Amp Profiling Seems To Be An Artform

  • hi matt if you have overdrive pedals you can use them in front of kemper they sound great like this also the better the cab the better it sounds i use to use tills cabs till i bought sinmix ,s producer pack his cabs sound sick i saw a video of steve stevens using his freidman amp with too notes torpedo with sinmixs cab peace

    Awesome I'll check it out!

  • Many rigs are created to sound good with low and medium output pickups. If the rigs have too much gain (or more gain than you hear in sound clips of the rigs), try turning the distortion sense down.

    I have distortion sense set to 0 when I use a vintage output strat.

    I set it to -4 with my PRS and Les Paul

    With my '80s high output pickup guitars, I have it set it to -7.

    I have the Seymour Duncan Nazgul which is fairly hot. Do you recommend that I turn the distortion sens down?

  • Your pickup has a a bit more output than traditional humbuckers, but also has much more midrange than traditional humbuckers, The combination of output and midrange is probably why the rigs sound very different to you than sound clips of the same rigs.

    Yes, I think it is worth a try - you can change it back, if you do not like it.

    -Find a rig with a sound clip you really like (I suggest using a Kemper Factory Sound).
    -Try turning down Distortion Sense until your guitar has the same amount of gain.
    - Then, listen to some more rigs, using your new Distortion Sense setting.
    -adjust it up or down, to sound the best with most rigs.

    You can edit the Gain on individual rigs to suit your new setting, if needed.

  • Forget the term profiling... This is all about micing an amp... If you don't know how to mic an amp, you'll never get a good profile, it really is that simple.


    But also want to add, there is more to it than _just_ micing an amp, you can have the best equipment in the world, but it can still sound terrible to one guy and amazing to the next.- profiling/music/profiles, are super subjective. - some profiles are brilliant for live play but will NEVER work in a recording, due to the way its done. - and vice versa.. too many variables. - there are commercial venders that have there style. so if you find one you like then stick with them, as Im sure they will please you most.. same applies to free RigExchange too..

    Seems to me like your monitors re not in a ideal listining position. and your getting unwanted bass response perhaps. - maybe you can invest in some foam pads to place the monitors on, thay will help no end with the low end!.

    Either way I wish you luck.

  • Have you tried just using the headphone out of the Kemper. I use the same interface and I think I had to dial down the SPDIF from the Kemper. Are you using the software mixer interface to make sure the interface is not being overdriven?

  • I have profiled many amps of different makes and with different cabs (with an SM57 or e609) either direct or through s mic pre and I found that really understanding the amp and dialing in less gain is giving the profile more of an authentic feel and response. I find a lot of other profiles to be very "gainy" with not so much definition. And definition and amp character is
    kinda what I look for in an amp. Mic position, room, mix (if you blend differebt mics) and a good basic amp setting that gives you a general sound the amp is capable of (not necessarily your sound) is a good way to start your process.

  • Just to be clear I am not making profiles currently, just using the ones that I download from the rig exchange. Almost everything from there sounds bad regardless of whether I listen to it from the phones out of my interface, through my studio monitors, or directly from the Kemper. The point is that I think that most of the profiles on rig exchange are not professionally profiled. I surmised that getting a good profile is just about as technically involved as recording guitars well. And it seems like most of the people that are uploading rigs aren't that good at it.