Roland VG-99 Into Kemper

  • I am trying to connect my VG-99 to the Kemper using the stereo outs of the VG-99 into the Kemper but so far I can't seem to get it to work in stereo. I have tried connecting one cable to the Return Input and the other to the Alternative Input but I don't see any selection to have them both enabled at the same time. I know I can use S/PDIF and it seems to work in stereo but then the Clean Sense and Dist Sense doesn't work. The signal is just way too hot. I have only had the Kemper for a couple of weeks and have read the manual but I still am having a lot of trouble with the Input and Output sections. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

  • The Auxiliary Input Function can be used to send the Main Outs of the VG-99, in parallel, with the Main Outs of the Kemper.

    From The "Profiler Reference Manual"

    Auxiliary Input
    The Auxiliary Input function allows you to feed a stereo signal, such as an Mp3-player, into your PROFILER to play along with it. In the Master/Output menu, the Auxiliary Input is equipped with two controls: one to feed the aux signal to the main outputs, and another to feed it to the Monitor and Headphone output separately. This allows you, for instance, to add an additional monitor signal to your headphone output, while the main output stays unaffected. The auxiliary signal will not be affected by the internal effects.

    Plug the left jack into the Return Input and the right jack into the Alternative Input. Use the Auxiliary Input control to adjust the level. When you have a Hardware Effects Loop active in your rig, or you are in Profiling Mode, then the Auxiliary Input will not work this way, since the inputs are needed for a different purpose.
    Please do not forget to turn down Auxiliary Input when you are not using it, to prevent unwanted hum and noise being added to your amp signal.

    AS AN ASIDE: If you are using a 13 Pin guitar, one of the Sub Outs of the VG-99 can be connected to the Input of the Kemper, if you want to use the VG's modeled guitars with The Kemper.

  • Hi. Sorry for digging out old topics. I was about to use the vg-99 as a guitar modeler in front of the KPA. Would it burn anything if I plug the normal output of the vg-99 into the front input jack of the KPA? Or should I use one of the alternative inputs of the KPA, the ones in the back?
