NEW Camplifier add on power amplifier for your KPA Toaster !

  • Hello

    2015 will be a great years ;)
    Is it possible to use 2 of them for a stereo amplification ?



    that would be possible, but with two drawbacks :

    1. I would have to flip the right side STUDIO around to fit it into the left side of the cavity. The front panel is shiny on one side and a little scratchy (not polished) on the other side. That means the left side Camplifier would look a little more vintage than the standard one.
    2. With the mono version, more than half of the back opening is still open and available for storing the wall wart power supply and other cables into it.
    You would loose that when you close the back side opening of the KPA with two Camplifier STUDIOs.

    Apart from that : It would be totally possible,

    If there is a need for a 2x25W Camplifier I could design one and use only one powerful supply instead of two (that we would have to use if we just install two STUDIO into the KPA).

    What do you think ? Is it worth the effort to do the math on this ?


  • Thank's for your quick answer. I'm probably the only guy needed a 2*25w model. but anyway , It will be very useful to have only one power supply and all the back side of the kemper used.
    I going to buy a mono model right now (when the database will be ok ;) but if you think it's possible to make a stereo one in a short time , I can wait for.


  • It's Done.
    I think here is an issue with France and France Metropolitan. I must create a address in France because the shipping cost can't be calculate for France Metropolitan.

  • If there is a need for a 2x25W Camplifier I could design one and use only one powerful supply instead of two (that we would have to use if we just install two STUDIO into the KPA).

    Aren't there power supplies with two cables (or like an Y cable) ? We see a lot of these things with pedal power supplies cables.
    This would be handy to power both units at the same time.

    P.S. Don't count me as interested, i already own the camplifer 2x180 ;)

  • I would like a 2 x 25W model. Would it be much lighter than the 2 x 180W model? What advantage would there be? Just a cheaper price?

    Also, how do your amplifiers compare to the one that comes with the Powered Kempers? I have a Mesa 20/20P Tube power amp, but with the new profiling method, solid state power amps are recommended, so this has me looking around. I was looking at various Carvin solid state amps and I even have an old Crown Microtech amp (but it weighs a millions pounds). Your solution looks perfect.

  • I would like a 2 x 25W model. Would it be much lighter than the 2 x 180W model? What advantage would there be? Just a cheaper price?

    Also, how do your amplifiers compare to the one that comes with the Powered Kempers? I have a Mesa 20/20P Tube power amp, but with the new profiling method, solid state power amps are recommended, so this has me looking around. I was looking at various Carvin solid state amps and I even have an old Crown Microtech amp (but it weighs a millions pounds). Your solution looks perfect.

    A 2x25W model would be maybe 0,3 kg or so lighter than the 2x180W version (Camplifier 360). The Camplifier 360 is already very light (1,1kg or so).

    Advantage ? Well, it is less powerful and can be produced at lower cost, which results in a lower selling price.
    It can handle 2x4ohms speakers. The 2x180W minimal speaker impedance is 2x8ohms.

    How do my amps compare to the KPA Power Head internal amp ?
    The power head uses a 600W class D amp.
    Non of my amps offer 600W.
    Some of my amps offer stereo amplification, which the power head does not.
    Sound wise (frequency response, THD figures @ listening level, damping factor) ; they have very similar figures, I will say.

    In this day and age it is not that difficult to design a class D (or even A/B) amplifier with almost "perfect" technical specifications.
    At the end, It comes down to size and power , especially in the very special case of installing such an amplifier into an existing unit, such as the KPA lunchbox.
    So we got another advantage here : Our amplifiers can be installed into your existing KPA within minutes, without the need to open the KPA and voiding the warranty.
    As far as I know, this is not possible to do with the internal power head amplifier.


  • Quote

    And oh man it's so loud! Perfect for me!

    Hard to answer I know, but how loud is "so loud"? Could you see gigging with this in a small bar with a loud rock drummer, for instance?

    I just got as far as putting one in my shopping cart, but got cold feet at the last minute. I've been seriously considering Ambrosi's K-Power amp, which is approx. twice the wattage, but the 25W Ritter offers some advantages:

    - It's available right now.
    - It's cheaper.
    - It's lighter.
    - It leaves half the rear bay empty, available for other hardware. (I've always got some use for that.)

    But I'm not sure about volume or sound quality. I would assume Ambrosi has the edge at least where volume is concerned, but that's just speculation. Can anyone help me make up my mind?

  • Hi mbenigi,

    I really do hope Steeldome will chime in here to tell us about his experience, but please allow me to give some hints to your question.

    As you mentioned already, "loud" is relative.

    How LOUD is the drummer.
    How small is the bar.
    How good are the bar owners nerves ?

    Seriously :

    Loudness and sound pressure depend on :

    - room size-
    - your loudspeaker efficiency (dB/W/m - high numbers are better ; like 102dB/W/m)
    - how many speakers do you use (1x12", 2x12", 4x12")

    Viabroce wrote a very good and detailed explanation of all that in his Ambrosi amp thread.

    However, the Camplifier STUDIO is not made for rock bands with loud rock drummers.

    I know how loud loud rock drummers can be since I play with one.
    Good drummers are usually not that loud, but not many of us have the fortune to play with really good drummers in bands.

    For that drum monster, I would choose the Camplifier 180 or (if you must ) at least the Ambrosi.


  • :) Thank you, Tilman. I agree, the best drummers are those who can control their volume. Ideally I prefer to rehearse and perform at pretty controlled volume. Let the soundman worry about the PA if the room calls for more. Actually, right now my challenge tends to be more with the other guitarist in the band, who runs his Hot Rod Deluxe really loud. Surprisingly, 40W of 6L6 can make a serious racket through that speaker and cabinet.

    I'm probably going to run an 8ohm speaker in a 1x12 cabinet. I'm not expecting anything as loud as a Hot Rod Deluxe, obviously, but I'm wondering how it would compare (just as a point of reference) to my old Flextone II 1x12 combo, or my Mesa 5/25 in 25W mode. You wouldn't happen to be familiar with either of those amps, would you?

    I might end up just ordering it as an experiment. As I said, your price is right, and it's available now. I'm still not sure what the cost of the Ambrosi will be, or how soon it will be available, and it may turn out that I don't actually need the additional power.

  • Actually I wanted to call you. And by the intensity of the distortion you would have known the loudness. "oh that sounds like when my friends are calling me from the Disco, that seems to be ok" :thumbup:

    Joking aside, yes to your second statement ;)

  • Sorry, this is not the case.

    The KPA Solutions site is a .com site and targets a world wide user group.
    Prices are shown without the German VAT (19%) and this is clearly stated there.
    Prices including VAT are stated there too.

    The Ritter Shop is a .de domain and must list prices including VAT by law.
    All EU citizens have to pay those prices (including VAT).

    If you create an account (even a guest account) and state the shipping address to be outside of the EU, prices will switch to be without VAT and will be the same as on the KPA Solutions site.

    All of this is not is not my idea, it is just how the system works here.


  • What I see is that the Camplifier 360 (for example) is 419 euros including VAT on both site but if you click on the webshop ( site) or the BUY button you get 499 euros including VAT so 80 euros more.