KPA for multi-instrumentalist?

  • Hi there,

    I currently play electric guitar, stick bass, cello and sax - the guitar through a regular amp, bass through a bass amp, cello and sax through mics into whatever PA exists. I've been trying to set up something that will allow me to use the same rig for all four instruments. I was initially thinking of putting a pedal board together with something like the TwoNotes C.A.B cabinet modeller, some kind of pedal based pre-amp for the guitar and bass and a mic pre-amp for the acoustic instruments, all feeding through my Eventide H9 for modulation and reverb along with a loop pedal. I'd then take the output of the board and either run direct into the PA or bypass the cab modeller and run into a regular amp. This would work, but the cost is getting high, which makes me wonder, can I do all this with the KPA?

    I had a quick search for 'sax' and 'cello' here and there weren't any hits, so maybe it's a weird idea, but a FRFS system is what I need for all these instruments (the stick bass needs either that or dual bass / guitar amps and obviously the acoustic instruments normally run through one). I'd be using an Eventide Mixing Link as the input module as I can plug any of my instruments into that and get the appropriate instrument level signal out to drive an effects chain, then into the H9 (or maybe have that in an effects loop of the KPA assuming it has them), through the delay pedal and into the input of the KPA. A stereo 2x12 FRFS cab would be idea, but I've not investigated whether such things exist.

    The power stage of the powered version of the KPA should be more than enough to handle amplification duties, so as long as the KPA itself can model something like a marshall acoustic amp (I see no reason it wouldn't) or even just act as a rather expensive cabinet simulator for when I don't need any kind of amp modelling, it should work, maybe?

    I'd love to know whether anyone else is doing something like this - I know about the KPA from being a guitarist with an interest in all things tech, I guess running the other instruments through it as well wasn't something Kemper expected people to do, it's only popped back into my thoughts with the release of the bass models.

    Would this work?


  • Hi Tom, welcome here!

    You'll certainly be able to use all your instruments through the Profiler, assigning different fx, EQs, reverbs and the like to each of them if you want. The only further need you'd have is a mic pre for the... mics. The input signal has to be at least guitar-level (around 100-200 mV), or you'd have too much noise IMO. So a mixer would be ok.

    Apart from that (and there are excellent, portable mic pres around, you might fit one into the cavity on the back of the Profiler), you'd be set :)

    Some more considerations:

    1. If you go into PA you won't need a poweramp;
    2. with acoustic instruments you won't have to use the profile of an acoustic guitar amp: you might just switch the Amp section off, and use the Profiler as a sophisticated (stereo if you want) fx and EQ unit;
    3. whatever linear loudspeaker you'll use will be perfect: the more linear and powerful, the better the sound (sax' transients may be very powerful ;D).

    Edited once, last by viabcroce (November 7, 2014 at 9:38 PM).

  • Thanks both,

    Sounds like it's a good option then, now to sell some old gear! Another benefit is that it'll actually be less stuff than the previous floor effects, guitar amp and bass combo. For the front end I'm planning to use an Eventide Mixing Link - they designed it originally to allow singers to use guitar effects, but it's ideal for this as it has a good mic preamp and outputs guitar level signals, It's got the connectivity as well such that I can leave one mic and one instrument level thing (so e.g. stick bass and sax, or guitar and cello) plugged in and use the footswitch to switch between them. I don't know whether I'd actually try to do that live, but given loop pedals exist it's an interesting option to have (stereo modulation effects and ditto X2 looper, also stereo, in the effects loop after the pre-amp part of the KPA should be ideal there).

    I think I'll go for the non-powered KPA, I'd be tempted but the power amp in the power head is mono isn't it? Better for my purposes to get a powered FRFS speaker, with the option of a stereo pair. At least some of the time I'd be running direct into a mixing desk anyway so I'm not sure I'd ever really use the integrated power amp.

    I'll report back when I get everything sorted out, might take a while but should be fun!


  • I think I'll go for the non-powered KPA, I'd be tempted but the power amp in the power head is mono isn't it? Better for my purposes to get a powered FRFS speaker, with the option of a stereo pair. At least some of the time I'd be running direct into a mixing desk anyway so I'm not sure I'd ever really use the integrated power amp.

    I think this is exactly the right choice. I'm curious what you'll come up with. ;)

  • Hey Tom,

    keep us updated :)

    Also, keep in mind that you can use both the bass and guitar PUs of your stick at the same time using one of the back inputs, with the limitation tha you won't have the tuner and noise gate at the secondary input.
    Since you're gong to use linear loudspeakers (personal monitors or PA), you won't ever need two distinct cabs for the bass and the guitar signal ^^

  • So, a large box arrived yesterday from a certain German online music store 8o.

    After a bit of fiddling around I ended up with a setup like this:[Blocked Image:]
    I've not tried running the other instruments through it yet, for some reason I ended up playing my guitar for, um, about six hours. It's a lovely thing isn't it?

    I'll upload some photos, and put a demo up on soundcloud when I've had a chance to tweak things properly for the 'cello, sax and bass.

    Thanks for the help everyone!


  • So, a large box arrived yesterday from a certain German online music store 8o.

    After a bit of fiddling around I ended up with a setup like this:[Blocked Image:]
    I've not tried running the other instruments through it yet, for some reason I ended up playing my guitar for, um, about six hours. It's a lovely thing isn't it?

    I'll upload some photos, and put a demo up on soundcloud when I've had a chance to tweak things properly for the 'cello, sax and bass.

    Thanks for the help everyone!


    Congrats, Tom, and welcome! Quite the setup :thumbup: Let us know how it works for you with all the slightly unconventional stuff :D

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer