Remote order status

  • your order is not marked as an "early bird" order. we haven't given you a delivery date as yet. in case you did apply for "early bird", please contact support by email.

    titi1506 : i haved the same problem : early bird N 3447098, and not recognised
    i submit my request of EB with one mail adress (accepted), and pay the same day (paypal) with another mail
    take contact (as sayed by GS) with the mail support in the store and they will quickly solve the problem

  • Kind of in the same boat> (Both order are listed as early-bird)
    Sort orders by date:
    Date Order number: Shipping type Order status Special offers
    26 Feb 2015 16:15: 003447382 Not stated Your order has not been processed yet.
    04 Feb 2015 21:38: 003447225 Not stated The order has been cancelled

    Sent the following to customer service on April 8th, no response.

    I'm hoping my current order #3447382 order and delivery date can be checked against my account.I (like many) was instructed to place a reorder cancelling the original order (3447225).

    I had already received a schedule confirmation message on February 20 notifying me the delivery schedule Calender Week 18: From April 27th on-wards.
    My understanding is that Kemper is honoring the early bird schedule deliveries in such cases.

    Payment is (and always has been) in place awaiting your processing, all I require is confirmation of which arrival date (window) to expect delivery.

    Thanks for your attention.

    Happy Kemper

  • Hello ,

    I am waiting news about my remote. On april 9, I have received an email of Kemper tell me another mail will be send at the end of april with an estimation of delay. Unfortunately, any news at this moment . My order is logged january 19 ( 105 days of waiting are past). Please Kemper (or G String), can you communicate about delay ?

  • carsnguitars58 and others,

    we are waiting for a shipment to be received by our warehouse in the US. order for US customers which were intended to be dispatched this week will be about a week late.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • [quote='sixtycycle','']Hey RD, where in Illinois are ya?[/quote]...... sixtycycle are you referring to me ?sorry if I am wrong, roger in Ottawa IL

    Edited once, last by rdwilson (May 5, 2015 at 8:08 PM).

  • carsnguitars58 and others,

    we are waiting for a shipment to be received by our warehouse in the US. order for US customers which were intended to be dispatched this week will be about a week late.

    Hope you are getting enough to spread around...

    I Placed my order yesterday -only 104 days to go


  • What is the "Early Bird" all about?

    Members of this forum were asked to register interest before the remote was available. If they did so, they got a 1 month period where they could order with priority over 'regular' orders. The program is long since closed.

    I was on the early bird program but, for various reasons, I didn't order until straight away..... I was within the time limit but not quick. I'm expecting mine to ship very soon as I was invited to pay for it at the weekend and did so.

  • I've been on a short vacation, but I emailed the customer sales support line today. My remote order # is 4682670. My original rack+remote bundle order was actually on Feb 16th and was an exchange order... It's actually not cited on the order any longer now that I ended up taking a refund but Hunter or Brian at Sweetwater can confirm my order. We'll see if that ends up panning out for me... If I don't have some clue as to when I can receive a remote by the end of my trial period with Sweetwater I'll make the call on keeping it or not... I'm not in the business of getting yanked around for stuff... I'm well over my typical limits already. the Kemper sounds great but the Uno4Kemper isn't going to cut it in the long run.


    BTW How responsive is the support line? I sent a message via the contact page nearly a week ago and haven't heard a peep... nor any update to my remote order... :whistling: Kinda expected at least... a "you are at the back of the line... no soup for you... or something... " wasn't expecting a non-reply...