Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software for your computer

  • Maybe they should add a forum slogan "An echo chamber of yes men fighting against any kind of meaningful progress."

    Or "a bunch of people who knew what they were buying and don't try to blame and shame a company into adding a feature which was never advertised. As a bonus they also speak for themselves only and not for the whole community, whatever that is". That's a damn long slogan.

    There is no editor and Kemper never announced nor promised one.

  • I get why this forum has such a bad reputation now and why I have avoided it.

    I did say that it was shameful and embarrassing that a company has neglected the needs of their community for years

    Having modded a few boards in the past I think this forum does a damn fine job in keeping things clean and organized, there are much worse forums out there.

    Everyone has a right to express their opinion, definitely, but hacking the company/product you love isn't helpful. It aids in negativity and fuels the fire for conflict and is counter-productive in achieving results.

  • Having modded a few boards in the past I think this forum does a damn fine job in keeping things clean and organized, there are much worse forums out there.
    Everyone has a right to express their opinion, definitely, but hacking the company/product you love isn't helpful. It aids in negativity and fuels the fire for conflict and is counter-productive in achieving results.

    This is the thing though, the product is generally great, but under supported/neglected, as evidenced by the complete lack of an editor. Going back through various threads, I see that this has been an issue left completely unaddressed for years. Years. That is not good business sense.

    It does not inspire trust, or foster loyalty, and does not justify people respecting the company, never mind 'love' them. Why you would 'love' any company is beyond me though. Clearly, Kemper do not care about you, or the needs of the community, so you are technically in an abusive relationship with one-sided 'love'. They 'love' our money. Bottom line.

    Stockholm syndrome comes to mind.

  • Oh come on, why does everyone get so bent out of shape about people wanting an editor?

    Yes Kemper never promised one but it’s a cold hard fact that every single one of their competitors have really good editors which really enhance the experience of using the unit. Kemper don’t have to provide one but it certainly means they’re going to get left behind by not doing so.

    I love the sound of the Kemper and use it professionally but for my uses there’s no denying the Axe FX and Helix were much easier to deal with in my situation.

    And a lot of people here need to understand that the Kemper is great, but it’s not perfect and it’s okay to say that without someone bursting into tears.

  • It would be great to have an editor. I also would really appreciate one. When I first plugged in my Kemper a couple months ago, and downloaded rig manager, I definitely thought, "this is it?" I did some due diligence in researching the product before purchasing it but, still... I had no inclination as to what the software for it would look like or how it would function until purchasing a Kemper and downloading rig manager.

    I am not unsatisfied overall. I think Soapmak3r has some valid points and I welcome his viewpoints and certainly feel he has a right to express them.

    Not to stir the pot even more, but I recently purchased a Helix as well. My initial thought upon plugging it in a trying it out for the first time was "this could really benefit from a touchscreen to edit" Now I'm thinking, maybe return and purchase a Headrush,
    but...and there is a but, I wouldn't be able to use a Variax or mic.

    I guess the point I'm trying to make is despite all these wonderful units of one unit is going to have everything we want and we have to work with what is offered or decide which best suits ones overall needs.

    There is no unit like the Kemper, but I think the points being made and voiced it that, it certainly could have room to improve upon what is being offered if that is not overstating the obvious. Its the whole purpose for this topic "feature requests" to be allowed to voice ones opinion on such things.

  • You said it man, clear as day - "I love the Kemper"
    Now you're being unreasonable, better start back-peddling or you won't find much "love" here for you!

    I didn't realize that by buying a Kemper I was swearing undying, unquestioning allegiance to the company that made it. I thought I was just buying a decent guitar amp profiler...Silly me, eh?

    I am not 'backpeddling' anything, my points stand, and will continue to stand as long as there is no support for an editor.

    This is just sad...Do people just hang out in the feature request thread, attempting to derail it and get it locked? To what end? Fighting against useful, practical features? Makes perfect sense...

    Edited 2 times, last by soapmak3r (April 15, 2018 at 8:44 PM).

  • Oh come on, why does everyone get so bent out of shape about people wanting an editor?

    Yes Kemper never promised one but it’s a cold hard fact that every single one of their competitors have really good editors which really enhance the experience of using the unit. Kemper don’t have to provide one but it certainly means they’re going to get left behind by not doing so.

    I love the sound of the Kemper and use it professionally but for my uses there’s no denying the Axe FX and Helix were much easier to deal with in my situation.

    And a lot of people here need to understand that the Kemper is great, but it’s not perfect and it’s okay to say that without someone bursting into tears.

    Nobody's bent nor shedding tears (maybe shredding to tears lol) :D

    Enjoy whatever you want that makes you happy [Blocked Image:]

    I didn't realize that by buying a Kemper I was swearing undying, unquestioning allegiance to the company that made it.

    Precisely my point... ||

  • I really don't see how one can be "offended" if people would like a KPA editor.

    The fact that it has been asked for numerous times over the years (it was a topic when I first owned one in 2012 and it still is) shows that there is a "need" for it. However big. By poiting that out you are not bashing the KPA or Christoph Kemper at all.

    All it really is is:
    "This is a great product, and this addition would make my life much easier."

    Simple as that.
    I come from Line6. And whether you want to blind your eyes from it or not, the editor is a keyfeature for PODs, Helix and whatnot.
    Sure you can dial in everything on the unit. But the times where that was necessary are over. We live in times where we can controll everything from our PC.

    Although not having an editor does not devalue the KPA it would certainly INCREASE the value of the unit, having one.
    And if community members can do it without access to the raw code, it shouldn't be a major problem for the people at Kemper.

    Bottom line:
    Can I live without one? Yes.
    Would it be amazing to have one? YES!

  • I get why this forum has such a bad reputation now and why I have avoided it.

    I love the Kemper, but it is not as good as it could be, because of the lack of practical, standard features such as a computer based profile editor.

    I was not unfriendly to anyone. I did say that it was shameful and embarrassing that a company has neglected the needs of their community for years, to the point that other individual users have taken it upon themselves to create a working editor for us.
    That is a statement of fact that reflects very poorly on Kemper as a company. No need for anyone to get overly defensive about that and start lashing out. It is what it is.

    I respect everyone's opinions on the Kemper and regarding this forum and it's not always a place that I find the easiest to hangout. You raise some decent points but include inflammatory phrases guaranteed to ruffle feathers and that's only going to achieve one outcome on here, or any forum I have ever frequented.

    Without wishing to sound patronising, if you wish to achieve something here you need to address that.

  • Oh come on, why does everyone get so bent out of shape about people wanting an editor?

    Its the sound which make music. Almost everybody here would like to have a editor.
    But probably some won't find any friends here, if he comes in with the word the forum here is disreputable and wants to explain with obscure evidence that Kemper is obliged to provide an editor and that it is bizarre that they don't..

    Thats quite a difference as to wish an Editor from Kemper.

  • Even if an editor might not make any sense in your eyes, please Kemper-Team, give us anything so that this thread can be closed. ;) It is overdue. :D

    Read my posts before blindly making assumptions and accusations - I said, many times in the past "for the record" that an editor would be helpful. It's not a necessity or a deal breaker, for me or for many, hence owning one - twice!!!