Pure Cabinet in the System Menu

  • Oops, sorry for the confusion.

    I have a mission Gemini 1 sitting behind me that I use as FRFR.
    In front of me I have Equator D5's as my near field monitors. My studio speakers.

    The gemini is receiving a 1/4" cable out from the monitor out.
    The Equator D5's are receiving a SPDIF signal from the Kemper.
    Both are receiving the same signal in the outputs section.

    I'm liking the gemini's sound with Pure Cab at 10. The D5's I'm on the fence about.

    So, my question was, are people having a similar reaction to pure cab? As in, you like the sound of pure cab through your FRFR because it makes it seem more amp like. However, when you record it into your computer and you hear it through your near field monitors you don't like it is much as through the FRFR. Making it more of a setting for performing and less for recording?

    Hope that makes sense.

  • This feels like a great addition to features. To my ears it sounds like a quite intelligent multiband compression. Tested it mainly with high gain profiles and in my opinion it improves high frequencies but in the low end it makes some of the tube amp feeling disappear: in some profiles the benefits are still stronger than the loss in the tone. First impression was that it sounded great at 10, but after playing a while I feel that it's a bit unnatural, the tone sounds more like a VST guitar plugin than real deal (read: Kemper ;)).

    But of course it's good that there's room to tweak, the fact that everything sounds alright from 0 to 10 means to me that there could be bigger range to tweak this Pure Cab (whatever it does). I find it highly usable function if it can be stored within rig; if it's only global the benefits of this knob will greatly decrease. Moreover it would be nice if you could choose different settings to different outputs of course :)