Axe-fx Artist Presets

  • Hey guys

    I've been thinking for some time about doing a commercial pack on some of the axe-fx artist presets (free and commercial)

    I've done a ton in the past for free on the exchange and privately but I have run into some issues

    1. Time ...... Finding out which FW the patch originally was on so I get the closest sound as intended of the bummers of that unit is a patch is as only good as the FW it was made on ...the next update can change the sound completely
    So if I can't find out I'll manually change FW's it until it registers

    2.Risk.......I did a profile privately for free for someone and had a power issue at the time of updating the FW and almost bricked the unit ....not worth a $2000+ unit for free!

    3.One idiot that continually rates every profile I do a 1 star automatically as soon as it hits the exchange (this even included profiles which became very well rated in profile form and the preset it came from was very popular.....go figure...) So I decided to pull them all off until I decide what I want to do

    4. I buy a LOT of profiles from the Sinmix/Wagner/MBritt/AF/Armin packs to the cheaper ones.......and lets say some (more the low end) I felt burned by and maybe one of the more pricey ones if someone can charge $20 for that I don't think making a commercial pack is asking for too much...especially when some of these are the most popular patches

    There are already existing commercial axe-fx profile packs as well

    5. New profiling changes With the new FW it allows DI profiles....this opens up to do some profiles which couldn't have been done as accurately in the past or at all, plus since my original batch there has been an update which improved the low end profiling

    The only issue I have is ethical one where I would charging money for free presets (although some would be commercial)

    So my idea was to release a very small number of Amp DI's initially and these Artist ones as a *bonus* to existing DI profiles

    The money on these will also fund renting of amps which I can include as well, and future commercial presets (most likely all would be just a free update)
    Let me know your thoughts if this is something that any of you would be interested in

  • FYI just some of the possible profiles would be

    Original Periphery ones done with improved profiling
    Animals as Leaders
    Jason Richardson commercial
    Born of Osiris commercial
    Pete Thorn
    New free and commercial Periphery ones
    *edit* Brit Floyd presets

    Price around $20-30

    Edited once, last by caveman1 (March 29, 2016 at 12:29 AM).

  • This is a great idea in concept but in reality it's almost too tall an order. I've heard numerous profiles from the ULTRA and FXII and at the end of the day they aren't the same because the effects between the units differ and most FX presets are effects laden.

    The Kemper does a great job of getting the underlying amp, but then the profiler has to come behind and tweak to sounds as similar to the original using KPA effects and that is close but not always on the money.

    That doesn't mean however you can't get great profiles. There are a few that are really good. But since there are so many direct profiles of amps that are great or much better to me it's senseless to do this anymore except for fun.

  • This is a great idea in concept but in reality it's almost too tall an order. I've heard numerous profiles from the ULTRA and FXII and at the end of the day they aren't the same because the effects between the units differ and most FX presets are effects laden.

    The Kemper does a great job of getting the underlying amp, but then the profiler has to come behind and tweak to sounds as similar to the original using KPA effects and that is close but not always on the money.

    That doesn't mean however you can't get great profiles. There are a few that are really good. But since there are so many direct profiles of amps that are great or much better to me it's senseless to do this anymore except for fun.

    Actually I totally disagree on this
    The profiles I did not only did I check via ozone for the EQ curve, I would take the time to make sure the reverbs and delays (also gate) was as close as possible (rough settings but also using the ears ;)

    I even made a mention somewhere if the profile had an effect that could not be duplicated (ie crystals) I stayed away from it

    And when you are talking about presets which have had thousands of downloads and amongst the most popular in that world I think its worthwhile (considering some that have been profiled were some of the most rated ones on the exchange as well ;)

  • I am very very very interested in all of these tones. Please let me know if this profile set becomes available.

  • YOINK!, need more info? :rolleyes::thumbup:

    I got a 9 string so i need the Tosin and Periphery..1's but will check all of it out at that price how can you go wrong dood?
    enough already where are they? 8o:D


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • I seem to remember someone promised Periphery Rigs and had to withdraw the commitment due to copyright issues, Ash. You'd thing the same might apply to Tosin ones, assuming they're sold commercially.

    Either way, I've been keen for a long time to get my mitts on a crapload of just straight-up amp profiles. Combinations of amps and cabs, with nothing fancy going on, so I'll join you in saying:

    Bring on some Rigs already Caveman! Please!

    Note: He's a generous fellow in my experience, and if he can, I believe he will do it.

  • Good Idea Nicky as usual, it will be funny if the Kemper tweaking does a better job of them , my money is on the Kemper.
    OFF Topic - Hey Nicky, send me a PM of your health issues when you can please, i work with natural alternatives,
    may be able to help my friend, FREE.


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Glad you agree, Ash. Just the straight-up amp / cab combinations are all we need, really; "blank" slates for our tasty consumption and tweakage...

    Thank you for your offer, mate. I figured as much based on a post you made the other day. I'm betting we'll be able to help each other as I've been healing animals and peeps since I was a kid - unfortunately my personal challenges are outside the normal range of toxicity, qualitatively speaking, demanding big time and financial input; this is where I can only hope you'll have some ideas...

    For some reason I've always assumed you're in Aus. If you are, we'll be able to chat "live". Woohoo!

    PM will have to wait 'till tonight (Saturday in Aus), mate; it's 5:17AM and still stuff to do... like go to bed. LOL

    Thank you again, Ash!

  • Seriously I think that a LOT of us need those kind of tones!

  • I might be doing some amp profiles soon so might look at doing the pack then.
    What I'm thinking is the pack will have free updates from time to time with new amps and the axe-fx profiles will be a bonus (with new bonuses whenever I do more axe-fx profiles)
    Possibly people could request profiles as well which would be added in (depending on if requiring 3rd party IR's etc)