total disappointment sound profiler ,need suggestions

  • Hello, I need your help, I can not in any way to get a decent sound from my profiler, especially with the bridge pickup.
    The sound is always thin and harsh, without definition, almost like fizzy top end off the cabinet.
    This happens with the distorted sounds of different profiles, including commercial.
    All this does not happen if I replace the cab profile with an IR (converted) the sound becomes smooth and balanced.
    I tweak a lot with the controls and eq, but there 'was one time that the sound came near to that of the sample.
    my rig is suhr with s3 + ssh on the bridge => DXR10, in other plants during rehearsals with the band sound is ridiculous, how to use a ds1 directly into the PA.
    I thoroughly checked that there is nothing in the clip out at -15 / 20, and no clips also in input mixer.
    Clean sense always green
    any suggestions?
    after nearly six months of use I must say I am quite disappointed by the results ottenuti.Non wish it was broken at this point
    thank you

    Rig: Suhr pro series s3 => KPA rack => DXR10+DSR12

  • hi ,
    use home monitors out, in situations with the band use main outs => mixer
    Cab is on, the first thing I thought of, parallel insert is off.
    with headphones I sound acceptable.
    if I can describe it better, I have the feeling you have when you play with a broken jack, when passing little signal and you can not drive well ampli.o type use a discharged battery in the stomp boxes,
    this only happens on average higher range and top end frequency
    Also the sound and absolutely no sustain.
    I changed all the cables with new cables and is always the same.

    Rig: Suhr pro series s3 => KPA rack => DXR10+DSR12

  • if I can describe it better, I have the feeling you have when you play with a broken jack, when passing little signal and you can not drive well ampli.o type use a discharged battery in the stomp boxes,
    this only happens on average higher range and top end frequency
    Also the sound and absolutely no sustain.

    What you got set in Output, page 1 for all the outputs?


  • Could you post clips? just record a few chords so we can hear it, then send it to Kemper via a support ticket if something really is wrong.

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • I kind a thougt the same thing.. but M Britt profiles shows me that the kemper is able give me those sounds .

    Have you testet it with M Britt, marshall JMP profile..?

  • you with profiles MBritt, is better, especially with pt100, and little walter.
    but not entirely satisfied

    Rig: Suhr pro series s3 => KPA rack => DXR10+DSR12

  • you don't happen to have the "Cab" Element locked at all do you? - its very weird, you should hear the amp as you would when its being recorded. i.e no fizzmahine.

    Try and do a reset, turn kemper off > Turn the Chicken knob to browser whilst holding down the RIG button for 30 secs

  • I'm doing the upload of a short viedo, in which use various pickup and humbucker at the bridge as soon as my internet connection works I share it.
    Meanwhile I wanted to say that I have no problems to six months, but in six months that we've tweaking I did not have the results they give me soddisfazione.Non doubt the potential of the machine, I who have broken or are not capable to set it properly.
    In addition, the video I recorded after DXR because in direct recording, the sound is not as well as you can hear through the active monitor.


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    Rig: Suhr pro series s3 => KPA rack => DXR10+DSR12

    Edited 2 times, last by luka8181 (March 7, 2015 at 7:03 PM).

  • Yeah, that sounds weird.

    Probably stupid questions but....
    Have you checked the Noise Gate setting? Turn it off.
    Have you tried a different guitar? Different speaker?
    Try a reset.
    If you bought it locally, can you take it back to the dealer, or at least try another Kemper unit?

    If none of this works then yeah, open up a support ticket.

  • hello, you've checked the noise gate is off, holding it becomes active again muddy,
    I tried with other guitars with active pickups and on other PA, the result is more or less the same
    all over the body lacks sound and many tall, there is' some more balanced profile, with a lot of tweaking I eq in X slots, tone stack etc etc, but the "quack" excessive and ice pick are always present,
    I'll try to see if they have a store in some profiler to compare
    Ok thanks for the tips I will open a support ticket

    Rig: Suhr pro series s3 => KPA rack => DXR10+DSR12

  • Sorry luka - I think there's a little bit of a language barrier here. Are you implying that things sounded better when you turned the noise gate down/off? If so, I think it may be working correctly. Noise gates on very high settings will "choke out" input signals below a certain threshold with results as you describe. But if I'm barking up the wrong tree, Kemper support should get you sorted.