Remote order status

  • Guitar Center will say just about anything - factual or otherwise - to ensure you don't get cold feet and put off your purchase. They've always been this way. I've been told point blank that a product was in stock, waiting for me in a store, only to drive an hour and find that they don't even carry the line in question. Bait and switch. =O

    Lol, this happened with Best Buy a couple of weekends ago. I needed a firewire cable for my digi rack. "Sure we've got plenty."
    On a side note, one of the reasons I went with them is because they bought my gear and gave me 10% off towards the purchase of the bundle.
    It's sad when Guitar Center will give you more for your used gear than you can get online.

  • Lol, this happened with Best Buy a couple of weekends ago. I needed a firewire cable for my digi rack. "Sure we've got plenty."
    On a side note, one of the reasons I went with them is because they bought my gear and gave me 10% off towards the purchase of the bundle.
    It's sad when Guitar Center will give you more for your used gear than you can get online.

    It's because they are going out of business.....slowly. They are generating sales any way they can. I hope you haven't already paid in full for the Kemper....if they do go under (*when* actually), if it's a chapter 11 or 7, you likely won't be able to get the money back.

  • Hey hey hey... I got notification that I am scheduled for Week 31 (July 27th) for my remote shipment... :thumbup:

    That'll make it arrive with in a day or two of my birthday....

    Wow, what a birthday present!!
    To all you that are waiting, I feel your pain but believe me it's worth it!!! IMHO of course :thumbup:

    Check it out on ebay KPA bundled with remote, first remote I've even seen on there.…=item3f4f70bc93

  • Wow. 1st World Problems.

    I remember handing over my money almost 40 years ago to buy a Polytone amp and had to wait 8 MONTHS for it to be built before receiving it. I also ordered a BC Rich Mockingbird in 1983 (handmade as they all were back then) and waited many months for it. I was OK with all this and spent my time constructively doing other musical things. Yoga might be a good suggestion for some here. None of this is worth a heart attack.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • Hey hey hey... I got notification that I am scheduled for Week 31 (July 27th) for my remote shipment... :thumbup:

    That'll make it arrive with in a day or two of my birthday....

    You too? What a coincidence.
    Mine arrived precisely on my B-day. (The best B-day present ever)

    Whether it's just good fortune or exceptional Kemper timing, I know you too will be very pleased. Congrats

    Happy Kemper

  • Being bit dumb I've "ordered" a remote and it asked for payment type, which I entered credit card. 2 questions:
    I assume credit card is the same as debit card in this context
    It didn't ask for card details yet, I assume this will be at the point when my order is processed, i.e. 105 days after I raised the order ???? In other words, I don't need to do anything else yet do I ??

    I would hate to wait months only to find I've not completed the process!!!

    Its so unclear!!!

  • Being bit dumb I've "ordered" a remote and it asked for payment type, which I entered credit card. 2 questions:
    I assume credit card is the same as debit card in this context
    It didn't ask for card details yet, I assume this will be at the point when my order is processed, i.e. 105 days after I raised the order ???? In other words, I don't need to do anything else yet do I ??
    I would hate to wait months only to find I've not completed the process!!!
    Its so unclear!!!

    you probably have check out using the option "pay in advance" which is described as "The goods are delivered directly upon receipt of payment". this means we will send you a payment request once your Remote is ready to ship. you will have several payment option including PayPal and Credit Card. if you have received an order confirmation, your order is in the system and cues up for delivery.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • GS - so being a thicko, I think that's what I have done. I have received an email saying they have tyhe order and they will send me an invoice in the next few days - this was 2 weeks ago. Will I get this soon or will it be close to the 105 days ???

  • GS - so being a thicko, I think that's what I have done. I have received an email saying they have tyhe order and they will send me an invoice in the next few days - this was 2 weeks ago. Will I get this soon or will it be close to the 105 days ???

    close to the 105 days.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Well, this is my second go-round with a Kemper, I picked up a used rack version this time. Decided to go in for the remote back on July 2nd. I got an email with my order # and I could see the "pending" payment on my paypal account. Forward to today - I KNOW that it's only been 2 weeks, I just wanted to see if they had updated my account from "your order has not been processed yet", but I wasn't even able to get into my account. The Kemper store didn't recognize my email account when I tried to have them send me my password. Now, maybe I did the purchase without actually registering, but I could have sworn I had gotten back in to change my shipping address to my work address the day after I ordered it.

    Anyway, I then went to check my paypal and there's no record of a pending payment to Kemper anymore! I couldn't get a hold of the Denver Kemper folks (if that's even who I talk to), but I did get a nice young lady from paypal on the phone. She was able to see my old pending order and said that it was in the process of being voided because they never received an authorization from the vendor. Has this ever happened to anyone here?

    Well, I ordered another remote after registering an account. I figure the worst that can happen is I wind up with 2 remotes in 3-4 months. Just curious if this was anyone else's experience and if you all had any advice on what I should do.

    By the way - LOVE the Kemper! Here are a few tracks I've recorded (levels are goofy and there are plenty of clams but the SOUND of the guitar just puts a smile on my face :D )

  • Well, this is my second go-round with a Kemper, I picked up a used rack version this time. Decided to go in for the remote back on July 2nd. I got an email with my order # and I could see the "pending" payment on my paypal account. Forward to today - I KNOW that it's only been 2 weeks, I just wanted to see if they had updated my account from "your order has not been processed yet", but I wasn't even able to get into my account. The Kemper store didn't recognize my email account when I tried to have them send me my password. Now, maybe I did the purchase without actually registering, but I could have sworn I had gotten back in to change my shipping address to my work address the day after I ordered it.

    Anyway, I then went to check my paypal and there's no record of a pending payment to Kemper anymore! I couldn't get a hold of the Denver Kemper folks (if that's even who I talk to), but I did get a nice young lady from paypal on the phone. She was able to see my old pending order and said that it was in the process of being voided because they never received an authorization from the vendor. Has this ever happened to anyone here?

    Well, I ordered another remote after registering an account. I figure the worst that can happen is I wind up with 2 remotes in 3-4 months. Just curious if this was anyone else's experience and if you all had any advice on what I should do.

    By the way - LOVE the Kemper! Here are a few tracks I've recorded (levels are goofy and there are plenty of clams but the SOUND of the guitar just puts a smile on my face :D )

    If you opened a support ticket in regards to your remote purchase I'm sure they will get that straightened out for you. G String is pretty good about getting back to folks about their orders. Good luck!

  • Anyway, I then went to check my paypal and there's no record of a pending payment to Kemper anymore! I couldn't get a hold of the Denver Kemper folks (if that's even who I talk to), but I did get a nice young lady from paypal on the phone. She was able to see my old pending order and said that it was in the process of being voided because they never received an authorization from the vendor. Has this ever happened to anyone here?

    with the current shipping times, everybody runs into this situation but at the end of the day, it is not a problem because we issue a payment request prior to shipment. paypal does not hold a pending payment for 105 days, so there is nothing we can do to avoid it. as mentioned before, open up a support ticket so we have all the info to check your account.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Thanks G-String. I'll open up a support ticket and get things rolling.

    Sorry about the soundcloud link - I'm not able to get in and edit the post.

    Here's the actual page if anyone is interested:

    the first two track are just goofing around over backing tracks recorded into garage band. The third one is from when I had the first Kemper back in January just seeing what the Mbritt princeton sounded like recorded. Fun stuff, that's for sure!

  • Thanks G-String. I'll open up a support ticket and get things rolling.
    Here's the actual page if anyone is interested:

    the first two track are just goofing around over backing tracks recorded into garage band. The third one is from when I had the first Kemper back in January just seeing what the Mbritt princeton sounded like recorded. Fun stuff, that's for sure!

    You're very modest - these sound great!

  • Thanks G-String. I'll open up a support ticket and get things rolling.

    Sorry about the soundcloud link - I'm not able to get in and edit the post.

    Here's the actual page if anyone is interested:

    the first two track are just goofing around over backing tracks recorded into garage band. The third one is from when I had the first Kemper back in January just seeing what the Mbritt princeton sounded like recorded. Fun stuff, that's for sure!

    Good job on those tracks!! You got some skills there :thumbup: