Synth like the Boss SY-300

  • What Christophe's forgotten about synths BOSS still have to learn...CK can make a SY-300 in his sleep, try a Virus you'll see what I mean.
    The question is can he make one within the Kemper or a module that links to the Kemper.

    Yea! Its time for a guitar synth with real osc waveforms implemented in the Profiler now. Come one CK! you can do it and beat the sy-300. :)

  • Amazing video and chops. Which synth were you using. I owned a 700 and I don't remember it trcking that quickly. Very inspiring

    Thanks! I made the video just for fun, what you see is what you hear playing straight through the song. Its in the: Link your music folder, at the forum now. Yes all the synth sound is just GR-700. I like the trigging for picking notes and bending strings but not for legato playing. For legato playing is midi guitar origin or sonuus better. Or just Guitar through the Profiler. Thanks a lot!

  • Polyphonic reaction was great! No wrong notes, no glitches, no latency.

    The specs say "polyphonic synthesis engine", that doesn't necessarily means "polyphonic pitch detection". Is there any demo video to hear the polyphonic pitch detection?

  • I tried the SY-300 for about 15 minutes at the Fuzz Guitar Show this weekend and was very impressed with the no latency tracking and the audio quality. However, I didn't find any sounds in it I liked so unless I can get my hand on it to program it, I'm not going to get it.


    Mats N

  • The specs say "polyphonic synthesis engine", that doesn't necessarily means "polyphonic pitch detection". Is there any demo video to hear the polyphonic pitch detection?

    See 7:15:

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  • Most of the time I hear single guitar notes, no chords, except that part you pointed out. This other video is similar, he plays some chords at 2:01:

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    Despite of the title, what is demonstrated most of the time is the poliphony of the synthesizer, not the poliphonic pitch detection.

    Edited once, last by Tango (May 16, 2015 at 3:09 PM).

  • Quote

    However, I didn't find any sounds in it I liked so unless I can get my hand on it to program it, I'm not going to get it.

    Curious as to how you will program it, without getting it. Do you mean borrowing one? I say this because it takes a while to really program 3 oscillators, and I doubt there is sufficient time to do so at a music gear show, and unfortunately, most shops just have them behind glass, in a box. Imagine not buying a Kemper, until you can program it. If synthesis is familiar to a potential customer, then they will know if this is a box of goodies, when the manual is released, prior to the first shipments. As usual, the demos sound like guitarists have "programmed" the stock presets. I am pretty sure, so far, all the tools are there for experienced synthesists to dig in, and I expect cottage industry sales of pro sounds. It is never easy to be an early adopter, when companies like Boss rush to make presets, instead of creating killer sounds.

  • Curious as to how you will program it, without getting it. Do you mean borrowing one? I say this because it takes a while to really program 3 oscillators, and I doubt there is sufficient time to do so at a music gear show, and unfortunately, most shops just have them behind glass, in a box. Imagine not buying a Kemper, until you can program it. If synthesis is familiar to a potential customer, then they will know if this is a box of goodies, when the manual is released, prior to the first shipments. As usual, the demos sound like guitarists have "programmed" the stock presets. I am pretty sure, so far, all the tools are there for experienced synthesists to dig in, and I expect cottage industry sales of pro sounds. It is never easy to be an early adopter, when companies like Boss rush to make presets, instead of creating killer sounds.

    In addition to playing guitar, I'm also a synth player and I cut my programming teeth on synths like the Juno-6, the Poly-6 and the Prophet-5. For a while I was even a consultant for Yamaha as a DX-7 programmer. I have studied the SY-300 and know what it's capable of. But as a synthesist, I know that an oscillator bank (analog or digital) from one manufacturer can sound very different than one from another manufacturer even though the specs are identical. Sort of like OD pedals can sound different even though, on paper, they have the same features. Therefore I will have to get my hands on it to see if it sounds like I want when I program it.

    And yes, I'd like to borrow one. Hmmm, I think I know a guy who knows a guy. :)


    Mats N

  • Most of the time I hear single guitar notes, no chords, except that part you pointed out. This other video is similar, he plays some chords at 2:01:

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    Despite of the title, what is demonstrated most of the time is the poliphony of the synthesizer, not the poliphonic pitch detection.

    He's playing chords, the SY-300 isn't harmonizing single notes.

  • Quote

    Has anyone here started using it?

    Yes, but I sent it back. The tracking and polyphony are flawless, and it will accept ANY source, using a 1/4" input. My problem with the SY 300, was I found it to be without clean oscillators, due to the method of processing, and no traditional ADSR's, and the input instrument's sound was always a part of the sound, which is tough to describe. As an example, when I ran my voice through a voicelive touch 2, into the SY, there remained a vocal quality to the oscillators, which was not what I was hoping for. My preference is to "lose" the initial source, unless I wish to mix it in. My decision was based on the practicality of live use, as I was looking to possibly replace my 13 pin gear with my Kemper and the SY 300. However the music I play live needed more traditional keyboard PCM instruments, which I already have, but the SY 300 is more of an oscillator based processor. If money were no object, then I certainly would have kept it for my studio arsenal, and utilized it in my original music, without hesitation. If you are looking to add originality to a 1/4" jack instrument, then this is dynamite. If you are looking for more traditional keyboard sounds, then you may be disappointed.