Kemper midi automation thread

  • Could it be that you are activating beat syncing by sending a midi message to hold down CC30? I find that tool to be too random for fixing on a tempo, there's too much variation as you play too.

    If i was programming, I'd want to have a buffer in between each CC 30 message. Otherwise it will be interpreted as one stream of data and with midi, it doesn't take long for each message to be streamed.

  • Mhh, I'm kinda sure that I didn't send a hold down message for CC30 in Cubase, but you never know. I'm not sure if there is something like a hold down for CCs. As you can see in the Screenshot I simulate taping 8th notes like I would do it on the remote. I can't do buffers in between otherwise I wouldn't tap 8ths.

    Kinda disappoints me because everything else works great. I also checked the output of the midi stream with MidiMonitor (Screenshot) and didn't see anything suspicious.

  • not possible for me.
    I use the kemper also for song writing and composing.
    I can not build up a perfomance before the song is finished - but I have one perfomance with my 5 basic-slots for recording.
    Would be fine if I get this synchronised with the DAW - but it's not a big deal at the moment.

    In two or three weeks I have a timeslot to play around with the system.
    Maybe I open a ticket, try the new kpa OS, try another DAW, get a solution from anywhere else...
    If I get any news, I will let you know.

    BUT: related to this, once upon a time, it was working!
    Refering to this it was releases in OS 1.0.6

  • Great thread going on here.
    If anyone knows how to do this in Protools I would be grateful for any help.
    Patch changes are easy but i have been trying to figure out how to program #CC into Protools with no luck.

    Hi JasperEads,

    I just got done creating a tutorial that is explaining this. Feel free to check it out here:

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  • Hey Guys,

    Today I started switching the KPA via Cubase 5. I made a midi track, where I Change the profiles via cc and the Stomps also.

    Problem: After some time the Kemper crashes.

    Maybe that is because cubase sends the CC (once activated) all the time. If it is "activated" it sends for example the value 25 constantly, and if it's "deactivated" the value 0. I think this might feed the KPA to much midi Signals all the time. Anyone knows whether that is the Problem, and if so, how I could get rid of it?

    Many thanks in andvance!

  • I keep my Remote connected as a backup as well. It works perfectly, but I'm not using Cubase.

    The CCs being transmitted constantly sounds like it could be the cause of the problem: they should really only be sent when a parameter changes. Apart from possibly overloading the midi parser (or whatever the piece of software is called that handles incoming midi), it could lead to unwanted results since repeatedly feeding the Kemper the same performance slot's CC activates and deactivates the morphed state for that rig.

    No idea how to solve this, though. Any Cubase wizards here?

  • When i use the ToastMe editor and keeping and eye at the output and input midi monitors or using midi OX, i could realise that CC's are constant being transmitted, it is part of natural midi protocol, sometimes when i use many midi devices merged in kempers midi input, i need to step two or three times at a midi stomp to change a CC if the flux is very intense caming from other devices such as your midi interface, other racks, etc..

  • When i use the ToastMe editor and keeping and eye at the output and input midi monitors or using midi OX, i could realise that CC's are constant being transmitted, it is part of natural midi protocol, sometimes when i use many midi devices merged in kempers midi input, i need to step two or three times at a midi stomp to change a CC if the flux is very intense caming from other devices such as your midi interface, other racks, etc..

    With the ToastMe app, there is a sysex message that is constantly pinging the Kemper in order to retrieve information on the state of the knobs, buttons, etc. That's not needed when you are just transmitting CCs to the Kemper, I'm not sure what Koenig is doing, but it should not be continuously transmitting, just one shot for one change.

  • Hi!
    Thanks for this awesome Thread! This helped me a lot and i finally got the difference between Program and Control Change :D.

    I just got one problem right now:
    In one song we got a fade-in. When i use the CC#7 for volume increase (starting at 0 up to 127) i first get that low-gain sound like turning down the volume knob on the guitar. But i want to achieve a increasing volume with the actual gain from the beginning, like when you turn the master knob on the kemper. I can´t find a CC# number for that one. How can i achieve this?

    Thanks for your help!

  • But i want to achieve a increasing volume with the actual gain from the beginning, like when you turn the master knob on the kemper. I can´t find a CC# number for that one. How can i achieve this?

    I think you just have to change the volume pedal position in the Kemper's signal chain. If it's "pre-stomps" or "post-stomps", the volume pedal is located before the amp section, which makes it like turning the volume button on your guitar. So you should set it to "pre-effects" or "post-effects".

    The parameter for this should be somewhere in the Rig settings.

  • Hey guys!

    Thanks for all the tips in this thread. Really helps to understand everything midi-related as far as the Kemper os concerned. There is one thing I'm just getting stuck on at the moment.
    I'm currently working on a show in Ableton live 10 while using session view. I've created a Backing track, several click tracks/count ins and also a midi track to control the Kemper with.

    So I set up the midi clip, put in the first PC of the song realizing I can only put one PC per clip. I'm wondering if there is any possibility to put several PC's in on clip while using session view, so the kemper not only changes the preset when starting the song (clip) but also by the time the song reaches a new part.

    Any Ableton users having the same experiences?

    Thank you & all the best,

  • I had a similar problem with Ableton years ago. I stopped trying to figure that thing out. In those days, my Atomic Amplifire didn't support changing patches with CC (only PCs) so I started using a Cymatic uTrack 24 to handle my patch changes.

    However, now that I'm a happy kemper user, I have to reprogram all of my patch changes- so I'm taking this opportunity to switch to usinc CCs instead of PCs. Using performance mode - I send CC 47 with a value of the performance number (0-124) and then send CC 50-54 for which slot I need in that performance.

    This is actually MUCH better- I have my slots set up fairly consistently (ie, slot 1 is intro, slot 2 is verse, slot 3 is always solo etc) - so I don't need to think about which PC i need to send in which part of the song.

    In the first bar I send #47 with the song number... then the rest of it is just setting the CCs for the appropriate slots. Easy peasy.

    In fact, I just configured this NOW. First use tonight.

    KPA Unpowered Rack, Kemper Remote, Headrush FRFR108s, BC Rich Mockingbird(s), and a nasty attitude.

  • Hello Robrecht, hello guys!

    This is exactly the tutorial i was looking for. Great work!

    My Setup is Utrack24 to my Kemper (not in Performance mode for several reasons)

    For the Midi Track editing i use my Cakewalk Sonar app.

    Works perfect with Programm Changes.

    What I did not figure out (me beeing stupid i guess) is how to change the FX on and off.


    - Midi Track on goes to Rig "Crunch" and in the middle to Rig "Clean". (Works)

    - BUT the whole Track should use the FX "Transpose" to have it on note higher

    How do I send this to the Kemper? How do I program that in the Midi Track?

    And do I have to do this every time I change the rig in the track?

    And (advance question ::-) I have my pedal board still in place via "midi Merger", if I change the sound

    via my pedalboard while the midi Track is playing, it will "kill" the "transpose", right?

    I am happy von ANY answer. :)



  • MariaKim

    Exact same setup- uTrack 24, Kemper and a fair bit of other gear... not using Sonar (but there's no difference in the workflow for that really)- I haven't used Sonar in a *very long time*- but I recall it had some extremely powerful editing tools - especially for MIDI.

    Important question though:

    Why not Performance Mode?

    Using performance mode lets me set up the stomps and settings per slot. For example, if the verses are clean + chorus and the choruses are dirty, I can pick a nice fender bassman and set it up JUST right with the chorus and other effects for the verse, and ... say a MesaBoogie or Marshall for the dirty stuff.

    The patch changes are (I'm told) faster in performance mode too- there's no gap or switching delay. It might be the most accurate patch switch I've ever experienced, actually.

    In performance mode, you can order your set list in Rig Manager, and then send CC#47 with a value of the performance number, then CC50 for slot 1, CC51 for slot 2, CC52 for slot 3 and so on. This way, you have 125 performances with *5 slots each* - much more than the 127 available in browse mode. You can also send PCs to select individual slots, but it requires bank switching in MIDI and it makes it a little harder to understand what's going on. With CC# changes I can look at the midi event list and see that I'm on performance number X and see where the slot changes are really easily.

    On Transpose:

    I have a few songs that are transposed DOWN a few steps - I just set the transpose in the rig itself (in performance mode) so when it's selected it's pitched down. Selecting that performance/slot takes care of the transposition.

    (2) For the individual stomps, you can send a CC (continuous controller) message. I'm at work so I don't have all the CC#s handy - but they're in the manual under MIDI.

    I don't use program changes any more at all - I just finished converting my (40? 50?) song set list to use CC#s.

    Anyway- I'd be happy to compare notes or work through this with you. LMK.

    KPA Unpowered Rack, Kemper Remote, Headrush FRFR108s, BC Rich Mockingbird(s), and a nasty attitude.