Logic Pro X+MBox2 - SPDIF troubles

  • Hello,

    This is my first post on the forum. Hope I can find a solution for my case.

    I love my Kemper PowerHead and have used it mostly for live gigs last 5 months. My gig schedule is slowing down now and I'm trying to focus on studio work.
    I was always excited to use Kemper as a reamp unit (actually, long time dream). Today is my 5th day of trying to record my guitar track through SPDIF with no luck.
    Believe me, I did my homework. I've read the manual, wiki, almost everything what I was able to find on this forum along with other web info. Still confused!

    So let me explain with details my situation:

    1. I have MacBook Pro 13" (late 2011) running OSX 10.8.5 (Mountain Lion)

    2. My audio interface is MBox2 (not Pro) with recent, I guess, drivers from here http://avid.force.com/pkb/articles/download/Mbox-2-Drivers

    3. My DAW is Logic Pro X 10.0.7

    4. In Audio/Midi SetUp I've made a switch from internal to spdif. So, the spdif light on MBox2 started to blink.

    5. Kemper direct out -> MBox2 instrument input
    Kemper SPDIF in -> MBox2 SPDIF out
    Kemper SPDIF out -> MBox2 SPDIF in

    So my questions are:

    1. I know that the Kemper has to be setup as a master unit, but HOW? Is it through Digi CoreAudio Manager? But I can't find anything related to my needs there:

    2. I've found a lot of complains about Digi CoreAudio Driver. Do you think my Logic can't see spdif channels because of that? How can I setup spdif channels in Logic? Can't see any possible way in Logic preferences menu.
    I've never had any problems like that with ProTools, but trying to move out from it because of AVID's recent licensing policy.

    Trying to understand what am I missing here? Where is the wrong step? Wrong connection, bad drivers, Kemper settings, anything else?

    In case I need a new audio interface, do guys have any suggestions from your experience? USB vs Fireware vs Thunderbolt?

    I would be extremely grateful for any kind of help, guys!

    Thank you!

  • First go in Logic settings under the Tab Audio.
    Is the right input output interface set? (should be Mbox)
    Audio/Midi Settings of your MAC isn´t the point you should looking at. (or I misunderstood you).

    Second go to Mac Prefrences in the last row should be Settings for your Peripherals (Mbox) here you should change Clock to External if possible to SPDIF.

    If you setup Audio in Logic Prefrences correct you should create a new Track an in the Input Tab of the Track you could change to SPDIF

    Hope that helps. If not I can try to make screenshots if I´m back in Studio at evening.

  • First go in Logic settings under the Tab Audio.
    Is the right input output interface set? (should be Mbox)
    Audio/Midi Settings of your MAC isn´t the point you should looking at. (or I misunderstood you).

    Second go to Mac Prefrences in the last row should be Settings for your Peripherals (Mbox) here you should change Clock to External if possible to SPDIF.

    If you setup Audio in Logic Prefrences correct you should create a new Track an in the Input Tab of the Track you could change to SPDIF

    Hope that helps. If not I can try to make screenshots if I´m back in Studio at evening.

    The profiler is always set to Master.Make sure that the Mbox is selected as the interface in your audio settings in Logic and select the right input from your mixer channel in logic for the track you want to record on.

    Guys, first of all thank you so much for your time and your answers. I've spent quite a lot of time again following your suggestions and that's what I have:

    1. Yes, in Logic under the Tab Audio I have Mbox2 as my audio interface.

    2. My SPDIF light on Mbox2 starts to blink only when I'm activate it through AUDIO MIDI Setup (applications-utilities-AUDIO/MIDI Setup)

    So, when I go to Mac Preferences in the last row (Mbox2 settings) and trying to change it from Internal to SPDIF my Mbox2 spdif light doesn't react anyhow.

    3. In Logic I still couldn't change the input tab to SPDIF. I can't see it!

    Also, I can't see any spdif inputs under I/O Labels tab:

    Very confused! Can't find what I'm missing through the whole process!

    Any ideas?

    Thank you so much again for your time and help!

    P.S. pratchett, any possible screenshots would be very helpful! Thank you!

  • I´m not familliar with this specific Interface, but input 1 and 2 schould be your Preamp XLR and TRS, and Input 3 and 4 schould be your SPDIF.
    Try this if you got Signals with 3 and 4. If so you could change the name of the Inputs if you want.

    Outputs i´m not shure, since you only have 2. Don´t know how to route outputs to SPDIF
    I´m trying to get more information about your interface.

    Your Pictures are as good as mine ;) because I have another Interface.
    Could you make a Screenshot of the Output tab open?

  • Most interfaces come with their own app to setup things like routing and clocking. I am surprised that you are doing it in the OSX Audio/MIDI setup.
    Also some interfaces do not use realworld names like SPDIF to identify their ins and outs. Some simply number them. But in that case the numbering system would be explained in the manual of the interface.
    Have you tried to approach the Mbox support about this?

  • as far as i can recall you need to click on HW Setup within the Avid Core Audio manager application to configure the SP/DIF options. this is at least true for Pro Tools HD, so take this hint with a pinch of salt.
    in any case, if the driver doesn't provide channel names to Logic, the sequencer will only show numbers. in your screenshot you can see, there are two stereo inputs (Input 1+2, Input 3+4). try both and make sure you create a stereo audio channel in the first place.
    hth, gs

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • From Manual.

    • S/PDIF outputs mirror analog outs 1–2

    So you should only Set Input to 3 and 4 for SPDIF input and your done. You could now hear your Kemper on these Track.

    For reamping set the Output of your DI Track to 1 (left SPDIF)
    Create a new Audio Track with Input 3 and 4 if you want to record a Stereo Signal. Playback the DI Track and you should receive the Master Stereo Signal from your Kemper on the new Audio Track.
    Because you don´t have dedicatetd SPDIF Outputs on seperate Numbers you should mute all other Tracks. Otherwise they would be send to the Kemper too.