Does 3.0 = Shift Towards More DI Profiles and More Great CAB Files???

  • Till sort of blazed the trail when it comes to focusing attention towards high quality cab files. I haven't even downloaded 3.0 yet but I'm wondering if the results are as good as reported that we'll really start to "build" more rigs from DI profiles and high quality cab files. I know that we can swap out cabs now and I think most of us probably have Tills cabs that he put together but most of the time I pull rigs (typically commercial ones but not always). Now I'm wondering if we'll start to see a bunch more DI profiles than we use to and a bunch more high quality cab files from 3.0 rigs.

    Is this a reasonable thought or am I missing the benefits of 3.0. I have a couple amps but I don't have the studio wizardry/equipment that Andy, M Wagener, M. Britt, etc. have accessible to them. It wouldn't take much for me to do a DI profile however that I could audition with great cabs as a result of 3.0.


    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

    Edited 3 times, last by BuckeyeBrown (February 26, 2015 at 7:47 AM).

  • Not necessarily a shift away from anything, but, it certainly offers new options.

    It has always been possible for us to make Direct Amplifier Profiles, but they will be more accurate now for Guitar cabinet users.
    For Studio Profile and FRFR cabinet users, being able to pair Direct Amplifier Profiles with cabinets from that have been saved out of Merged profiles may sound even better than the results we have been previously getting.

  • I'm convinced (actually, i hope) that should lead to a reduced set of profiles. For example, look at Pete's profile, his pack often contain 10 amps settings and 4 or 5 Mic combinaisons or configuration. That leads to 40 or 50 profiles. Using the new methods, just 10 DI and 5 cabs

  • I'm convinced (actually, i hope) that should lead to a reduced set of profiles. For example, look at Pete's profile, his pack often contain 10 amps settings and 4 or 5 Mic combinaisons or configuration. That leads to 40 or 50 profiles. Using the new methods, just 10 DI and 5 cabs

    That's exactly my hope as well. Actually, I'm leaning more toward having three cab packs (say, marshall 4*12, fender 2*12, and a mesa 4*12 or whatever), and each cab with different micing schemes, nicely organised (57 in various spots and distances, r121 ditto, maybe a condenser a bit away, and some choice combinations). All neatly named for easy browsing. Preferably rig manager could send just the cab portion on to the currently loaded profile. Like what you get with an impulse response library of good quality.

    Then these can be paired up with the amp portions of the fw3.0 profiles

    Then it's almost like having a REAL studio setup :)

  • That's exactly my hope as well. Actually, I'm leaning more toward having three cab packs (say, marshall 4*12, fender 2*12, and a mesa 4*12 or whatever), and each cab with different micing schemes, nicely organised (57 in various spots and distances, r121 ditto, maybe a condenser a bit away, and some choice combinations). All neatly named for easy browsing. Preferably rig manager could send just the cab portion on to the currently loaded profile. Like what you get with an impulse response library of good quality.

    Then these can be paired up with the amp portions of the fw3.0 profiles

    Then it's almost like having a REAL studio setup :)

    this is what I'm hoping comes of this as well..