Expression Pedal Linking to any Parameter

  • Just entered the Kemper Profiling amp world and the first thing I want to say is this is the best piece of hardware I have purchased in 20 years. I am very happy with what this thing can do and I am sure I will continue to be satisfied, but I wanted to chime in on the subject of Expression pedal control. I am surprised that with all that this thing can do and contains that it does not have the ability to link effect parameters to a expression pedal. The guitar pre-amp that I am coming from has got me used to linking things like delay feedback, delay time, wet and dry settings, reverb settings, modulation settings, distortion gain and numerous other combinations. The processor i was using had it set up pretty easy. When you are adjusting a setting no matter what it was you would just hit the link button and then touch what ever control switch or pedal to control it. Then at that point you could set toe (low to high settings or high to low) and heal limits for that setting. You could do this for multiple effect settings linked to one pedal. so you potentially could, if you wanted, increase distortion gain, increase delay time,reduce volume, increase reverb mix, adjust EQ levels..... all in one move of the pedal. The combinations are endless. I guess I thought this was old technology to not be in the KPA , considering all that it can do already. Maybe there is some good reason why its not available in the KPA?? I don't know, but if it is possible I would like to see it in My KPA. :thumbup:
    Long Live ROCK -N- ROLL,

  • Welcome @grateful!
    You got some valid points here.
    The multiple parameters with one sweep of a pedal thing that you mention is an awesome feature that even my old Line 6 DL4 had.
    I discussed this with CK at the Musikmesse 2 years ago and he was all for it.
    Also I agree that Kemper has to expand on pedal parameter assignability by a large scale.
    And it's time to do it now.
    There's no need to do it all in a Kemper way (which means exclusive way) every time.
    Why not give demanding users the option to assign their trusty CC's to a pedal as well?

  • I'm glad to here that word is getting into the right ear. I agree that it should be done with Midi in mind and there should be no parameter left out. Especially that awesome gain knob on the front panel. I guess one of the greatest perks about the KPA is that something like this could be offered in a software upgrade. So Cool.

  • This is a definite handicap with the Kemper compared to my Axe/fx rig. Not being able to control the mix level of things like delay with an expression pedal is really getting on my nerves. Controling the wet level is with an expression pedal is a VERY common use for expression pedals. I was surprised when setting up my rigs for live use to find out that this was not an option.

  • This is a definite handicap with the Kemper compared to my Axe/fx rig. Not being able to control the mix level of things like delay with an expression pedal is really getting on my nerves. Controling the wet level is with an expression pedal is a VERY common use for expression pedals. I was surprised when setting up my rigs for live use to find out that this was not an option.

    That´s not right - with Midicontrollers like the FCB 1010 this works like a charme. You can set any parameter to the expression pedals - just take a look to the midi cc# list!

    Play it like you mean it.

  • That´s not right - with Midicontrollers like the FCB 1010 this works like a charme. You can set any parameter to the expression pedals - just take a look to the midi cc# list!

    Please explain how to have an expression pedal, hooked up to the kemper remote controller, control the mix of delay and reverb.

  • Please explain how to have an expression pedal, hooked up to the kemper remote controller, control the mix of delay and reverb.

    With the Kemper Remote this is unfortunately not yet doable ATM, only with generic midi controllers.

  • +1 for this.

    I've also got a Pigtronix Dual Expression pedal which has two separate outs. I'm not sure if there is already a way to do it, but I would love to have it running to two separate pedal slots on my remote where one is a volume and the other is my wah/expression parameters for a particular rig where I can eliminate its function as a volume control just on that one rig and use its secondary function from the second out on my pedal. Would eliminate the need for so many expression pedals.

    I've had a longer relationship with my Kemper than anyone I've ever dated. I'm not mad about it.

  • +1 for this.

    I've also got a Pigtronix Dual Expression pedal which has two separate outs. I'm not sure if there is already a way to do it, but I would love to have it running to two separate pedal slots on my remote where one is a volume and the other…

    I am pretty sure you can do what you are saying already. I think the only things you can use the expression pedal for is Volume, Wah, Modulation, and Pitch and you should be able to connect your multi out pedal to the multiple expression pedal inputs and use them simultaneously if desired. There is also a setting inside the system menu that enables the pedal to be assigned to volume when not in a rig that has a wah for it to be assigned to. It automatically switches.

  • This we have sued me for months when I got my remote and sold my FCB1010 (with yes it can be done). All damn days look to see if they have already taken the happy renovation, today is all I ask and all I think it lacks. To Zoom G3 allows this. X(

  • +1 the lack of midi cc mapping is baffling. I used to use an old GX700 for delays reverbs etc and on each patch you could map any parameter to any control change so in one patch/rig a switch/expression could control one thing and in another patch/rig something else.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.