Question to the folks here re single v's dual studio monitor sound

  • I thought I may have a phase problem in my studio, whether this is due to the room or wriring in my set up is as yet unclear. It could be I have no problem and am hunting down nothing at all.

    When I'm jamming sitting between my nearfields (Alesis monitor one Mkii)I get a sense that the sound is either very left or right rather than creating a nice middle sweet spot. The monitors are horizontal mounted, toes in and tweet on the inside as recommended, the cross over is at 2000hz.

    To test I disabled my right channel and sent a completely dry profile (some of Tim Owens) and noticed the tone was much closer to the audio clips that had been posted in that thread - which of course I had been listening to through both monitiors.

    The thing that strikes me is when listening to a commercial CD I don't experience this and my centre sweet spot is what I would expect and I don't get this very directional sense when listening through both monitors playing the kemper.

    I'm SPDIF into a Focusrite Liquid 56 so can't imagine it would be possible to get a phase issue with the digital connection and noting commercial CD's played through the Focusrite sound fine then I'm at a loss.

    It's not that sucked out reverse polarity sound it's much more subtle but different all the same.

    I suppose the question I should ask is if you are listening just through one monitor on a dry profile does your sense of the profiles tone change significantly over monitoring normally?

  • I don't think this is the same problem but I'll share my experience with my monitors in my room. I own the IK ARC plugin and when I did the microphone correction process my right speaker showed a big dip in the 80-100 hz range but the left speaker was not showing this big dip. I had noticed from time to time that when mixing prior to owning ARC that my left speaker always sounded better and clearer. Now when I mix with ARC on both speakers react the same. Maybe this is a little like your problem, or maybe not but it might help to shed some light :)

  • @ Paul

    I'll certainly give that a go but I'm pretty sure i have engaged mono in the interface in the past when testing this.

    I thought perhaps I may have a channel going out on my power amp but at least in terms of output my db meter has opposing cones reading within 1db on the caps when looping a pink noise file.

    So fustrating as I know I don't have the knowledge of an engineer and as I said at the off it may be I'm chasing something which has nothing to do with the KPA or the rest of my set up. I'd gladly pay an engineer to come test my set up but ideally I'd like one who is also a KPA owner and therefore understands the sound of the unit and what to expect by reference to their own set up.

    Does anyone here on the group know of anyone in my area - Sutton Coldfield in West midlands which is about 8 miles from Birmingham?

  • It's quite possible for a stereo image to sometimes be louder on one side than the other. Could just be the way you have delay setup on your Kemper, that can lead to a perception that one side of your monitors is louder than the other.

    Are you able to monitor your SPDIF signal/outputs? That should let you know whether one side of your monitors is getting a louder signal than the other.

  • I clearly hear an out-of-phase sound even with some recorded music as well. I believe it depends on the harmonic content of the signal, on the difference(s) between the channels and the different sonic emission from the two speakers (mainly due to their asymmetrical position in the room).
    My system is in phase tho, since there are some records that sound right and I send test signals now and then just to be sure X)

    Should you need some test signal, see here. The article is in Italian but google translates it quite well. Links are at the foot of the text

    Edited once, last by viabcroce (February 13, 2015 at 10:58 PM).