Is there still a FULL factory reset option?

  • Hi all,

    Apologies if this has already been discussed. I did a search, and it looks like someone had a similar concern after f/w 2.2 was released. Basically, he did a factory reset (hold System while powering up) but it didn't really restore to factory settings. I think he was concerned that his f/w revision didn't change. I'm more concerned that I have a bunch of old performance settings, cab profiles, and who knows what else left in RAM. I'm re-acquainting myself with the Kemper and I really wanted a fresh start. Is there any way to get back to square one?


  • Well, you could do a system reset,
    -install latest FW
    -erase all your rigs, cabs, FX, performances from your profiler (you can do this from unarchiving a backup and erase the content of the dubfolders (rigs, cabs, FX, performances) there, then restore the backup)
    - restore the factory content.

    Easy. ;)

    It's great to hear you stick with the profiler. :)

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    LOL "easy" is relative I guess. That's four steps, one of which requires a PC and a thumb drive! I would have expected Factory Reset to do all of the above (excepting installation of latest f/w, obviously.) So... I gather from this that Factory Reset just resets all System/ Input/ Output settings to their defaults. Is that right? Does it do anything else?

    I already installed the latest firmware and deleted all of my rigs. Is there any way to delete cabs and performances without doctoring a backup file, i.e. on the Kemper itself? It does look like all of my effects presets disappeared, which is a little weird - maybe these are discarded with the rigs? A bzillion cabinet profiles remain. ?(


    It's great to hear you stick with the profiler.

    This was the danger of trying to sell it on the Kemper forum - I cross paths with a bunch of Kemper fanatics, and now I'm excited again. :) Finally downloading Rig Exchange has changed the Kemper experience 100% for the better, too.

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    -erase all your rigs, cabs, FX, performances from your profiler (you can do this from unarchiving a backup and erase the content of the dubfolders (rigs, cabs, FX, performances) there, then restore the backup)

    Gaah! Did this and accidentally deleted some cool GR55 synth and bass profiles I was planning on uploading to RM later this weekend. And the kipr files I had saved off didn't make it to the recycling bin for some reason. (Deletes from thumbdrives are always unpredictable.) Ah well, back to the drawing board... :(

  • Man, I'm sorry too. I had one synth tone in particular - based on the GR-55's "Brass Synth" COSM section - that was really expressive. I think some of the other Kemperites would have enjoyed it. But it's gone and I wasn't terribly scientific when I set up to capture it. (I was basically just fooling around to see if it was possible.) I had some pretty good Jazz Bass and P-Bass profiles, too. Oh well. I'll have to set aside a few hours one weekend and just scattershoot a ton of GR55 COSM settings, see what works, and post the best to the RM. Yet another project... :)

  • First of all, I really apologize in advance for necroing a very old thread, but I've been thinking of doing the same today, complete system wipe, fresh start, whatever you'd name it..

    I recall many people going for the "flash memory wipe" route back a few years ago when they had sound issues (probably related to leftovers within the flash memory itself, or anything related to corrupt rigs, settings etc?), especially the dreaded "phasey reverb" and "aliasing" issue, and I seem to have my fair share of those problems for the last few days, I just wondered if it's unnecessary to do a flash wipe, and resetting everything after backing up rigs would suffice?

    To be honest, I don't even move the KPA outside my recording room, nor I am planning to use it for live purposes in the near future, so it could be said that I don't really have any concerns other than keeping the rigs with the parameters that I've tweaked, solely for home recording purposes. Other than that, I'd really like to have a fresh start and install FW 3.0.2 afterwards.

    Which route should I follow in order to achieve this without any headaches during the process?