Another speaker option: Dynacord AXM 12A - thoughts?

  • Sorry for bumping this old thread up, but that one comes so close to my question that I don't want to start a new thread for it.

    I narrowed my search for a FRFR-Monitor or speaker down to the Atomic CLR (I expect it to be available in Europe soon enough) and the Dynacord AXM 12a. But I couldn't find any A/B comparisons so far. Had anyone around here an Opportunity to hear them both simultaneously since the last post?

  • Sorry for bumping this old thread up, but that one comes so close to my question that I don't want to start a new thread for it.

    I narrowed my search for a FRFR-Monitor or speaker down to the Atomic CLR (I expect it to be available in Europe soon enough) and the Dynacord AXM 12a. But I couldn't find any A/B comparisons so far. Had anyone around here an Opportunity to hear them both simultaneously since the last post?

    I'm in the Us and have ordered the Dynacord to try over the atomic. Still cheaper... though some got the atomic mk11 on special at 999 they are back to 1399$ us. I like the three inputs Dsp, and size and weight factor of the Dynacord. I need something to use as a quality monitor for that much $ as well as the kemper and still retain clarity of sound. Waiting to clear customs but seems like a better deal to me and I hope I'm impressed with the audio quality as many reviews say.

  • Please let us know how deep your impression goes 8o
    Atomic CLR's are still not available in Europe (and even in the US?); the easy way would be getting the AXM, but somehow I keep reading more enthusiastic comments on the CLR than on the AXM... ?(
    I'm still hesitating.

  • Hey there,
    I´m using the AXM two years now... it´s the best sounding monitor, I´ve ever used.
    But I did not test the Atomic one´s, I don´t know them at all.

    If you want to buy a pretty good monitor then a Dynacord is really one of the best...
    I use it not for guitar sounds only, all the "monitor signals" with voices, keys, etc. are there, too.

    If you want the monitor to be just for the guitar signals only?
    Perhaps then another brand is the better way to go, but I like the AXM very much!

    Best regards!

  • Please let us know how deep your impression goes 8o
    Atomic CLR's are still not available in Europe (and even in the US?); the easy way would be getting the AXM, but somehow I keep reading more enthusiastic comments on the CLR than on the AXM... ?(
    I'm still hesitating.

    Hello Huttenwerk,

    If I might suggest another alternative, for your consideration...

    Have you looked into the XiTone monitors? XiTone offers both a passive 1x12 as well as an active 1x12, and IMHO they are every bit as good as Atomic's CLR. They are also built like an Abrams M1A2 tank.

    Recently, Mick at XiTone designed a special open-back cabinet for Michael Britt:…-cab/index.html

    I personally use a XiTone passive 1x12 Passive monitor with my KPA PowerRack, and couldn't be happier.


  • Finally Got my axm12 . Own the Dxr 10. Bought it with the intention of a light and small monitor that was flat for kemper purposes as well. Have had very little time but my first impressions are that it is very flat to the point it brings out any weakness in your profile or signal much like studio monitors. Doesn't seem to have the punch that the Yamaha has but definitely better dispersion. So far I'm thinking the axm is better to monitor my vocals, guitar and band mates but to just play guitar without an actual guitar cab and listen the Dxr . Again, I really haven't spent baby time with this yet . I'll try to report back after a week or so

  • ...
    If you want the monitor to be just for the guitar signals only?Perhaps then another brand is the better way to go, but I like the AXM very much!

    Not just guitar, but vocals too, and I like the option for using them as a small PA ...

    Have you looked into the XiTone monitors?

    Thanks for the recommendation, yes, I've been toppling over them in my research. Three issues made me go on: The fan in the amp (I need them to be dead quiet) and the lack of a pole mount, but most important: as far as I see they don't ship over the pond on a regular base. But these get high praises too, so no doubt these are worth their money.

    ... Again, I really haven't spent baby time with this yet . I'll try to report back after a week or so

    I'm not in a hurry and look forward to that!

  • Still getting acquainted with this speaker really and I would like to find time to rig up an ab switch with the Yamaha Dxr since that has been my benchmark. I think my first impression was tainted by something amiss in the setup. I reset the unit and checked the levels on kemper vs the axm12 and instantly it sounded so much better. I'm now quite pleased with this unit. I bought it in the hopes of an improvement in sound quality in a tighter and light format to utilize as my Frfr and stage monitor. I now believe this unit does that over the Dxr. Probably not quite as loud as the Yamaha and those with extreme stage volumes might want 2 but the Dsp monitor 2 mode is expressed as being for this specific purpose.still quite flat yet bumping certain frequencies. Also, had a chance to play some music through the aux input on foh setting and the sound emanating from this single unit sitting on the floor was quite impressive and I believe helped break in the speaker a bit. Hope this helps someone.

  • Sorry for bumping this, but I think that it is better to have a dedicated topic instead of opening serveral for speaking about the same thing.

    I don't have a Kemper...yet.

    I am looking for a FRFR solution first, I will only be playing at home at low volumes (I am living in a flat), once I will find the right FRFR system for me I am almost conviced to pick a kemper.

    Right now I am using a Fender Mustang III v3, which works very well at home volumes, the volumen is really easy to control, it is open back and that really helps with the dispersion of the sound, but the amp is limitied in some aspects and I am looking for an update, which is not going to be cheap at all...

    So, how do these Dynacord AXM 12A work at low volumes? And I am not only talking about sound quality or dispersion, but how easy to control are they? I am afraid that the volume knobs could be too sensitive for home usage, I don't want to jump from zero to super loud in a blink...

    They main reason for getting those instead of monitors is the dispersion, monitors don't work for me at all because they project a very focused sound and I am always moving around...I would like to buy a couple of them for having a stereo setup. Their mixing capabilities with 3 inputs are also great, I would need at leas two inputs and the EQ options could be helpfull for fixing problems in the room that I am going to place them which is not sonically treated at all and I won't ever be.

    I know that some of these powered speakers suffer from a small latency due to the DSP inside, I couldn't see anything in the specs sheet, I am wondering if someone knows the latency for these Dynacords.

    Am I in the right track? I really appreciate any help :)


  • The AXM 12A sounds good at all volumes, within the limits of Fletcher-Munson. There is no automatic DSP-compensation for volume ;)

    Volume control is no problem. I set the volume a little louder than I need, but depending on where/what/how, and then use the KPAs master-volume to adjust as needed.

    DSP-latency is unnoticeable. I don't know exact numbers, but suspect it is in the sub 1ms range which equals to less than 1ft distance from a speaker.

  • @lightbox thank you very much for confirming that the volume is easily controllable al home levels that way.

    I think that I am going to wait until the summer namm ends and then pull the trigger on a kemper + remote + a pair of AXM 12A and a couple of expression pedals....

  • I find monitors great for listening but not for playing. I have a pair of Sennheiser HD595 that I use at night, they sound fine but me ears get fatigued after a while, so I preffer to not use them unless it is necessary.

  • Having tried various FRFR setups. I dont think you will be unhappy with the dynacord at all, especially for home use at lower volumes. I had to get one sent to the US where there isnt a shortage of options. If you want something that can reveal a profile well, has great seperation of instruments, good sound dispersion and sound quality in a compact versatile unit these are great. NOT exactly the cheapest option. I play mostly in churches so the sound guy always thinks the stage is too loud everywhere you go and these do well in this environment for monitoring a mix and my guitar direct. These do not excel at extreme volume levels so if you play on a stage that has hearing loss potential but you need to cut through the open drums your standing next to it might not be your thing. I prefer this over the yamaha dxr-10 I own as far as revealing the real sound of the profiles.

  • Thanks for the feedback @tntent

    ...NOT exactly the cheapest option...

    Yeah, I know, specially for me that I am a hobbyist guitar player, but I don't want to buy something now and end felling that I need an update in a year or two, so I think about this more like a long term investment, so whatever I will be using in the future as digital amp it will be running through the FRFR solution that I am buying now.