• Hi all,

    This is my first attempt at creating a Kemper profile, so any feedback and advice is welcome.

    The amp being profiled is a Richards Blue Mood, a unique custom amp designed and built by my mate Ivan Richards on the central coast just north of Sydney. My Blue Mood is 18W and has an effects loop and a master volume. It has a pair of TAD 6V6GT power tubes and a couple of Mullard Reissue ECC83s in the preamp stage. The amp has a Mercury Brownface output transformer and filter choke. The amp is set to Vintage mode (cathode bias) and the master volume is disabled. Hard to describe how it sounds, I tend to imagine it as a BrownFace Deluxe with a Bluesbreaker preamp :)

    Guitar used was a partscaster Strat with Kinman noiseless pickups.

    My setup is running from the head into a Torpedo Relead and from the Reload into a 1 X 12 with a Celestion v30. The Reload DI feeds into a mixer and out one channel back to the Reload and another channel into a Radial JCR Reamper and finally into the Kemper. The Kemper drives a 1 X 12 with an Eminence EJ 1250. There might be easier ways to configure the Reload, but this way I can audition both the amp and the Kemper at reasonable volumes.

    I did not profile a cab, I have just used the Kemper Twin Clean cab disabled, but it does not sound that great through the monitors. I suggest trying your own cabs. I use the profiles with the cab disabled into the EJ 1250 and it sounds pretty good with that combination.

    Let me know what you think.
