Grit control

  • Your opinion? 8

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    I would like to see more ways to utilise expression pedals and this is one example:

    Set end-points for rig-volume and gain (heel volume, heel gain, toe volume, toe gain) and have a linear transition with the expression pedal. This would make it possible to increase gain while maintaining the same output level (back off the volume as the gain increases). It would be a great tool when you're "riding" the edge of breakup. Different pickups and tone-setting on the guitar affect the breakup limit and having this mapped to an expression pedal (in my case the second or wah-pedal) would make it a lot quicker to adjust than having to mess about with both the rig-volume and gain knobs.

    The concept could of course be extended to enable similar control of any single or set of attributes.

    Edited once, last by heldal (October 9, 2014 at 1:43 PM).