Petrucci tests MarkV:25 anyone interested in a pack ?

  • Djemass thank you, I recorded this with your Lead2 profile and even deaf would hear, that you did perfect job with this profile!
    Can't wait for the crunch tone!

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    Will there be new IIC+ pack?

    Here's a clip - first Lead2 then Lead1. Blondes vs. Brunettes, why pick when you can have both? :saint:

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    Hey guys awesome tones you have. Veru interesting to know you can get also great results with rigs initially taylored for me.

  • The crunch tone chase has begun !! Lots of accidents and 2 temporary new profiles. One is close but for the moment not well voiced, the other one is finally great perhaps for creamy leads and Angus Young lead stuff !! Not as close as I want, the perfect thing would be a mix of the different profiles hahaha !!

    Your feedback ? the clip is in the first post of the thread and here

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  • Hey folks, new profile ready. Be prepared to be as floored as I am now !! ;)

    You wanted the chug chug crunch tone of the video. I think I have it now !!

    The pack will come sooner than expected now...

    used for for this an old profile of the MarkIV mode of my IIC+ and mixed to the cab of the crunch2 profile.

  • Chug chug clip tone. No reverb. No space effect. Your opinion ?? The small reverb like comes from bias / tubes / sag settings. Tweaked cab and eq till I liked what I heard. No A/B here because the Petrucci tone is pleasing to hear but not usable in a mix or to play over a backing track. What I chased was this metallic character of the Petrucci clip when he plays palm muting.

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  • Sounds great! :thumbup:
    I am curious how it feels under fingers. When will we be able to test drive it?

    I found FRPC's Mark IV lead 2 to sound really great as chug-chug amp-in-the-room tone through my JCA22H power amp->guitar cab. But I don't really like that profile with cab enabled to FRFR monitors.
    I think that with your crunch, I will finally get that tone also to FRFR! Can't wait.
    Thank you!

  • Hi Djemass! I just wanted to take a minute to personally thank you for all of this work. (When I get a chance I'll be sure to donate a couple of bucks via PayPal as well.) This whole effort is really exciting to me personally.

    Many years ago, when I was a broke college student, someone insisted that I buy this amp his brother was trying to sell. I said "no, I'm a broke college student" (or something to that effect LOL) but he persisted, and eventually he just wandered into my dorm room carrying a beat up old "Mesa/Boogie" combo. I had no idea what it was, but as soon as I turned it on and played a couple of chords, I agreed to buy it. Commence begging, borrowing, stealing... It turned out to be a Mark IIc+, and believe it or not, he sold it to me for a mere $300.

    I moved to the West Coast (US), and had it shipped there behind me. I loved the amp dearly but I still didn't fully understand its value or rarity. So when I moved back to the East Coast a few months later, I decided to sell it rather than trouble my roommate to ship it to me. ;( I sold it for a mere $350.

    I tell this story over and over because that amp meant a lot to me, and to this day I can't imagine what I was thinking selling it. But now there's a happy ending: playing these profiles... man, it's like it's 1988 all over again! And it's so much fun seeing the photos and reading about all your attention to detail. Can't thank you enough, man!

  • [quote='Peto','']Sounds great! :thumbup:
    I am curious how it feels under fingers. When will we be able to test drive it?

    I found FRPC's Mark IV lead 2 to sound really great as chug-chug amp-in-the-room tone through my JCA22H power amp->guitar cab. But I don't really like that profile with cab enabled to FRFR monitors.
    I think that with your crunch, I will finally get that tone also to FRFR! Can't wait.
    Thank you![/

    hey it feels good under fingers. As good as my other profiles ;)

  • Hi Djemass! I just wanted to take a minute to personally thank you for all of this work. (When I get a chance I'll be sure to donate a couple of bucks via PayPal as well.) This whole effort is really exciting to me personally.

    Many years ago, when I was a broke college student, someone insisted that I buy this amp his brother was trying to sell. I said "no, I'm a broke college student" (or something to that effect LOL) but he persisted, and eventually he just wandered into my dorm room carrying a beat up old "Mesa/Boogie" combo. I had no idea what it was, but as soon as I turned it on and played a couple of chords, I agreed to buy it. Commence begging, borrowing, stealing... It turned out to be a Mark IIc+, and believe it or not, he sold it to me for a mere $300.

    I moved to the West Coast (US), and had it shipped there behind me. I loved the amp dearly but I still didn't fully understand its value or rarity. So when I moved back to the East Coast a few months later, I decided to sell it rather than trouble my roommate to ship it to me. ;( I sold it for a mere $350.

    I tell this story over and over because that amp meant a lot to me, and to this day I can't imagine what I was thinking selling it. But now there's a happy ending: playing these profiles... man, it's like it's 1988 all over again! And it's so much fun seeing the photos and reading about all your attention to detail. Can't thank you enough, man!

    Hey thank you bro. Cool you enjoy my rigs :)

    this weekend is my wife's birthday so I am rather busy but I will try to finish the pack on time :)