The Amp Factory profiles (TAF) appreciation topic :-)

  • hi all,

    I have my KPA now for 2 months and love it!! there are some great free profiles in RM, from Kemper or our fellow KPA amigos.
    But sometimes you want a certain amp or are just curious to what the commercial profiles sound like.

    I purchased some from M Britt , Pete's and others, all excellent profiles too, but so far the ones from TAF are absolutely amazing.
    So far I got the Marshall and the two Fender packs, the Vox and Dr Z custom packs and some single packs.
    And all of them are really, really good.So i think it is time for a separate appreciation topic for Andy and his excellent work!

    What are your favorite amps or bundles from TAF?

    cheers ,Arjan

  • I have bought everyone of andy's profiles. Not sure that I will ever use all of them but he is such a nice guy and I want him to continue to keep looking for and profiling great amps. I have used his service much like a degree in 'ampology'.

  • I come back to Pack 6, Pack 8 and Pack 2 a lot. But there are a few from all of them. Mostly because a particular amp is one I use to get a classic sound. TAF has a high ratio of 'hits' in a hit-or-miss field of commercial profiles.

    He allows a lot of the individual ones to be purchased instead of packs so that's a treat if you're frugal.

    Edited once, last by db9091 (December 30, 2014 at 4:31 AM).

  • marshall plexi ' of the amps I used on my record. guess it is even on the rig exchange to prove everything andy gives to us, free or commercial is an absolute outstanding.


    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • 99% of my playing uses either Gilmour Hiwatt or Tweed Pro w/Jensen 2x12 profiles. And I just recently started using one of the Ampeg SVT profiles for Steely Dan's Reelin' In the Years. I've always hated that tone but am starting to appreciate how blissfully ratty it is.

    Andy makes some killer profile! I love that Hiwatt for sure. Where do I find the Ampeg profile? I play Reelin in my band and it would be fun to get a similar type of tone for that one tune.

  • Dude, when it comes to mimicking tones you can't beat TAF profiles as a starter.

    I've tried over and over to use others and only once has a free exchange profile been best at one application, the rest were TAF. All the rest, it's not even close.

    So, yeah, if you know a recording was using a certain amp and Andy has profiled it, start with that and tweak from there. If you have the right guitar, the amp/pairing with properly matched gain is so killer true it's inspiring. Done it enough times that I'm now used to it being true.

    I don't know if folks realize how true many of these profiles are to the real amp.

  • Wow just saw this topic!.. woot! my very own love-a-topic :)

    Seriosuly thanks guys. im blessed with having such a wonderful community of great folks that I can relate to with amp stuff/sound/production.

    And its also great to be back after such a long time off whilst moving!..

    Really my thanks needs to go to you guys.. its been a long epic journey, and Ive met some very good friends along the way!.

  • Indeed!..ive still a lot to do, with another epic journey ahead!.. (I release all my infos on facebook before here) as I don't want to clog the forum up with check there often if you want to know what Im up too :)

    And Thanks Matt, you too have a very merry new year. and the same to everyone else.. MANY HAPPY returns!.. I hope you all have a great night and look forward to a great 2015!

  • Hi again!

    Looking back over the past year I have found myself using TAF profiles on quite a few tracks. Here are some in case anyone is interested.

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    Mats N