Who's Using Set list maker of other app live?

  • I am struggling to figure out which way to go with my live setup.

    I have a Kemper, a Roland GR-55 (that may be replaced with a Fishman Triple Play and Yamaha Motif Rack) and a TC Helicon Voicelive rack.

    My struggle is doing MIDI mapping.

    I need some easy way to juggle different setlist's quickly, and there is no good way with the Kemper's limited MIDI functionality (doing it manually).

    I am currently using the GR-55 as a foot controller, but want to move to a Behringer FCB1010 to control everything so I have more buttons.

    Anyone using setlist maker app?

    I am scared about going the ipad route and want to see who is using MIDI mapping successfully either this way or another way and maybe get some help!

    Thanks in advance for any input!

  • I use an iPad app called unrealbook which is a PDF song with midi PC attached to each song in your library. It has a set list mode that I use for a gig that has last minute set list creation so I don't go insane trying to reorder my rigs!! Works for me! I keep all my rigs on the same midi PC per rig and then reorganize using the app. Hope this helps?

    I use this in browse mode

  • I was toying around with unrealbook for a while, I forgot about that app :D I ended up opting for a liquid foot 12+, l create a preset for each Kemper rig that I am using and add in additional mapping for my Voicelive 2 and Ableton live etc.. Then these presets get selected into songs and then the songs get selected into sets, I can then cycle through the songs in a set and toggle between the sets etc using the LF. I have it set-up so that the songs don't automatically arm on the LF, this way when I select one of the presets within a song, my Ableton live midi triggers. So to visualize, say I am in my first set list and I toggle through the songs and come to War Pigs, when I click on the preset I am using for that song, my Kemper changes, my voicelive changes and my video for War Pigs plays, the video also has a midi time line in it that controls a DMXIS to control all my lights, realistically I could control all the midi gear we use but it is fun to watch the other guitarist tap dance lol.

    I am really only scratching the surface on what could be done.

  • Hi vablows
    I am using SetListMaker with my kemper.In SLM I have defined some Midi presets e.g. Clean, cruch, accoustic etc...and have assigned a midi preset on each song.If I choose a song in SLM the specific rig/slot on my KPA is called.This makes live on Stage much easier. I send from SLM also tempo/BPM Information ( midi Sync) which is cool to have the correct tempo for e.g. delay For connection I'm using the camera connection kit wich goes in a 4 port usb hub.on the usb hub there is a USB to 5 pin midi cable which goes in the kemper.
    I have also on the USB hub a tc voicelive3. Over this I can switch stomps, reverb and delay on/Off
    on the kemper. Of course I have to remap the Cc from VL3 to KPA.
    For this I have on the IPad the app freeEwi and MidiBridge.

  • Awesome, thank you for the replies guys!
    I like the liquid foot, a bit pricey, but comparable if I have to have to buy an ipad for my rig anyway so I may just do it.

    Keep the replies coming if anyone else has any other solutions they use please!

  • Hallo PETERFR,
    I´ve bought an android tablet to show my song lyrics and change my kemper performances especially for every song. But I am almost getting nuts - set list maker does not send midi program changes or/and the kpa does not respond to it. How did you get this working? ?( I need help for this. Thank you, ffwdoc

  • hi ffwdoc
    in SLM you have to

    • add a midi preset e.g with name KPA clean -I am sending on channel 2 with PC: 0 0 5
    • add this midi preset to song
    • in generell settings - automation ckeck midi send option

    I think thats all in SLM
    On the kemper check that you have the same midi channel (in my case channel 2)
    In performace mode on the KPA you should see performce 2 slot 1 if you select the "song"
    because Midi PC (program change) counts from zero.
    PC : 0 0 0 means performance 1 slot 1
    PC : 0 0 1 means performance 1 slot 2
    Hope that helps?

  • here a link to a user who just did a demonstration with setlistmaker and Vl3:

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    hope this helps to see the configuration in SLM
    Instead of midi learn you can put the values in the section "Program changes" (MSB / LSB /PC)
    as mentioned above.

    Powerhead / Stage / Kemper Kabinet / Youtube-Channel

    Edited once, last by PETERFR (June 22, 2015 at 9:25 AM).

  • Hello PETERFR,

    many thanks for your help! Now I am proceeding, I think, now it works.

    I ve made a mistake with connecting the "midi one" usb to midi converter cable to the regular "usb"-slot of my tablet, and not, as it is supposed to, to the "usb host" output. Now the tablet is recognizing the connection.

    Kind regards, ffwdoc