Kemper midi automation thread

  • Nothing wrong with that midi file: it looks exactly like it should look, with just a single Program Change at each moment where you want to change rigs (since you're using Browse mode -- in Performance mode you could do it with CCs).

    Does this happen when you're using the Utrack24? Or in Cakewalk itself?

    This is a long shot, but if it's happening in Cakewalk, you could try disabling Midi Event Chasing (possibly called Midi Searchback) in the settings. Not sure where it can be found (I've never used Cakewalk), but from the online documentation it looks like there should be such an option. The idea of midi event chasing is that when you start playing in the middle of a song, the last Program Change will be re-sent, to make sure the connected midi device is still on the correct patch. That's not exactly what is happening here, but maybe disabling it will stop Cakewalk from continuously repeating the last PC.

    Unfortunately, I have no idea how you could change this behavior in the Utrack24.

    Another possibility might be that your midi floorboard is doing something strange? ?(

  • Hey Robrecht - Firstly, thankyou so much for putting up such a comprehensive post. I've had a Cymatic Audio LP-16 for a while, and only just started using a Kemper - so this thread is super helpful.

    I'm just wondering, do you know how I would go about cutting the signal (or vastly decreasing the monitor volume) via MIDI? I know there is a Monitor (Output) Volume via CC#73, however I could never get it to work - and last night a moderator confirmed that it doesn't for some reason. He mentioned that NRPN could be used, but the Cymatic doesn't transmit that type I don't believe (see "MIDI Parameter Documentation" document).

    Basically wanting to achieve two things:

    - 1: Completelly fade out at the end of a song while holding a note (more than what the Volume Pedal seems to provide)

    - 2: In sharp distortion sections where I need to completely mute the guitar (thinking that the Tuner feature might help if nothing else will)

  • Hi StoicAudio, the volume pedal can provide a smooth fade out to complete silence if you set its Location parameter to "Output" (in the Rig Settings). That's what I use for both purposes you mentioned, using the standard CC#7. Also, make sure the Range parameter is all the way to the left to make it go completely silent at the heel position.

    I mute my guitar in this way as well (no matter how clean your playing, in some environments a high distortion signal will just get noisy and muddy up those tight stops) and it works perfectly. My standard practice when programming MIDI is to also mute our guitars at the beginning of every track, before the song starts, and at the end, so we get absolute silence between songs.

    Note that you have to provide a little "ramp" in your MIDI programming to precisely control a quick volume change. If you just program it to go straight from 127 to 0, the Kemper will automatically smooth out the change, which will result in a slower fade out/in than you might want. (At least, that was the case a couple of years ago, but to my knowledge, it hasn't changed.) So I provide a couple of intermediary values over a short time to make it do exactly what I want.