Reamping to external tube amp

  • I just ordered a KPA rack mount model and have been reading over the manual material on reamping. If after recording my clean DI into my daw and having that returned via spdif back to the Kemper, what output would I use to send it back out to an external tube amplifier for reamping purposes? I am assuming it is possible to do this. Thanks in advance for any help!


  • Currently I am using a Radial X-Amp dedicated reamp box to do this. I realize I can just come out of my audio interface into the guitar amp, although this is an impedance mismatch and is much noisier. There is also no ground lift switch on my interface which can be a problem at times. My question whether I can do what I have always done with my Radial X-Amp with the KPA instead? If I was to feed the DI'd guitar from my DAW into the Kemper via SPDIF would that then be able to be sent straight through to my external tube amp if I so desired? I haven't used a KPA as of yet and am just trying to get my head around what it is and is not capable of. Thanks for any help!

  • Ingolf, thanks for your reply. With all due respect I am not really asking for opinions I am simply trying to find out if what I asked could be done for specific reasons. I already explained why coming out of my interface doesn't work well. If you don't know the answer to my question than please leave it to somebody who knows. Not trying to start a fight but it is a little frustrating to have somebody tell me all the reasons I don't need to do what I am asking about. A simple 'yes you can' or 'no you can't' would suffice. I am not looking for a lesson on how to record, been doing that for many many years. I am simply asking about a very specific feature of the KPA as I have zero experience using one as of now. Thanks.

  • I was not trying to lecture you, sorry if you got that impression.
    If I really understood you correctly (which I'm still not sure I did), you could go out of your interface's SPDIF out into the profiler's SPDIF in.
    you could then choose to go out of your profiler via the main outputs with an un-altered signal (No FX, Kemper stack off) into your tube amp.
    Does this help?

  • My simple question was basically if the KPA could do the exact same thing that my Radial X-Amp is presently doing for me as I may still have a need for that functionality in certain situations. I was hoping I could get rid of my X-Amp and just use the KPA as an all in one solution. It seems by your last answer that this is possible. Thank you for your help!

  • Hi jsadites,

    you could try and activate a Loop in Stomp A and connect the Direct Output/Send on the Profiler to the input of your Tube amp. Choose 'Input Source: SPDIF Input Reamp' in the Input Section. Adjust the level in your Interface so that the Input LED on the Profiler does show Orange on hard strums. Turn up 'Reamp Sens' in the Input Section in case the level coming from your Interface does not suffice to get a solid signal to the Profilers Input. Refer to the Section on Reamping in the Reference Manual. The output level on Direct Output/Send should now match the level of your guitar and drive your tube amp properly.
    Hope this helps.

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