• Idk what the threads early criticisms were about? Like are they current or is there a revision coming ?

    viacabore, do you recommend the active neo cab for $1000?

    are there no deals or sales? Just asking

    Your obviously in the market now, so yes the CLR would be my first choice! DXR 10 would be my next....at least to try out.

    I just don't need it now, and slow response/availability have reinforced my decision.

  • This Atomic neodymium is looking excellent

    do you own it

    No, they are not yet available for the European market :(

    thats EXACTLY what happened

    No, sorry, you said that the Profiler was outputting too much. If the cab is properly designed and engineered it's impossible that the input signal blows the cab. This is the cab's poweramp's fault.
    The CLR is self-protected against overdriving.

    viacabore, do you recommend the active neo cab for $1000?

    8o Where did you see it? That's the price for the standard version...
    I'd recommend the Neo even at list price, if you need to frequently move it. The sound is the same.

    Why ? What does the wedge offer over the cab? Cuz of the angle ?

    As Ingolf said. You can use the wedge like a cab, but of course not the other way around :)

  • Dude, I've been very calm in reacting to some of the overbearing or to a certain extent tactless ways of countering my
    poorly informed posts, and I do wish I could hang with you guys on your expertise and knowledge, but obviously I don't know nearly as much, I don't like feeling like I'm ignorant or should stay quiet

    i ask you please do me a common courtesy, don't tell me what to do/how to do it, or argue with me about my shit or insinuate I'm lying, if I say it shorted, that's what happened, even if I said it wrong

    no offense but if my conceptual understanding is wrong I don't mind and encourage the correction, but don't take my beginner knowledge and extend that into my being generally ignorant bro, and then patronize me like im a dum dum,

    it happened three times in the thread and I'm simply bringing what I am perceiving as dismissive attitudes to my posts as slightly alienating and at times leaning on disrespect that is making me feel unwelcome, and I don't like that I'm feeling graded here because I've made the kemper group my home online as far as my music forum and I don't want to feel like I'm an outsider because I'm "not as smart as you"

    I'm not a technician or engineer so if the technical explanation is unclear or wrong that's on me, and I have a slight learning/mental disability that makes my syntax sometimes unbearable to others,

    but the short circuit did happen since the OS was completely on the fritz and then I'm assuming the spike from the short circuit is the result from volume damage, do I know? No I don't know shit really, but i know the order in which my things malfunctioned

    SO WE can move on, but I hope I don't have to be defensive, especially when most or nearly all of you are some of the most helpful and nice guys I've met on a forum

    thats not an important point to why I'm here anyway: I'm here to say I'm buying the active wedge but I can't choose between ferrite and neo, difference is weight, but how much weight is worth a few hundred dollar price difference ?

    thank you and I hope I am indeed welcome to post freely here

  • ?(

    Chris, not sure your post was addressed to me, in case it was there's a strong misunderstanding here.

    You wrote something, I responded your assumption was incorrect, you replied it was exactly what it had happened, I then wrote it was not.

    Sorry if you feel dumb. There's no reason to measure up or to compete, a technical forum is a place where people share their knowledge and opinions helping others or simply sharing different perspectives or skills.
    Personally, I feel there's no shame in ignorance.

    Peace :)

  • No man, as I said, it was NOT aimed at you, it was an amalgamation toward many posts (not necessarily posters mind you as you are all well mannered and respectful)

    it was certain posts before, and I felt that this was a good time to address it

    i apologize if it seemed like you were singled out, you've bwen very kind to me gianfranco

  • In my past experience, being the new (noob) guy comes with a bit of a break in, especially when learning from the experts ;) so I didn't want to start any trouble or seem overly sensitive. I felt like I could say something now, but again, it's a post here or there, and it's not a huge deal, I just thought perhaps I had given a poor precedent or poor first impression to some of you, and I wanted to say, what's past is past, and I'm here to learn, so if I make a mistake please have patience. That's really what I hoped would be garnered, not a desire to start trouble or b!tch lol

    Thanks for the genuine response Gian

  • Just emailed atomic about a possible waiting time - would like to order via http://eushop.atomicamps.com/Products_s/1817.htm

    There is no waiting time shown there...

    Also the price of 999,90 USD / 1,25 = 800 EUR seems to be quite competitive compared with the 999,00 EUR for a matrix Q12 A....

    Hopefully I get a reply soon. Still have some time to make up my mind if I either should buy a matrix gt 1000 and passive cabs or just one active wedge (and buy a second one later)....

  • After reading a lot the last months - at least for me - it seems that there are 2 main FRFR Solutions (Matrix + Atomic) as well as a relatively new and small company (KPA SOLUTIONS).Matrix produces the Q12 / Q12 A (passive or active) - passive Q12 is also available as a wedge.You find the matrix products here: http://g66.eu/de/g66-shopAs an alternative solution matrix makes a linear power amp (matrix gt 1000 or 1600) which can be used together with the kemper either with a normal guitar cab (speaker sim turned off) or with a passive Full Range cab. They also make a 2x12 FR cab which is capable of the 1.000 Watts the matrix gt 1000 has to offer.Was actually looking forward to buy the matrix gt 1000, use a normal guitar cab for monitoring (cab sim on monitor out disabled) and use the main out for the FOH mix with cab sim on - and then would buy the 2x12 FR when I have more money available (earning quite some extra cash at the moment as I started working as an associate lecturer at University - 45 € net income after tax for a 45 min lesson - so this should be earned within 2 months).Currently I am thinking of getting a FR solution straight as i will never need 1.000 Watts on stage - something like the atomic or the Matrix Q12A will be enough when using the Kemper live. For our rehearsal sessions I will use one of my tube amps (have a pretty decent rig with an ENGL Fireball 60, a TC G System and a few boutique pedals). No need to bring the kemper to every rehearsal session - will leave it in my studio and just use live to not needing to mic up the cab or not carry too much stuff with me.