Whose using 3.0 DI profiles???

  • Not talking about merged, just specifically the new DI profiles. I just bought an avatar 2x12 and ISP stealth and I'm thrilled at the idea of having virtual "reall" Amps to run through my 2x12 if I wanted. I see it as another option for kemper: you could even mic it live like a real amp. From the very little info I've found, it sounds like people are saying the DI profiles sound exactly like the amp being profiled on whatever cabinet they are running it through. So whose doing it? What are your opinions?

  • I did it for a few months and I really liked it, it sounded exactly like the real amp to me. I was using my own profiles so I did have the chance to compare the real amp in the same room to the KPA in the same room (with the same speaker cab) and I couldn't tell the difference.

    For me the advantages are:

    • You have a lot more versatility as far as effects and the ability to use different amp profiles.
    • It's easier to haul the KPA around than a head (at least for me).
    • It's not as noisy as a real amp.
    • You don't ware out your tubes.
    • If you use Merged profiles there is no need to mic the amp, simply send the full profile to the mains.

    For me the disadvantages are:

    • The tone controls on the KPA don't work like the tone controls on the amp, so the more you need to change the tone the more it will start to not sound exactly like the amp, same thing with the gain.
    • It doesn't look as cool as a real amp head
    • People are always asking what the heck is that thing with all the lights.

    This of course is just my opinion.

    BTW, they are calling them Direct Amp (DA) profiles. I guess people think of profiles of a preamp when you say DI profile ?(

  • Thanks Tim... Ahh, got it DA profiles. Thanks for the info. I like the idea of the merged profiles too, but so far the people's ears I trust are saying they aren't as good as the regular studio profiles: on which end ( direct to PA or KPA to power amp) the result isn't as good, I'm not exactly sure what the consensus is. this is why I was asking about DA profiles first, and then I figured people would chime in about merged profiles as well

  • I've read those comments about the Merged profiles but I haven't personally heard it. Has anyone ever posted a recording showing the difference? I did a test recording back when the test firmware was released and I didn't hear much difference. Perhaps something has changed since 3.x was released???

  • I guess now that you mention it, I haven't heard any audio profile on here: none that I've seen anyways. I definitely still like the idea of the merged profiles, but I have a feeling there will be some profiles I love through a cab but maybe not my particular taste with the signal going direct FOH: toojimi comes to mind: I have a feeling id love his profiles through a real cab, but his sounds are not my particular taste live. I guess time will tell what I like, a lot to explore here.

  • Thanks Tim... Ahh, got it DA profiles. Thanks for the info. I like the idea of the merged profiles too, but so far the people's ears I trust are saying they aren't as good as the regular studio profiles: on which end ( direct to PA or KPA to power amp) the result isn't as good, I'm not exactly sure what the consensus is. this is why I was asking about DA profiles first, and then I figured people would chime in about merged profiles as well

    Hi VESmedic,

    I am not sure if there might be some confusion with regards to "Direct Profiles" and "Merged Profiles". "Direct Profiles" I think is pretty self explanatory, and you already have the right idea on how to use them. However, what may not be understood, is that a proper "Merged Profile" contains a perfect and accurate copy of the "Direct Profile". It simply has been "Merged" with the "Studio Profile" of the exact same amp (this time with the Cab mic'd and the microphone XLR sent back to the Return Input on the KPA. You should read the Kemper Profiling Guide, available here: http://www.kemper-amps.com/page/render/la…_Downloads.html
    Just click on the "User Manuals" button, and look for "Profiling Guide 3.0" to download.

    So, just to be clear, if you grab one of the new Merged Profiles that are available as part of the latest Firmware (Factory Merged Profile Pack)...you can simply disable the "Cab", and you are left with a pure, accurate Direct Profile, which you can send to your traditional guitar cabinet. The purpose of the "Merged" Profile (as possible with the new 3.0 and higher Firmware), is that it allows people such as yourself, to take just the Direct amp profile (no cab), and send it to your traditional guitar cab, while the full Studio Profile (Amp + Cab) is sent to the Front-of-House, via the KPA's Main Outs. Best of both worlds.

    Also, the Kemper's CabDriver Algorithm does NOT come into play, because on a properly Merged Profile, the KPA is able to completely and authentically separate the Direct Profile from the Studio Profile (containing the Cabinet), without using an approximation algorithm (i.e., CabDriver).

    Hope this helps clear through the mud.


    Edited once, last by Tritium (May 1, 2015 at 4:30 PM).

  • Hey john, thanks for the info. I definitely understand the concept, but i voiced my concerns about "what I've heard " here on the forum, and merged profiles not maybe being as good. I personally don't know yet as i have not ran a cab yet ( still in the mail). I also worried about possibly loving the sound coming out of my cab, but maybe not the sound the FOH is getting. There is a few profiles I know where I'll run into that m. But again, this is just in theory, and I will see for sure once I get my cab here and see...

  • Hey john, thanks for the info. I definitely understand the concept, but i voiced my concerns about "what I've heard " here on the forum, and merged profiles not maybe being as good. I personally don't know yet as i have not ran a cab yet ( still in the mail). I also worried about possibly loving the sound coming out of my cab, but maybe not the sound the FOH is getting. There is a few profiles I know where I'll run into that m. But again, this is just in theory, and I will see for sure once I get my cab here and see...

    Okay, very cool, VESmedic. Thanks for the clarification. I just wanted to make sure that you understood the Direct vs Studio and the new Merged Profiling methods. There seems to be a lot of confusion on this matter. As far as the anecdotal accounts of the "Merged" profiles not being "as good" as the corresponding studio profiles...sure, it may be a real phenomena in some cases. However, I am gonna take a wild guess here, and predict that a lot of these anecdotal accounts are because the user did not have a good understanding of the concept, and misapplied the Merged profiles.

    This can happen in any number of ways...and to list just a few of the easy pitfalls:

    a) They are taking the cabinet from an already Merged profile, and Merging it a second time with a different Direct Amp profile. This will definitely mess up the tone.

    b) They are taking the cabinet from a regular Studio profile (not a true Merged profile), and Merging it with a Direct Amp profile. Again, this will not yield ideal results.

    c) Scenario "b" may be made even worse, if someone is grabbing a cabinet from an older studio profile (pre ver 2.8 Firmware) that is on the Rig Exchange.

    Come to think about it, the only way to ensure that you are going to get decent results, you need to be certain you are working with a Cab from a true, Merged Profile (such as the 49 Merged Profiles that come with the latest Firmware), by copying the Cab, and pasting it (NOT MERGING IT) with a true Direct profile that has been made, ideally with Firmware 3.0 or higher.

    I have a feeling that there is a lot of well meaning but unintentional misapplication/abuse going on (i.e. scenarios a, b & c), which is resulting in the perception that the Direct portion of "Merged" profiles are not sounding as good as the corresponding Studio Profile.

    Anyways, just a theory.


  • And if your are looking for some very good marhall di profiles for free, see choptones give away. I have registered on his website and downloaded the free Marshall pack with di and studio profiles. They sound very good.

  • And if your are looking for some very good marhall di profiles for free, see choptones give away. I have registered on his website and downloaded the free Marshall pack with di and studio profiles. They sound very good.

    Excellent advice, Eltzejupp. I have done the same, but I just haven't had time to audition them, yet. They are sitting in my computer. However, I am very much looking forward to taking them for a spin, this weekend.

  • I've found that many DA profiles exhibit a strange high end ringing or buzzing, almost as if there was something rattling or loose inside the KPA. This has been my experience since the experimental FW 2.8 and is still evident in many of the new factory profiles. I'm away from my KPA for a while so can't do any in-depth testing, but would appreciate any others' experiences. This is going into my Marshall 1936 2x12 and my Matrix NL12.

  • I've read those comments about the Merged profiles but I haven't personally heard it. Has anyone ever posted a recording showing the difference? I did a test recording back when the test firmware was released and I didn't hear much difference. Perhaps something has changed since 3.x was released???

    Hi Tim,

    Please see my post above, for my conjecture / hypothesis as to why some users are having issues when working with "Merged" profiles. I would be interested in your feedback, and whether you think the pitfalls I listed might explain some of these reports. Of course, I reserve the right to be completely and totally wrong. :D

  • I've found that many DA profiles exhibit a strange high end ringing or buzzing, almost as if there was something rattling or loose inside the KPA. This has been my experience since the experimental FW 2.8 and is still evident in many of the new factory profiles. I'm away from my KPA for a while so can't do any in-depth testing, but would appreciate any others' experiences. This is going into my Marshall 1936 2x12 and my Matrix NL12.

    Yeah I've heard this, I generally notice it at bedroom level but it goes away (or is less noticeable) at rehearsal level so I just presumed that it was me running the speakers too low but I'd be interested to hear more.

  • Hi Tim,Please see my post above, for my conjecture / hypothesis as to why some users are having issues when working with "Merged" profiles. I would be interested in your feedback, and whether you think the pitfalls I listed might explain some of these reports. Of course, I reserve the right to be completely and totally wrong. :D

    I think it's a good theory, but I wouldn't rule out the possibility of there being a problem. While I haven't personally experienced these issues that people talk about I haven't tried a lot of other DA profiles and Merged Cabs so there can certainly be a problem that I just haven't run into yet. If someone could give us an example of the problem that would be a big help, perhaps step by step details and a recording demonstrating the issue(s).

    Also, someone made a very good point, I'm half asleep right now so I can't remember who said this, but the fact that you can merge a cab that has already been merged seems like a bug (or fault) in the operating system. Once a cab has been merged it should be flagged so the KPA doesn't give you the option to merge it again. This profiling method is still new, I'm sure items like this will be worked out real soon.

  • Yeah I've heard this, I generally notice it at bedroom level but it goes away (or is less noticeable) at rehearsal level so I just presumed that it was me running the speakers too low but I'd be interested to hear more.

    I had my guitar cab at small venue volume the other day and the problem was still there and audible. Turning up the volume just turned up the noise, too. Funnily enough, Tim's BE 100 Merged profile from the HAWP 9 session is one of the few that doesnt have this behaviour. Thanks again, Tim!

  • We have no evidence or audio clips from a single user showing that merging does not work correctly.
    There is a thread going on about this issue, but I have yet to understand what is talked about :)

    The way of merging has not changed technically or sound-wise since version 2.8.
    We are not investigating any issues at the moment.

  • We have no evidence or audio clips from a single user showing that merging does not work correctly.
    There is a thread going on about this issue, but I have yet to understand what is talked about :)

    The way of merging has not changed technically or sound-wise since version 2.8.
    We are not investigating any issues at the moment.

    Thanks for clarifying, Mr. Kemper. My issue is though with the DA portion of Merged profiles. A lot of DA profiles exhibit a wasp-like buzzing noise in the high mids that isn't there in the equivalent Studio version of the profile. Have you encountered this?

  • Thanks for clarifying, Mr. Kemper. My issue is though with the DA portion of Merged profiles. A lot of DA profiles exhibit a wasp-like buzzing noise in the high mids that isn't there in the equivalent Studio version of the profile. Have you encountered this?

    And maybe that's why the most direct amp profiles sound the same throught the same guitar cab! That's the issue is talked about at the other thread Mr. Kemper, the difference between the real amps in the same guitar cab is more audible, than the direct amp profiles of these amps in the same guitar cab!

    Well, with samples or not, we are a lot saying the same, so we are not crazy and hear strange sounds in our heads...so maybe we don't provide evidence that something is wrong but you also don't provide evidence that everything is right! But do not underestimate all of us that can hear the same thing, we are the ones that want the kemper to be as perfect as it can get, it will be for your benefit, too! Knowing the weaknesses is strenght!

    Edited 3 times, last by metalmike (May 2, 2015 at 3:52 PM).

  • We have no evidence or audio clips from a single user showing that merging does not work correctly.
    There is a thread going on about this issue, but I have yet to understand what is talked about :)

    The way of merging has not changed technically or sound-wise since version 2.8.
    We are not investigating any issues at the moment.

    Thanks for responding Christoph. This is not necessarily an issue with merged profiles. It seems to be with the new firmware that supports merged profiles and running the monitor out via a guitar cab (powerhead). If you want to hear a highly exaggerated version of the sound then search for "JCM 800 CRUNCH" on the rig exchange, load the profile up and run via a powerhead/rack into a cab. It sounds like metal rattling around or a blown tube. I've also heard this on other profiles merged and studio to a lesser extent.

