Rig manager shows 0 rigs on KPA

  • Hi all,

    I hope someone can help as rig manager is driving me nuts.
    It seems to recognise the KPA no problem as it shows up just under rig exchange (on the left) whenever I plug into the USB port. However, it shows no rigs .... "shawn(0)" regardless of re-installing the software, uninstall and reinstalling coinstall drivers, standing on one leg whilst blindfold and every other bit of advice I could find on this forum.
    Anyway, today I tried something new which may give someone a heads up what is going on - I previewed a rig from rig exchange (this works perfectly BTW so the software is obviously taking to the KPA) and then hit "store" on the KPA. Guess what!! It now shows "shawn(1)" in the rig manager.
    How the devil do I get it to recognise (synch???) any of the other rigs on my KPA.

    I'd love to work this out because I have been trying ever since rig manager was introduced. Any help very much appreciated.


  • Do you see a progress bar going on the Profiler's display when you connect the unit?
    This is the process through which RM reads the Profiler's internal database. If this doesn't happen then the inizialization routine of the handshaking is not taking place :/

  • Hi Gianfranco and Oozish, thanks for taking time to reply. I do not see any progress bar so no handshaking going on I guess (any ideas how to fix this?). I have never progressed this problem since rig manager was introduced and have always felt I'm missing out on this useful feature.

    (BTW Oozish, I've never had the problem connecting to the rig exchange , it's the interface between the unit and the software on my laptop that is giving me grief).


  • Thanks for trying to help Gianfranco. I'm not entirely convinced its the USB because I am able to communicate in one direction (preview mode loads the rig from rig exchange on to the KPA with no issues).
    I have now emailed Kemper and they have already replied (on a Sunday!!!!) so lets see how they can help progress this issue.

    Thanks again for your time,

  • :)

    You'll have it sorted out whatever way soon :)

    Digital connections are weird tho. Sometimes the tension/current levels change slightly and just go below threshold and it doesn't work... but things chance if you change something... a different port, a different cable... It is worth making some tests,specially if it costs nothing :)

  • I suspect a faulty USB port at this stage, either on the Profiler or the computer. You should try a different computer if possible, to proceed by exclusion (?)

    the OP states that "It seems to recognise the KPA no problem as it shows up just under rig exchange". in which way does this indicate a faulty USB port?

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • In my experience, sometimes the voltage levels available at certain USB ports move just about the threshold and make the communication behave erraticly at times.
    It has happened to me with some hubs for example. some tasks are performed, some are not... It may depend on the cable, as well.
    Of course, the idea that what's digital either works perfectly or doesn't is an oversimplification.

    It is worth a try IMO, we're here to help... for free :)
    Not knowing the person in trouble and not being there, I find way easier to proceed in the troubleshooting process by excluding big categories of possible reasons.

    Also, the user who chooses to ask for help on a public forum is aware they're not addressing their request to a professional customer service. I'm aware that sometimes the ideas that pop up on forums may be off, but we do our best :D