
  • Ok man, I'm beyond help lol

    i can NOT get this KPA set up: i/o in general , and s/pdif specifically

    can someone who has a CLR or mbox 2 please give me their settings to copy

    yes, I realize it's lazy and impractical

    but I've been troubleshooting since November and this is embarrassing

  • Ok man, I'm beyond help lol

    i can NOT get this KPA set up: i/o in general , and s/pdif specifically

    can someone who has a CLR or mbox 2 please give me their settings to copy

    yes, I realize it's lazy and impractical

    but I've been troubleshooting since November and this is embarrassing

    You're able to play the KPA out of the CLR no problem, right? It's just recording with an interface that's giving you headaches, correct?

    I haven't used your interface or DAW, but all I had to do was have one S/PDIF cable from the Kemper S/PDIF OUT to the interface S/PDIF IN.

    After you hit the Kemper's Output button, on the right of the screen you'll see "SPDIF Output". Default is "Master Stereo." Unless you are doing some fancy reamping, just leave that as it is.

    At this point, go into your interface's software, if any, and basically look around for anything you can set to S/PDIF. In my Focusrite MixControl software it's "Sync Source," which I set to S/PDIF.

    At this point, go into your DAW and find "Options" or "Preferences" or whatever they call it in your case, and set your inputs to S/PDIF.

    With your CLR hooked up to the Kemper's Main Outs you should be able to listen and record.

    This is for recording the full rig you hear when playing normally. If you want to get the dry guitar signal, you'll need to follow those two reamping videos I posted in that other thread.

  • 1. Can you have your Profile produce any sound from the Monitor out or Main out?

    yes, on both but it seems master volume refuses to be able to control the volume

    2. Does the CLR work with other devices (even a CD player or an iPhone)?

    yes, on both but it seems master volume refuses to be able to control the volume

    yes the Clr is working totally fine

    thanks gianfranco

    yes you are totally right brother you said it

    ok I'm gonna try to do that as well, don't laugh but the concept of reamping is hard to "get" but I see it makes sense from the video But I think it's cuz I'm new to digital modeling and guitar processing as direct recording

    Thank you as well

  • No worries. And you're not alone on reamping. I couldn't make heads or tails of it, though eventually I'll piece it together. I am getting some really crisp and booming recordings from sending the whole guitar signal into the DAW, so I don't really see any immediate need for reamping.

  • yes you are totally right brother you said it

    ok I'm gonna try to do that as well, don't laugh but the concept of reamping is hard to "get" but I see it makes sense from the video But I think it's cuz I'm new to digital modeling and guitar processing as direct recording

    Thank you as well

    I just posted some clips of some quick recordings. This is straight from the Kemper to the Focusrite to Reaper. No fiddling with the recorded track afterwards (I have no idea how to do any of that stuff). They were all done with S/PDIF and with the Master Volume at 7.0. The rig volume is whatever the person who made the profile set it at (I think in each case that's 12 o'clock). I know these are all amateur hour recordings but considering I didn't do any processing I think they sound half decent.

  • I am not yet at the pc but I will be tonight

    should I use another DAW?

    pro tools went to Shyte since avid bought digidesign so I started using presonus studio 1 but I'm open to whatever is best for quad core i7 x64 win 7 and win 8

    No expert here obviously, but from the research I did, Reaper seems capable of extremely high quality recordings if you know how to use all the built in editing features. What are you recording for? Is it just for fun? If so, it's got what you need for sure, and it's inexpensive and easy to set up. Even if you have bigger things in mind it's probably got everything you could need. I don't use 99% of what it's capable of -- I just record, trim off the ends and click save.

    The Steinberg interface I used to use (it sucked) and the Focusrite I'm now using came with super fancy Ableton software and I can tell you there is no way I'm finding my way around that software ever. Way too much going on. I mean, you need to go to night school to figure that stuff out.

    Pretty sure if you sprung the $60 or so for Reaper you'll have everything you need.

  • You might also consider Tracktion

    I tried Tracktion as it is shipped with Behringers X32 digital consoles. I found it to be a disappointment, despite making a decent effort to get it working. Maybe its usable on windows, but the mac and linux-versions I tried couldn't even keep up with the audio I/O when recording just a handful channels even on relatively powerful hardware. I run S1 on my Mac and haven't had any such issues even when recording the full 32 channels from the mixer. In fact, no other DAW I've tested has had such problems with this hardware. Reaper is a good choice, and cheap for hobbyists. S1 comes in a number of versions with different features. The inexpensive versions are good if you accept their limitations, and S1 Pro is second to none. I now personally prefer its workflow over anything else even though I've been a ProTools user for many years previously. ProTools and Cubase are both OK. ProTools still has the position as a bit of an industry standard among the pros, so you'll find almost everywhere in studios. From my experience there is no way I can recommend Tracktion. Then I would rather have Ardour, which is my preferred DAW on linux (Traction and Ardour are the only commercial DAWs that ship with linux binaries).

    Edited 2 times, last by heldal (December 4, 2014 at 12:50 PM).

  • I am not yet at the pc but I will be tonight

    should I use another DAW?

    pro tools went to Shyte since avid bought digidesign so I started using presonus studio 1 but I'm open to whatever is best for quad core i7 x64 win 7 and win 8

    Stay with S1 If you like its workflow. IMO it's one of the best DAW's out there although I prefer Logic.

  • I tried Tracktion as it is shipped with Behringers X32 digital consoles. I found it to be a disappointment, despite making a decent effort to get it working.

    Ah, I have experienced it in Windows alone.
    What version did you try? The 5 has been completely rewritten, the original developer bought it back from Mackie and now hold the reins personally.

  • Ah, I have experienced it in Windows alone.
    What version did you try? The 5 has been completely rewritten, the original developer bought it back from Mackie and now hold the reins personally.

    It's T5 that ships withe the Behringer's.
    I had intended to try it as well as I have bought an X32 console one month ago.

  • <p>&nbsp;</p>





    <p>Stay with S1 If you like its workflow. IMO it's one of the best DAW's out there although I prefer Logic.


    <p>Ingolf I love you bro, your posts always contain a conciseness and directness that's so succinctly wise there just nothing more to add&nbsp;</p>

    <p>I do love the workflow so if you think logic is along the same track, were on the same page (I love apple but can't afford it's 4/-5x PC$ premium</p>


  • Ingolf, you're on Windows, aren't you? Looking forward to hear back from you about Tracktion.

    No Gianfranco, I'm on Mac here.
    Still curious about Tracktion.
    When I was still on Windows I tested Tracktion 1 and was quite impressed about its straigforwardness then.