that signal on both speaker outs.
    This way you can connect two cabinets and have them run at up to 50W (2x25W) in mono.


  • Ok is looks sweet. Is there any issue buying the larger size amp 290 or 360 but using it for home at low volumes? I would like the flexibility to go loud in the future.

  • Okay I tried some of the merged profiles and normal studio profiles.
    1. If cabinet is on in the stack but the monitor cab is off in the master section, there is a bit of difference when the cabinet in stack section is on vs off when playing thru a real cab via camplifier 290. More importantly, note that the cabinet section if left on and the user plays monitor out to a cab and main out to FOH, the changes made in cabinet section translate thru the monitor output into camplifier into real cab. Maybe I missed some setting. I thought that if using a merged profile, that the stack cabinet section would be isolated to the main outs for FOH with all cabinet adjustments on the kemper only applying to the main outs. The monitor out then just sending direct profile with no association to the cabinet section of the stack on kemper. Provided the Monitor Cab Off is checked in master section. So as of now I have to keep the cabinet section off and monitor cab off in master which means no running FOH or reference speakers on the mains at the same time as real cab via monitor out. Thank you for your time.

    Wondering if there is a time frame when this might be fixed?