1999 PRS 22 Custom LH

  • That sure is a perty blu geetar, nice!

    Well lately I've been playing the blues a lot to learn the electric better (Clapton, Freddy, Dicky), but I like classic rock often (Who, Sabbath, Rush, AC/DC, etc) but i do dabble in many genres, so versatility in a guitar is perfect. I am a songwriter who was forced to play the instruments to flesh out songs, with a natural feel for acoustic, but have gravitated to electric.

    I listen to everything. Gogol Bordello, Eminem, Beethoven, Modest Mouse, etc, but lately more musical jams (clapton's dominos bootleg, allman brothers)

  • Hi man, I had this one few years ago and it was an incredible guitar. It was a PRS Custom 22 Artist Pack with Rosewood Fat Neck with 3way switch.

    Very nice. My local music shop many years ago had an artist 2 it was purple with binding up the neck, around the body and around the head stock. It was the best looking PRS I'd ever seen and still to this day I've not seen a nicer one. As soon as I see one like this again I will snap it up for sure

  • That was real nice!
    I thought about getting a red one or one of the wild blue or charcoal looking ones.

    Then I realized I was left-handed and you get what you can find, haha. No, they had a few others that looked a LOT nicer but were a few hundred more and I just wanted it for playability.

    This way, when I ding it, I won't cry, haha!

  • I LOVE my Axis Sport w/MM90's. The modern "Axis Super Sport" just are entirely not the same guitar, bought 3 and none came close.

    BTW, I got the PRS today, here's my thoughts:

    1) People are right when they say it doesn't sound like an LP. But that's got to be the dumbest thing, as only an LP should sound like an LP. But the PRS on the Bridge pickup is 100% Rock n Roll, no mistaking it. I'll call this the "4" position out of 0-5 on the dial.
    2) The 2 position is also a very Rock oriented single coil to my ears.
    3) The 1 and 3 are close to my Strat single coil sound with my Fav being the 1 position best since it requires no taming of the bite.
    4) The 0 position is a really Blues/Jazz pickup that is awesome in it's mids, as is position 1 with great mids.
    5) The playability on action is one of the best I've come across
    6) The intonation is superb. No worries about the type of bridge.
    7) The ability to slide across frets is the best of any guitar I've ever played. I get stuck on the LP's frets sometimes when digging too deep. These just slide like graphite lubrication. A pure pleasure to play this guitar.
    8).Beautiful attention to detail and the finish is killer. I'm glad it's not as yellow as the full sunlight picture. It has a nice almost amber quality that is mellow.
    9) The tones are about as versatile as I can imagine a guitar being short of a Variax.
    10) The Volume knob is so well tapered. The Tone knob is the best tapering I've had on a guitar tone knob. I've even installed all sorts of differing pots and caps and none come close to this. Whatever it is, I'm studying it for my other guitars, wow!!
    11) Locking tuners like my Axis Sport, nice.

    The 2 biggest things that stand out immediately are the tapering of that tone knob and the easy playability. This guitar was crafted to be able to create subtle differences in tone and be a total joy to play.

    Now, would I sell my other guitars? Time will tell about the Larrivee, but this PRS has unique tones across all pickups that I've not heard exactly on any other guitar. So it's clearly it's own thing.

    The only thing that bothered me at all was that on settings 4, 3, 2 the bite or pick attack treble sound seemed a tad bright or harsh, causing me to want to key back on the tone knob to about 3-4 and/or the volume to 6-8 (tone knob works best) more so on chords than single note playing. 0 and 1 were fine full up. I can see this as a good thing depending on what you are playing though. I'm thinking of it as a Full Range of capability, not something to be excised. But as I've read some complain about the Dragon II pickups, this is what they seem to be talking about, and I get that, but it can be assuaged easily and it's on all pickup settings and can be a good thing depending on the needs for the song.

    All in all my impression is of a work of art, made for the player. I can imagine having better pickups, but these pickups aren't bad at all. I think those that swap out pickups do so because of direct comparisons, which is the way to do it, than that these "suck". That is, maybe against the 59/09's at a scale of 10, these are a 9 on the Bridge and 9.5 on the neck kind of thing. This is a subtle and individual decision. Don't know that I'd look for a pickup swap. These suit me just fine.

    The eBay seller's advertisement and word were 100% spot on, so that's 2 guitars I've gotten from him with excellent communication and attention to making the seller happy and awesome packing job.

    Great guitar, proud to have it. We will see over time how much it's tone and playability affect which are my favorites. Currently my LP is the tone favorite and the Larrivee my favorite player, but I expect this to become the favorite player. I think the LP will stay the favorite tone to my ear (my LP has Classic 57, 57 Plus, Alnico II's) but this guitar is clearly the most versatile in tone, so if I only had ONE guitar to play a variety of songs, this would be the one. But the LP would be the backup, or lead, depending on the song.

    Edited 2 times, last by db9091 (March 25, 2015 at 6:21 PM).

  • That's a great review. Thanks for taking the time to post it. I'm glad to hear your intonation is spot on, and that you confirm the playability aspect which is what really stood out for me as well when I played some PRSs in the local shops. Sounds like you are digging the aesthetics too which is a great bonus. From what I've read, the PRS guys who do the finishing work are true artisans. Congratulations, it sounds like you really like it. :thumbup:

  • Cool, glad you like it! :)

    The biteyness mirrors my experience of the CE-24 I had and sold around new year's. The conventional PRS wisdom is that the tone and volume knobs are there to be used, to get different tones out of the guitars. Yeah, OK, that sounds self-evident. What I mean is that you use them to not just adjust the tone, but to change it. Think of it like a variable pickup selector.

    I don't even know if I make sense :)

  • db9091, you've just made up my mind for my next guitar! :D Now to start hunting...


    Check out dba.dk for classifieds. Although at the moment there are not that many (new mostly SE from a "professional" dealer). There are a couple with the narrowfields pickups that many people really dig :) There will be other ones sooner or later. Woodstockguitars have a couple also, but generally it's hard to come by US PRS in Denmark in the stores...

  • Yeah, bought my Starla from Woodstock on Borgergade. Haven't seen much of interest on DBA for a while, though. There are a couple of German shops that don't mind shipping to DK, I think I'll broaden the net to include them. Cheers Michael.


  • Really? I've NEVER noticed those! When I was there last week, there were three brands I didn't recognise (but were insanely expensive) and three Brootz guitars (8 strings and the like) in the cases. I'll have to run by there after work tomorrow and have a gander :)
