Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software for your computer

  • Exactly. The profiler's raison d'etre was originally to profile amps. People are trying to steer this purpose towards one of a glorified modeler for live use and they get impatient in the process, requesting better effects, an editor, a floorboard version and all sorts or things that the KPA never signed up to be or even provide in the first place. Seems like some of you got the wrong product. ?(

    Yeah you might be right :( It's too bad.

  • You have surely contacted support and can tell us what exactly did not work for the RM.
    I'm glad that everything works out for me as planned.
    Even though I would still like to have some functions like preset management.

    Will open support ticket fot this. Been out playing!

    But think about it. In rig manager we can preview and transfer rigs with everything configured. The transfer tech is already there. A visual editor for the file _before_ preview/transfer can’t be impossible!

  • Exactly. The profiler's raison d'etre was originally to profile amps. People are trying to steer this purpose towards one of a glorified modeler for live use and they get impatient in the process, requesting better effects, an editor, a floorboard version and all sorts or things that the KPA never signed up to be or even provide in the first place. Seems like some of you got the wrong product. ?(

    I would have agreed to your argument until the Remote and expanded effects selections were offered. If the intent was only to ever offer a profiler, then limit the hardware and clearly set the expectations.

    Since expectations have not been set and since nothing has been communicated, here we are - a group of consumers who have received really nice incremental upgrades who are asking for more helpful computer-based editor similar to what we see from competing products .

  • Round and round we go.

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  • yes..round and round we go..


    I am so sad that I have to repeat myself here (specially) in this thread over and over again..but as @lespauled already has said..nice 80s vid btw..anyway..

    If the "supply" side decides to enhance their offers the whole game ofcourse change my friend.I mean I am not the best friend of "casino-capitalism" and "beggar thy neighbor"-neoliberalism but I always liked the idea of "free trade" when it comes to inovative small & medium size companies.

    If a few guys sitting in their cramped laboratory decide that "it is time to enhance their product" outside of their programmed and fixed (obviously since years,since the beginning of the development) "development path" they followed stubbornly with great vision all over the last is obviously a big bonus if they want to listen to their customers within a reasonable level.

    We all(in this thread) are at the verge of "grasping" that the kempers have a "plan" which they follow no matter what.The editor might not have been part of this "plan" untill latest fx-upgrades.I dont know this.Just guessing around.But I believe I can see the way the kempers would like to develop their product with limited resources ie manpower.Within a certain philosophy about their product.

    As I said.It is the first time I see a certain group of customers acting as simple trade rules,working for many centuries are not working anymore.

    Sorry for my stupid post above but I could not find a better example.Nobody will go for dinner to a restaurent which does not offer the dish you want.Nobody will ignore the menu at the entrance,nobody will ignore the gentle guys from asia smiling at you and then ordering an italian pizza while they hand you the chopsticks with the asian looking letters on them....will you;

    Yes.It is all about "supply & demand"..lets keep it like this.Starting with the first.Followed by the latter.Not the other side round..

    Why not;Because me personally would never go to a restaurant which offers "for everyone".. asian,italian,mexican & arabian food all at once with offers like "pay one,take two" stomach does not stand this anymore.

  • I cant wait till I visit my older brother in germany again.He actually lives in duesseldorf.I will go to the best japanese noodle restauarant there and ask them to make me some schnitzels to my noodle soup..and boy..I will record their reactions (if I survive this anyway)..and post it here in this blog.

    Indeed, @Tritium, the sour grapes have arrived.

  • Since the words "supply & demand" have fallen often in this thread..

    In our case the producer never made the "supply".It is ofcourse okay to make a "demand"(in this case a request) after the supply(an offer) but obviously the producer has (better siad still has untill the editor appears) a special product philosophy which never included an offer for the thing here in demand.

    This is what I dont understand anymore with this thread.

    The "bug" would be if the producer offers something and does not deliver after he promised to do so.This is not the case here.In fact I cant remember that I saw this kind of making a special "demand" with any other product so far.If this is not a bug in the understanding how simple trade works..what else could be indeed a bug then;

    Even if Kemper never promised an editor, it's not irrational for the consumer to expect an elementary feature and function which is consistent with all other devices in its field.

    Exactly. The profiler's raison d'etre was originally to profile amps. People are trying to steer this purpose towards one of a glorified modeler for live use and they get impatient in the process, requesting better effects, an editor, a floorboard version and all sorts or things that the KPA never signed up to be or even provide in the first place. Seems like some of you got the wrong product.

    Or people (like me) purchased it with the idea that it would of course have an editor. That's our fault for assuming, but that's not to say it's not important as consumers to ask and voice our displeasure. Perhaps we still want to use the KPA while having better functionality. How dare we!

  • Indeed, @Tritium, the sour grapes have arrived.

    Kemper is not a Japanese restaurant though, in a number of meaningful ways.

    There is hardware that was made for software to be expanded, just like, say, something like an Axe Fx.

    So it's not that suprising for users to ask for feature A or B.

    A typical Japanese restaurant is not made for that purpose when it comes to food that is wholly irrelevant to Japan.

    On the contrary, if something is pretty much an "industry standard", can definitely imagine people asking for food A or B even if it's not on the menu.

    An editor is not that different, to my eyes, when it comes to kemper.

    PS: lived in Asia for years, if this is in any way relevant! :)

  • Quote

    A typical Japanese restaurant is not made for that purpose when it comes to food that is wholly irrelevant to Japan.

    ahh..very good..we are getting close finally..

    The kemper amp is not made for any other purpose than having many,many different tube amps at your feet.An editor is (better said was..untill the delays) completely irrelevant to having many,many different tube amps in one box.

    Keep it up phile´re on the way..


  • ahh..very good..we are getting close finally..
    The kemper amp is not made for any other purpose than having many,many different tube amps at your feet.An editor is (better said was..untill the delays) completely irrelevant to having many,many different tube amps in one box.

    Keep it up phile´re on the way..


    On the way to where? :)

    I think the modified hypothetical makes sense.

  • Nikos, I'll never understand why you get so defensive and bent out of shape over the vast majority of KPA users that request an editor. Your view has basically been summed down to never having us question the wisdom of the Kemper team, never ask for improvements, never ask for additional features, no matter how reasonable it is to most.

    Just because the KPA does not have an editor and one was never promised doesn't make it less ridiculous that one does not already exist. Just because the KPA does certain functions now doesn't mean there isn't room for more.

    The kemper amp is not made for any other purpose of having many,many different tube amps at your feet.

    Interesting then that it has effects, and cabs, and output/input settings, and reamping capabilities, and all sorts of parameters that you can't tweak on a tube amp. The KPA isn't meant for the limitations you spelled out, it is meant to replace your entire rig, which requires management. What we're asking for is better management. Reasonable enough?

  • The KPA isn't meant for the limitations you spelled out, it is meant to replace your entire rig, which requires management. What we're asking for is better management. Reasonable enough?

    Also meant to be a studio tool, where an editor would be very very very helpful.

  • Where;


    Now with the new delays an editor would be nice and it will come.

    Btw..It is "Kemper amps com" ..`ever noticed that;

    It is not "Kemper com" or "Kemper audio" . ;)

    Enough said..

    You can find "Fractal audio" on AxeFx homepage and a visit on the line6 homepage will show you just "" (well yes..talking about the fastfood restaurants selling everything for everyone)..

    It is all about supply.In this case the offer is clear.Everything else is a bonus.

  • We aren't asking Kemper to do anything unreasonable or something out of line with the product they offer despite your exaggerated hypotheticals. The Kemper team is free to ignore our requests, but it won't keep them as many consumers to do so. Luckily I don't think the Kemper team behaves in such a manner or adopts your philosophy on how you think consumers should feel.

  • People are just trying to make the product better. This benefits Kemper and their customers (current and future).

    The emotional response is pretty nuts.

    For me it's mostly about not having to lean forward and fully extend my arm for hours when I'm editing. It's inefficient and gives me a sore back. Saying this is just being precious is just wrong.

    It's Kemper's call and they'll do what they think they should do. I'm cool with that.

  • Beating the dead horse (and cow) is exacerbated by comments either accusing those requesting an editor of asking too much or trying to convince us one isn't necessary at all. The reasoning for both are flimsy at best, so you're going to get opposing opinions that turn repetitious. If you don't need or want an editor, or if the request itself triggers you, you should probably just unwatch the thread. Doesn't make sense to incite a debate and then say we're beating a dead horse when we respond.