How to get the looper working with any Midi Device

  • Another solution is to put in the original chip of the FCB1010. With that you can programm what you want
    with the editor. Using the looper is not so comfortable but for me it is working good enough. I have one original chip over
    and you can have it if you want.

  • Pretty straightforward Timo - of course I can understand your position, but I´ve just bought the gear and are going to stick with the current setup for a longer period.

    During last year I have gone through several thousands of pages (including midi and nrpn) and a lot of videos as well before I stuck to Kemper in favour of AxeFX.
    There have appared some unpleasant facts after unboxing already - it´s not working as a sound interface when connecting to PC, the power amp is mono and rig manager does´nt allow to modify (copy, paste) easily the effects/settings.

    That´s why there is a point for me to have at least the looper functioning properly and my question about Uno4Kemper chip looper programming is still on.


    I can't help you with the looper functionality and the FCB because I went Remote when it was available. But there's a dedicated thread for this and there are people that have the looper working fine with an FCB.
    Concerning 'unpleasant facts': It seems that you didn't do proper reading beore buying (no offense please) because it has always been clear that Kemper is absolutely not interested in audio interface functionality. also it's no secret that the Kemper's poweramp is mono.

  • Thanks, I know that.
    I was just wondering if anybody has tried Uno4Kemper chip out.

    This won't work with an uno 4 kemper or eureka prom. There are some clever people here who have figured out how to get the looper working with regular midi although any device can be a bit misleading. It requires sending four cc messages at once for each action. Really the kemper uses nprn midi and this method isn't supported. This is why Timo suggested the remote.

  • Thanks to all for the quick answers! The community works well - no need to try everything out by yourself :thumbup:.
    Most probably I´ll try once with the original chip (just for fun) and shall continue to use Uno4Kemper features. Btw the Kemper sounds are really great!

  • I've been using the FCB1010/Uno4Kemper since I bought a Kemper, and from what I've read it has no capability to control the looper functions of the Kemper through NRPN midi messages.

    In order to use the looper, I put together a homemade 8 button footswitch using an Arduino Uno. It is placed in series with the midi out of the FCB1010/Uno4Kemper, and it merges the looper commands with the FCB1010/Uno4Kemper commands. It works very well. Unfortunately I'm not aware of any commercial device that will do such a thing.

  • Thank you so much. I thought it could be used as a complete midi-board, but it is only for the looper, right?
    I never did anything with controllers. Would it be difficult to expand the possibilities and add normal
    midi commands?

  • Thank you so much. I thought it could be used as a complete midi-board, but it is only for the looper, right?
    I never did anything with controllers. Would it be difficult to expand the possibilities and add normal
    midi commands?

    I also made a MIDI controller with 6 footswitches. It was originally meant to be a loop switcher for 8 effects. Now I don't need a loop switcher anymore, so I made it into a controller for the Kemper. It has two bank switches to change performances and four buttons for accessing slots (with a way to access the fifth slot as well). It also has a looper mode, you can go to by pressing both bank buttons simultaneously. Wiring and code is pretty complicated though, because I needed to use shift registers (a chip to control LEDs) as the amount of pins on the Arduino is not sufficient to control this many switches and LEDs.

    However, you can neglect the 8 LEDs on top and the two small switches on the bottom left corner. You would need Arduino pins for the slot indicator LEDs (4), stomp switches (6), 7-segment display (7, neglecting the dot) and MIDI communication (1): 18 pins in total, which is possible to do without shift registers. I'm willing to help you out, but it might be quite a tough project to start out with if you have no experience with controllers at all.

    [Blocked Image:]

  • <a href="">@DaanJM</a>,
    thank you so much. But i think you are right. It is too complicated for a beginner.
    But if you have those things (only for controlling) to download (please don't do much effort)
    i would give it a try.

    I put the code in the same Dropbox folder. I doubt if it's going to be of any help, as the wiring can not easily be derived from just the code.…6NrTDZ8dua?dl=0

  • Please note that the controller numbers might change in future versions due technical reasons.

    That sounds an aweful lot like "the controller numbers are changing in a future version" ;) The heads up is certainly appreciated!

    P.S. I apologize in advance for people complaining about Kemper changing the controller numbers of an undocumented feature.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for excellent midi chart. I tried it with my Boss ES-8 looper and it works perfectly.

    One thing though;

    Even though Boss ES-8 can send 16 midi CC# commands in one batch, I'm not able to get around of sending both V1 and V0.
    It just doesn't work if I send them both in one patch. The only way to make it work is make two patches for each command; one patch is with V1 and another patch is with V0.

    Is there any way around it?

    For example I've programmed stop button V1 to patch 3 and stop button V0 to patch 4. To be able to clear the looped song, I need to press 3+4+3+4+3+4 (equivalent for pressing 3 times stop in Kemper Remote).

    Any ideas?

    Kirkkonummi, Finland

  • Hi,

    Thanks for excellent midi chart. I tried it with my Boss ES-8 looper and it works perfectly.

    One thing though;

    Even though Boss ES-8 can send 16 midi CC# commands in one batch, I'm not able to get around of sending both V1 and V0.
    It just doesn't…

    I think the problem might be that it sends the button press and release commands right after eachother, like you would have pressed and released the button within one millisecond or so. Maybe the Kemper expects a little delay between both commands.

  • Hmm... That would work but I'm afraid Boss ES-8 doesn't support delays between midi commands. That would solve the problem, indeed.

    The only solution I can find is that there would be alternative midi PC or CC -commands that would replace V0 or V1.

  • Hey DaanJM.
    I have just ordered a couple of Arduino Pro Mini boards and a FTDI interface (for programming)
    I hope you could help me out if I run into problems..:0)
    BTW is there anyway you would share the schematics and sketches for the combined program controller / looper controller you mentioned earlier.
    I will start off building the simple looper controller, but I could be tempted to go for the combined one as well..

    Best regards