Has anyone in the USA had their orders processed?

  • It seems to me that pretty much everybody registered on Jan 14th. I'm not scheduled until April 6th. I'm hoping the new firmware revision is out before I get mine. I was hoping to debut my KPA at a gig on March 27th, and I still might, using my Boss GT10 as a MIDI controller.

  • order # 246948 Jan/14/2015 19:20 hrs USA still not processed..I got email last week said scheduled to ship on or after Mar 23rd ordered within an hour of getting the email

    I suspect order numbers may not necessarily be sequential, and consequently have no real bearing on exactly where anyone in particular might be in the queue.

    I, too, got the email and ordered my Remote on January 14th, Order Number 3446996 at 22:38 hours USA

    Given all the problems I've read about concerning placing orders on-line, I find it more than a little hard to believe 3,200,048 orders were placed between 19:20 hours and 22:38 hours. That would mean over 16,000 units were ordered every minute. Not complaining, just making an observation.

  • Got my invoice email today, paid it, and my order has been marked Ready For Shipping. I was originally scheduled for Calendar Week 14, from March 30th onwards, so it looks like things are two weeks ahead of schedule.

    Yep I was scheduled for March 29th onwards and received mine this past Friday, so it does look about like they are 2 weeks ahead. Good job Kemper team!

  • Don't get your hopes up. I ordered on the 14th of Jan, Received an email saying I should receive it from the 23rd of Mar on. To my surprise I received an email on 9 March saying it was " Ready for Delivery. Now it it' is 16 March and it is still "Ready For Delivery". Kemper did charge my credit card on 10 March. So I'll guess I'll have to contact them to find out what is going on.

    Edited once, last by RobT (March 16, 2015 at 11:52 PM).

  • I suspect order numbers may not necessarily be sequential, and consequently have no real bearing on exactly where anyone in particular might be in the queue.

    I, too, got the email and ordered my Remote on January 14th, Order Number 3446996 at 22:38 hours USA

    Given all the problems I've read about concerning placing orders on-line, I find it more than a little hard to believe 3,200,048 orders were placed between 19:20 hours and 22:38 hours. That would mean over 16,000 units were ordered every minute. Not complaining, just making an observation.

    I ordered on 21st Jan - my original order number was 3447143 - changed my payment method on 27th Feb and original was cancelled by website and a new order was raised 3447389. I contacted support to query and they said they would honour original order date. Still shows as not processed. :( I can believe that 147 units were ordered in the week following yours.


  • I ordered on 21st Jan - my original order number was 3447143 - changed my payment method on 27th Feb and original was cancelled by website and a new order was raised 3447389. I contacted support to query and they said they would honour original order date. Still shows as not processed. :( I can believe that 147 units were ordered in the week following yours.

    The vast majority of the forum members ordered on Jan. 14th, and some of us that did are still waiting. What date did they give you for your projected ship date?

  • What's scary is that depending on the schedule, someone that ordered in Feb might not get it much sooner than eggheads like me that ordered at the beginning of March. LoL.

    The glut is probably on the early end. :)

    I am a Profile Whore... Sometimes a Recovering Profile Whore...
    but mostly a Complete and Utter Profile Whore... I want them all... aCk!!! 8|:love:

  • My Paypal account has been charged and my status is ready for delivery. How interesting that the GREEN Kemper Remote is being processed on St. Patrick's day. Good karma. :)

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • I initially thought there was some rational for Kemper's ordering process but I was apparently mistaken. I ordered on 14 Jan, Received a its "ready for shipping" email on 9 Mar, charged my credit card on 10 March and its been ready for shipping ever since. When they charged my card I had expected it would ship shortly thereafter. But no such luck. Email to Kemper regarding the status as gone unanswered.

  • I initially thought there was some rational for Kemper's ordering process but I was apparently mistaken. I ordered on 14 Jan, Received a its "ready for shipping" email on 9 Mar, charged my credit card on 10 March and its been ready for shipping ever since. When they charged my card I had expected it would ship shortly thereafter. But no such luck. Email to Kemper regarding the status as gone unanswered.

    Sorry to sound like a broken record, but did they send you an email with a projected shipping date?
    edit: never mind. Just scrolled up and saw it. It looks like you might be the first to get one after the projected date. That sucks.

    Edited once, last by Khaki_Lackey (March 18, 2015 at 12:54 AM).

  • Sorry to sound like a broken record, but did they send you an email with a projected shipping date?
    edit: never mind. Just scrolled up and saw it. It looks like you might be the first to get one after the projected date. That sucks.

    Khaki_Lackey - from what i can see, your's is scheduled for 6-April onward.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Khaki_Lackey - from what i can see, your's is scheduled for 6-April onward.

    Yep. Thank you kind sir for looking into it. I was just a little concerned that I lost my spot in line when my original order was cancelled when I changed payment methods.

    I'm asking folks to post their ship dates because it provides us with an idea of the shipping schedule. All indications are that things are running a week or two ahead of schedule for most people.
    I guess it gives is a little bit of useful info rather than "Woo-hoo! I got mine!!!" :D

  • Ordered on the Jan 14, told it would ship on or after the 23rd of Mar, Ready for shipping on 9 March, paid on 10 March. Still ready for shipping 9 days later. I sent an email request for status a couple of days ago and received a reply this morning stating it would "ship in a few days" whatever that means. If you are ever in a supermarket with me don't get behind me in a line, I have a knack for picking the slow ones e.g. the behind the one person with the 50+ coupons or the folks who rummage through their purse of pockets for 5 minutes looking for the exact change only to come up short.