DI-boxes suitable to create Direct Amplifier Profiles

  • Thanks for your reply,Looks Better?What about works better?There is no pad on this DI,Did you have any problems with having to pad down your input levels?.When I profile I push my amps hard to get the poweramp tubes cooking.

    It works just fine. No issues when profiling at all AND it looks cool!

  • Countryman 85. It's a bit expensive but worth it every penny.

    The CM85 keeps popping up on many a forum I visit.I dont know much about DI's other than their primary purpose.I assume the higher price tag equates too higher quality components,and not just a reputation? I wonder if the kemper DI is different in a way that is proprietary to the KPA only,unlike any other DI.Maybe a marketing ploy by kemper?Its unfortunate there is so little info on it.

  • I bought the Kemper DI,and I can tell you there is a difference in the quality of the profile.These are DI profiles only.I first profiled my mesa mk3 head with a live wires di padded @ -20db.The profiles sounded good.Did the same with the kemper di and playing back thru my 4x12 laney cab sounds darker,not as bright as before and much fuller.If this helps anyone considering the kemper di, I say go for it..

  • I've used the Palmer PAN 02 to profile 5 Amps up to now. Works fine. Once I had the -30dB switch off which caused the Kemper Input to clip obviously. Back on, done.

    A pity the Kemper does not provide Phantom Power on the XLR in, hence I have to use a 9V battery in the DI box (and my AKG C 1000 S, for that matter).

    francisco jent - 2 powered toasters & 1 remote

  • i also have this DI box..works very well. There is no pad needed...most times the Kemper return level preamp even powers the level a bit...if its really loud the Kemper return goes back to about -5db from my experience

    do you mean you have the Kemper Profiles DI Box?Did you use that to do all your merged profiles? I bought almost every package you made, i would like to know which DI Box you used, if it's possibile, thanks, bye.

  • Has anyone compared the Kemper DI Box to the Radial, Countryman Type 85, BSS AR-133?

    Hi Laker,

    I got to say, I am absolutely sure the Radial (actually, it depends on the model) and especially the Countryman Type 85 would do the job just fine. However...and this is a BIG however...Kemper knows exactly what is needed for making a transparent DI Box for their specific device. Look, they are the experts in this arena, and IF I WERE MAKING Direct Amp profiles, I would invest in a Kemper DI Box...no if's and's or buts. By the way, it's not like their asking price is outlandish, especially when compared to the Countryman.

    I would recommend springing for the Kemper DI Box.

    Look at it this way...you just spent $2K - $2.5K on a KPA, why cheap out on a DI box...especially when the Kemper DI box can be procured for $120 USD. No brainer, IMHO.


  • Does anyone know if the upcoming torpedo captor is a good candidate? Seems like an all round useful box that's not too pricey

    Hi Chris,

    Are you planning on using the Torpedo Captor for it's other functions, such as a loadbox or a speaker simulator? If not, then IMHO it doesn't make much sense to spend the extra money for these features if you are just interested in a DI Box suitable for making Direct Amp profiles of a tube amp with your Kemper.

    Keep in mind, you would have to defeat/disable the built-in speaker simulation feature of the Torpedo Captor, anyway, when making a DA Profile. Furthermore, if you are using your Kemper as your main recording amp, you certainly don't need a load box.

    Unless you plan on using the Topedo Captor for these other features (i.e. Reactive Load Box and Speaker Simulator), I I think you would be better off in getting either the dedicated Kemper Direct Box ($125):

    Or if you are on a budget, the Behringer ULTRA-DI DI600P Passive Direct Box:


  • Thanks. I was also looking for a way to play tube amps with no speaker or in to wall of sound plugin with IR's when I want a different flavor then my Kemper or in case I go back to tube amps at some point.

    Hi Chris, if that is your plan, then I think the Torpedo Captor should be an great solution for you. However, check the user manual to make certain that you can manually disable (switch off) the Captor's Speaker Sim.

  • Will connecting an attenuator between the DI Box speaker out and the speaker cabinet have any effect of the sound of the Direct Profile? The load box is not in the direct signal path of the profile.

    Has anyone made a Direct Profile with a load box connected between the DI Box and the speaker cab? The only reason I ask is because my speaker cab has original vintage speakers and I do not want to take the chance of damaging them, hence the load box.

    The Kemper Profiling Amp is the best musical invention since the Electric Guitar and the Marshall Amp .

    Edited 2 times, last by Laker (April 18, 2017 at 4:59 PM).

  • Will connecting an attenuator between the DI Box speaker out and the speaker cabinet have any effect of the sound of the Direct Profile?
    I do not think it will but I would like to hear from anyone who has done connected one.

    Attenuators will most likely have an effect on the sound. Since the KPA has problems capturing power amp distortion imo there is really no real benefit in using attenuators.