Remote order status

  • Congrats Carl, Glad to see another remote delivered intact, functional and to my home state no less. Now if mine would just move out of it's terminal state of "ready to ship"....two and 1/2 weeks now, I'd be ecstatic.

    Thank you! Just keep hatching that egg. :D


    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • I feel like crying in my beer!!! My wife left the house and mssed UPS and signing for my replacement Remote. So I'm still remoteless. Now because of work I have to wait until Friday to make sure it works before Saturdays Gig. "Damn it all to HELL" Women just don't care about what's important. :wacko:

  • good idea, here is mine ordered JAN- 16 # 3447076 Dear Roger Wilson -

    Thank you for ordering Remote. We will start shipping next week and your Remote is scheduled to ship on Calender Week 16: From April 13th Sort orders by date Order number: Shipping type Order status Special offers 16 Jan 2015 07:18:00 3447076 Not stated Your order has not been processed yet. View Product Quantity Price per unit Sum Profiler Remote

    Current unit price: $599.00 *

    1 599,00 $* 599,00 $* From:16 Jan 2015 07:18:00Order number: 3447076Shipping costs:0 $Total sum (net)599 $
    Kommentare zur Bestellung
    You're participating to our early bird program and your Kemper Profiler Remote order will be shipped with priority. Please stay patient.

    SORRY I was confused when I posted earlier . I had posted JAN, then changed to FEB order date, but here is a COPY & PASTE of email from KEMPER SALES, hope this will help someone , although, I doubt it.

  • Rdwilson wrote

    SORRY I was confused when I posted earlier . I had posted JAN, then changed to FEB order date, but here is a COPY & PASTE of email from KEMPER SALES, hope this will help someone , although, I doubt it.

    Hi rdwilson, no worries.

    The earliest I could have ordered was the 14th January (UK time). The remote started shipping in the week after 18 February so a delay of one day in ordering has delayed my delivery by 2 months. I guess there was an avalanche of orders on that first day.

    Not such an early bird now.

    Edited once, last by PCB: Added title (March 26, 2015 at 10:58 AM).

  • You people are killing me...


    order numbers =irrelevant. Seemingly random

    Date you ordered = irrelevant. Almost everybody ordered Jan. 14th.

    Date when you received a "ready for shipping" email = seemingly irrelevant

    date of estimated shipping=
    actual relevant information that hardly anyone posts.

  • UPDATE: Replacement remote picked up at UPS station 3 hrs ago, the attendant and I inspected the box..was in great shape, we video'd the opening anyway as we opened it up. Extremely happy to find the new remote still nestled in the foam. Removed from the foam and plastic sleeve and inspected all the switches and body for damage. No rattles or loose hardware.
    I am getting excited at this point....I so happy to report she is perfect as a newborns skin!

    GS an the team that handled my issue I want to thank you and tell what stand up guys you are. As stupid as I can be when I get my fur up I'm glad my first blurb was as far as I went before taking a friends advice and shutting my big mouth and letting good people do the best they can given the circumstances....and you did x1000
    When's the last any company did the following:
    With No questions ask sent you out a replacement item before you could barley finish your email about "how we are going to fix this"?

    When's the last time they 2nd day shipped it on top of that?

    When have you got this done without even asking for any of the above TO be done?

    Well for me that's been a while...I Supervise a department for the Electric Utility here and when I told my department how you guys handled this, I kid you not it was mouth open silence surprise. Thank you is not near enough but praise will be sang each time someone ask about my rig, and even when they don't! lol! And unbelievable touch that you included the $100 bills as packing!!......You know I can' t leave without a joke!!!!

  • Khaki_Lackey, None of the information including estimated ship date is relevant. My estimated ship date was from the 23rd of March. There have been folks on here who have received their remote with shipment dates as late as 6 April. And the rash of defective or damaged remotes (and subsequent replacement) have not helped. Nothing one can do but wait. That said, I understand that there are supply issues but don't charge my card and send me an email saying its ready to ship when it in my case it is still "ready to ship" 18 days after receiving my "ready to ship" email.

    Edited 2 times, last by RobT (March 26, 2015 at 11:27 PM).

  • Khaki_Lackey, None of the information including estimated ship date is relevant. My estimated ship date was from the 23rd of March. There have been folks on here who have received their remote with shipment dates as late as 6 April. And the rash of defective or damaged remotes (and subsequent replacement) helped. Nothing one can do but wait. That said, I understand that there are supply issues but don't charge my card and send me an email saying its ready to ship when it in my case it is still "ready to ship" 18 days after receiving my "ready to ship" email.

    i agree with everything you said. The fact remains that we know people that were expecting to get theirs on Apr 6th got them early because they posted their estimated shipping date. You are one of the few that is receiving yours behind schedule. and we know that because you posted your estimated shipping date. I'm scheduled for April 6th. I was thinking I might get mine early like some of the others, but apparently not many people are getting them early anymore.

  • Did Kemper send you an email with an estimated shipping date?

    Estimated calender Week 15: From April 6th onwards. So it's all good.

    Honestly though, it wouldn't bother me if it took several weeks more than that.

    Pre-release/waitlist purchases have always been a bit of an adventure imo. Comes with the territory. I treat all dates stated by Kemper as a best guess estimate only. As long as I receive it within a few weeks of the estimated date I'll be happy. There does seem to be a disproportionate amount of units arriving damaged though - which for me is a bigger concern.

    I just hope when shipping time comes, I win the UPS lottery and avoid all the package handlers that are having a bad day. :/

  • @greenblob I'm in the same boat. I got all excited when people with my ship date started getting them, mainly because I'm playing my first gig with the KPA tomorrow night. But now that I know it's not a possibly, I really don't care that much anymore. However, if late April people and non early birds start getting theirs before me I'm going to be pretty irritated.
    As far as UPS goes: after loading trucks there for a summer when I was younger, it's amazing anyone gets anything in one piece! Lol

  • Ordered a week later.... No dates given, still not processed.

    By the delays looks like somebody vastly underestimated demand... :S


  • I got my "Ready for delivery" email a few days back on March 20th.
    Order placed Jan 15th. (number 3447013).
    Waiting patiently and continuing to slum it with my FCB1010. ;)

    I received my "ready for shipping" notice on St. Pat's day (17th) and received the unit yesterday. Your notice 3 days later.....expect it few days maybe? As mentioned, it happens when you get the tracking number. :thumbup:

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • GS an the team that handled my issue I want to thank you and tell what stand up guys you are. As stupid as I can be when I get my fur up I'm glad my first blurb was as far as I went before taking a friends advice and shutting my big mouth and letting good people do the best they can given the circumstances....and you did x1000

    Congrats on the new unit. I hope it grows up, makes you proud, and stays out of trouble. ;)

    I have learned over the years, as long as one is dealing with an intelligent group of people, the "WTF is going on.....I want to know YESTERDAY!!" approach is many times fruitless and a manifestation of the instant gratification mindset many of us (myself included) have developed over the years. This is made worse by the Internet and 24/7 news channel outlets.

    I think we can all rest assured that, if a problem occurs, the Kemper organization will take care of it. We have seen proof. :thumbup:
    I know if something had happened with my unit when it arrived, I would have calmly alerted the Kemper people and the problem would be handled appropriately.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • Well just got to the studio and I have an error flashing at me when I plugged up an fired her up. It went through some of the original sync stuff and I can switch but over the top of the screen is flashing "error, this unit has no mac address" shiiiiit" what's this???? Anybody know?

  • Well just got to the studio and I have an error flashing at me when I plugged up an fired her up. It went through some of the original sync stuff and I can switch but over the top of the screen is flashing "error, this unit has no mac address" shiiiiit" what's this???? Anybody know?

    Remember to go through the usual thing checklist....

    1) All firmware/software up to date?
    2) All cables functional and tested?

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me