Back Again - heavy kempered (SinMix profiles) 1st song of my band

  • Hey Kemper Folks,

    this is the first song of my band and I've used only the Kemper for every string instrument. We've recorded some songs in our rehearsal room, mixing was on my side. Next song will sound better :D we also use these recordings to find our sound, so every next song will sound a little bit different. ;) Style is mostly heavy rock with metal influences.

    I've used SinMix profiles, mostly EVH5153 and Mesa Boogie ones. I also own a 5153 and the SinMix profiles are really good, all better than my own :whistling:
    Bass is his free available Ampeg profile mixed with a normal guitar profile for mid range crunch.

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    If you like, you can find us on facebook and all the other stuff.

    Greetings and comments are always welcome 8o

  • this is a great tone for a rehearsal session , I dig the background melodic lines and your drummer is excellent.

    I'm Renaud from Valve Theory profile store : Guitar & pick up matched profiles - Hollowbody & jazzbox pack

    Latest tracks soundcloud

    Je donne des cours particuliers en ligne sur le Kemper ( 12 ans d'expérience ) et sur l'audio numérique ( Reaper )

    me contacter : waraba chez gmail dot com

  • Thank you very much for your kind words :)

    Yeah, our drummer is a beast (ok, almost every drummer claims to be the beast) ... he played every song without any guide tracks, just out of his mind to a click track. When we spend more time in later production we will do some semi - live recordings with the Kemper. But this was kind of a "we need some quick demos" thing. :)

    Thank you for this, I have to spend more time playing more precisely for quad track rhythms. Next song will have only double tracked rhythms and it's a lot more up front and gives more room for the rest at the same time. I love quad tracked guitars but I need to practice more :whistling:
    Perhaps I will try out some dual-amp setup. Until now I didn't try to combine amps with the kemper during reamping but I think I will use the next song for some tests. Constant latency makes it possible ;)

  • Thanks for your kind words :)
    It's a lot of fun to test the so many different sounds during a demo production... and sometimes it's hard to decide which sounds will fit in and it gets harder as more options are available. But I knew that before I bought the Kemper. ;)
    I like the SinMix profiles a lot and I'm a big fan of his work, his effort and his customer service. Most of the profiles are also easy to tweak and perform really good with differnt guitars and gain settings.
    At the moment we are tracking vocals and bass for the next songs. And I will take the chance to get a little bit deeper into bass sounds, which are so awesome with the Kemper. But I really have an experience hole at mixing bass sounds and I will take the chance to try out some different styles and combinations. Before the Kemper I always went with a DI split to hi/low and an overdrive track with some VST on it. But now I have some killer sounding bass amps 8o