Remote order status

  • No disrespect taken, at all, I appreciate your post and I'm truly happy for you, albeit maybe a bit jealous...

    Scott, you do the right thing, I'd do most probably the same in your situation, what I'm questioning is the way the Kemper team handles the ''early bird'' thing... I think that early birds should get all the available Remotes in priority... ?(

  • I decided to cancel my order once all of this order nonsense started and remotes were failing on startup I agree they would have been better to have used established retailers instead of direct purchase.

    I hope they get this all sorted out because they have a great product and despite the problems they are having they do appear to be trying really hard to keep everyone happy

  • Mine is ready to ship since three days now. I assume that they don't ship on a daily basis. As long as it is normal I will just wait and don't complaint... Some experienced the same kind delay from this point?

    Mine said ready to ship for about 3-4 days, don't worry, they will get it to you soon I'm sure.

  • Hi, one question for GS :

    i'm also a EB of the 16 january, remote payed by Paypal the same day, number 3447098, "not processed".....
    I have a reply from the online store : unfortunately, i gived a different email adress for the order an the early bird request...
    So my EB status was not registered in the store : despite the kind answer of the team, i have to wait the avaibility of a "unassigned remote" : i'm afraid it will take a long time....
    Could you make anything for me, GS ??


  • I understand how you all feel. I also have a foot controller order in. There was a discussion on the thread about controlling other MIDI devices with the foot controller. I have all of my other devices under control with my Voodoo Labs controller. It is kind of awkward in live performances to turn the knob and load a new profile. I can't wait for my Kemper which will go along side my Voodoo on the pedal board. As for waiting, I suspect that like all Kemper products, it will be worth the wait (no bugs).

  • I feel for those who have been waiting for the remote for the past 4 months. I too am an earlybird waiting for my pedal. But let's put things into perspective:

    Kemper is not a huge company. The make just a handful of products. The advantage of that is their ability to concentrate R&D of those products to make them the best that they can be. The disatvantage is that they do not have unlimited corporate resources to put towards the development and manufacture of an accessory for which they initially did not know the demand.

    Kemper has been available for over 3 years, and so they have had those 3 years to put products into our hands. It is a lot to expect them to be able to supply remotes to even 1/3 of those customers in a matter of 3 months.

    Many of us have had the Kemper before the remote was even announced. We were just fine without out. We need to keep that in perspective when waiting with anticipation for our remote.

  • I feel for those who have been waiting for the remote for the past 4 months. I too am an earlybird waiting for my pedal. But let's put things into perspective:

    Kemper is not a huge company. The make just a handful of products. The advantage of that is their ability to concentrate R&D of those products to make them the best that they can be. The disatvantage is that they do not have unlimited corporate resources to put towards the development and manufacture of an accessory for which they initially did not know the demand.

    Kemper has been available for over 3 years, and so they have had those 3 years to put products into our hands. It is a lot to expect them to be able to supply remotes to even 1/3 of those customers in a matter of 3 months.

    Many of us have had the Kemper before the remote was even announced. We were just fine without out. We need to keep that in perspective when waiting with anticipation for our remote.

    Some of us didn't - we purchased when the remote was announced. As for not knowing the demand, the clue was the early bird registrations, I don't for one minute believe it was a wholly altruistic move, it was a sales feeler that has failed badly by a lack of resources.


  • well here is my story. my remote was supposed to be delivered last Friday, but was signature required , and I was on the road trucking, so when I was off work , I raced to ups 3 towns away 20 miles + 1 way, I got there 5 minutes before they closed, the box was in almost perfect shape , here is the kicker -Thursday nite while working on one of my hotrods, a transmission smashed the hell out of my left thumb (fret hand)almost instantly the nail turned purple, & the knuckle wont hardly bend,it is still throbbing, I am almost ashamed to say that I did not even open the box till today (tues), & I didn't receive a cable or manual, after all of the waiting & suspence of getting the remote , now I have to wait for my f n thumb to heal, & try to get a cable, anyway I ordered 1-16-15- #3447076 earlybird, 4-21-15 kemper reply status changed to process- 4-22-15 kemper sent tracking # 4-24-15 received tues 4-28-15 opened the package....hope everyone else has better luck than me........PS forgot to mention I'm in Illinois USA.......

  • well here is my story. my remote was supposed to be delivered last Friday, but was signature required , and I was on the road trucking, so when I was off work , I raced to ups 3 towns away 20 miles + 1 way, I got there 5 minutes before they closed, the box was in almost perfect shape , here is the kicker -Thursday nite while working on one of my hotrods, a transmission smashed the hell out of my left thumb (fret hand)almost instantly the nail turned purple, & the knuckle wont hardly bend,it is still throbbing, I am almost ashamed to say that I did not even open the box till today (tues), & I didn't receive a cable or manual, after all of the waiting & suspence of getting the remote , now I have to wait for my f n thumb to heal, & try to get a cable, anyway I ordered 1-16-15- #3447076 earlybird, 4-21-15 kemper reply status changed to process- 4-22-15 kemper sent tracking # 4-24-15 received tues 4-28-15 opened the package....hope everyone else has better luck than me........PS forgot to mention I'm in Illinois USA.......

    I'm glad to hear you finally got your remote, but sorry to hear about the missing manual and cable. I am more sorry to hear about your thumb, I hope you get better asap.