Have amps, will profile the BE100: Lets make some profiles...

  • Are you sure about that, Sam? My understanding is that the KPA recognizes whenever it is a Merged file format, and as such, will not need to implement the Cab Driver algorithm in either of your aforementioned scenarios.


    That was the behaviour when 3.x was released, at least. Easy enough to try it for yourself; just deselect Cab, then compare the tone with when you select the option in the Output section.

  • Hello!

    I did the test sambrox mention.

    Case #1: Merge profile, cabinet off in stack section, "Monitor Cab Off" unchecked in output page, guitar cabinet on monitor powered output
    Case #2: Merge profile, cabinet on in stack section, "Monitor Cab Off" checked in output page, guitar cabinet on monitor powered output
    Case #3: Studio profile, cabinet off in stack section, "Monitor Cab Off" unchecked in output page, guitar cabinet on monitor powered output

    (Firmware 3.2)

    Cases #1 and #2 sounded like Direct Profile and #3 CabDriver.
    My conclusion is that doesn't matter where you turn off the Cabinet emulation regarding when CabDriver is active.

    That was the behaviour when 3.x was released, at least. Easy enough to try it for yourself; just deselect Cab, then compare the tone with when you select the option in the Output section.

  • Hello!

    I did the test sambrox mention.

    Case #1: Merge profile, cabinet off in stack section, "Monitor Cab Off" unchecked in output page, guitar cabinet on monitor powered output
    Case #2: Merge profile, cabinet on in stack section, "Monitor Cab Off" checked in output page, guitar cabinet on monitor powered output
    Case #3: Studio profile, cabinet off in stack section, "Monitor Cab Off" unchecked in output page, guitar cabinet on monitor powered output

    (Firmware 3.2)

    Cases #1 and #2 sounded like Direct Profile and #3 CabDriver.
    My conclusion is that doesn't matter where you turn off the Cabinet emulation regarding when CabDriver is active.


    It is always possible I have misunderstood you...however, it sounds like your test ratified what I stated earlier. In other words, my understanding was (and is) that a Merged profile completely circumvents, by design, the implementation of the "Cab Driver" algorithm. In other words, it does this whether you manually disable the Cabinet Module (soft button) or automatically disable it (globally) using the "Monitor -- Cab Off" in the Output menu

    Is this in fact what you meant in your previous post, above?


  • Hello!

    I did the test sambrox mention.

    Case #1: Merge profile, cabinet off in stack section, "Monitor Cab Off" unchecked in output page, guitar cabinet on monitor powered output
    Case #2: Merge profile, cabinet on in stack section, "Monitor Cab Off" checked in output page, guitar cabinet on monitor powered output
    Case #3: Studio profile, cabinet off in stack section, "Monitor Cab Off" unchecked in output page, guitar cabinet on monitor powered output

    (Firmware 3.2)

    Cases #1 and #2 sounded like Direct Profile and #3 CabDriver.
    My conclusion is that doesn't matter where you turn off the Cabinet emulation regarding when CabDriver is active.

    Great :) Then that behaviour must have been a bug and has been eradicated. Makes way more sense that the behaviour is uniform like this.

  • can someone recommend a Friedman direct profile to get me close to Claptons Crossroads sound.
    I play a 64 SG Special, w P-90's into a open back cab. w a single 12" Celestion V Type.
    I found a few I like , on the R.E. but I just don't have the time or ears to go thru all of them and
    Im pretty sure some die hards here have narrowed them down to a few fav,s.

  • can someone recommend a Friedman direct profile to get me close to Claptons Crossroads sound.
    I play a 64 SG Special, w P-90's into a open back cab. w a single 12" Celestion V Type.
    I found a few I like , on the R.E. but I just don't have the time or ears to go thru all of them and
    Im pretty sure some die hards here have narrowed them down to a few fav,s.

    For vintage Clapton, you will want to check out @timowens profiles of the Friedman Dirty Shirley. I believe you might find something you can use in HAWP session 53. I would recommend going for a cleaner profile, and boosting it with a Green Scream (Tube Screamer) stomp.


  • Thanks Tritium and thanks Tim. I loaded some direct profiles from your dropbox .
    H53 DS L03D seems to be the one...I added GS, w rolled back tone and lowered the Definition.
    (My cabinet with a V Type, is on the brite side.)
    the high input, # 4 also sounds good, no fx req,d.
    Killer amp and killer profiles.
    Having the bass rolled back sure works well with my combo cabinet too.

    Edited once, last by old crow (August 14, 2016 at 3:49 AM).

  • Firstly, these sound amazing but I have a few questions, so let me get this straight... #53 is the BE, HBE and Dirty Shirley, whereas #54 is purely the HBE right? #55 is the same as that but with a V30.

    Also, am I right in thinking the M and S profiles are identical apart from the cab thing discussed earlier? I often run direct and use IEMs but on some gigs I use a cab - would I be best using the merged profile always? It sounds the same as the studio, right?

  • Here are some sound clips of a recent jam session when I used the HAWP-53 BE100 profiles. I was using the Merged profiles running into two Avatar Vintage 112 cabs loaded with Scumback M75 speakers powered by a Matrix GM50 plate amp. All I can tell you is this is pretty much exactly like how the real BE100 sounds in this situation. The recording was made with two mic's in the room so it's kind of rough but you'll get the idea of what it sounds like.

    This was just a jam session so please forgive the clams :)

    Note: I wasn't trying to cop the original tones of the songs, I simply used the tones that I like, in other words, it's my tone.


  • I think the focus is to thin the herd for our preferences. So for instance of someone else liked the same tones i liked, they could grab my selections rather than the colossal hawp8 and have to demo through 50 profiles then tweak the picks.

    Id keep your individual pack to a relevant size. Anywhere from 2 - 10 sounds about right. I think anything beyond 10 may be counter productive.

    These profiles are fantastic!

    I was using the TAF BE as my main rig. If anyone is looking for where to start, download the MAB profiles. They are pretty killer. Sounds great through my PRS with BKP Juggernauts.

    Thanks for the hard work! :thumbup:

  • These profiles are fantastic!
    I was using the TAF BE as my main rig. If anyone is looking for where to start, download the MAB profiles. They are pretty killer. Sounds great through my PRS with BKP Juggernauts.

    Thanks for the hard work! :thumbup:

    Yeah' they're great!

    Good thing you posted - this thread needs a bump for people who haven't run into it yet! ;)

  • Couldn't agree more, @Michael_dk, this thread is a goldmine and @timowens is a saint! I keep hoping someone else with a cool amp will come forward and do something similar, this thread was so much fun to follow and resulted in some fantastic profiles.

    So, how about it, other amp owners? :D

    I could do a marathon session of my Pignose but I don't expect the demand to be very high.. ;)

    Edit: btw, the profiles are all linked in the first post of the thread, for anyone seeing this for the first time.

  • All going well, I'll be acquiring one of these tonight, an all-original, no mods, pristine example from 1978. The JMP 2104 is the same schematic as the very early JCM800s. It has black back Celestions, but as it's open back, I'm going to do some profiles using a closed back 4x12, too. Also on the radar in the near future is (finally!) Yngwie Malmsteen's old, modded JCM800 head and 4x12 cab. All the legending has been worn off to be replaced by his old tech's handwritten Sharpie notes in Swedish! My mate acquired it a couple of years ago and I've been meaning to profile it ever since. It's only now that our schedules allow it, though. I don't think I can be as prolific as Tim (who can? :D ), but I'll certainly be doing my best to get some good profiles of these two treasures!

  • All going well, I'll be acquiring one of these tonight, an all-original, no mods, pristine example from 1978. The JMP 2104 is the same schematic as the very early JCM800s. It has black back Celestions, but as it's open back, I'm going to do some profiles using a closed back 4x12, too. Also on the radar in the near future is (finally!) Yngwie Malmsteen's old, modded JCM800 head and 4x12 cab. All the legending has been worn off to be replaced by his old tech's handwritten Sharpie notes in Swedish! My mate acquired it a couple of years ago and I've been meaning to profile it ever since. It's only now that our schedules allow it, though. I don't think I can be as prolific as Tim (who can? :D ), but I'll certainly be doing my best to get some good profiles of these two treasures!

    NICE!!! Looking forward to hearing what you come up with!

  • Nice!
    The SG give me hope that there are some really god AC/DC tones in there :)

    Are you getting rid of your Helix in the trade?

    Yep! Helix is now gone, Marshall JMP is in the house :D
    It sounds great! Tons of AC/DC goodness. Stick a booster in front and we're in creamy overdrive territory. My Klon clone gives it that extra 1970's authenticity too, if that's what you're after. Very happy!