• Can someone talk more about the tweeds or review a different pack that owns them? I have the Marshall already. I'm on the fence as to what to get next. I have a lot of fender amps from amp factory and I love their character. But britt really gets that in the room sound. Any suggestions are welcome.


    Here are my opinions of Michael's new mini packs.

    69 Marshall 50
    Just about the best Marshall I have ever seen, heard or tried. Excellent dynamics and a sense of raw power.

    Tweed Pack:
    Great Fender and some really nice clean tones if I reduce a bit of gain here and there. I think Mike has captured the ”tweed” sound nicely. Very few tweed profiles have captured the essence of the tweed, but he did it.

    Driftwood Pack:
    I really don’t know how to play heavy at all, but this pack makes me sound like I do. Almost like magic. I’m actually thinking of incorporating some heavy riffs in a ad score I’m working on. I may even get away with it. :)

    Jim Kelley Pack:
    The funny part of this pack is that I had no preconception of how a Kelley ”should” sound. I’ve never played a Kelley and the only player I’ve really listened to who I know used a Kelley is Jim Ferris during his stint with Mr Mister. Those sounds were awesome but were recorded when studio racks where the norm and it’s hard to tell what the guitar tone ends and the effects start to take over. But I can definitely see myself turning to this in the near future for a few things I have in a pre-planning stage.

    Guytron Pack:
    This is also an interesting experience. I have read great things about the Guytron but never tried it and the only player I’ve listened to that used never got a really great sound in my opinion. So I don’t know where to place these sounds. So far I think that I will use them more with my set neck HB guitars than with my bolt-ons. But they do sound good, so I figure I have to give them some time to get familiar with them.


    Mats N

  • I'm hoping that anything (new) added after the 5 or 6 original bundles will be able to be purchased in simplified form such as more bundles of similar proportions to the original ones.

    This would make it easier for those who're fans of all Michael's work to ensure they have everything.

  • I bought '69 Marshall, Tweedy Pack and Driftwood and I think I will buy the rest of the mini-packs, too. ;)

    '69 Marshall: just brilliant, I'm owning a '71 one-top (100 W), the '69 is very similar and one of my favourite Marshalls so far.
    Tweedy Pack: great Fender profiles, along with Andy's and Armin's Fender-profiles my favourite ones.
    Driftwood: I've never heard of this amp before, but it is really worth to try it. Very "thick" tone and unique character.

    All together I kept nearly all profiles on my KPA, they just fit my taste perfectly. :thumbup:

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/

  • Just wondering, which of the packs, if any, are Merged Profiles?

    I have packs 1, 2, D, modern and vintage - are any of these Merged or are they all studio?

    I swapped the cabs around today on the XTC model from Pack 2 and got some fantastic results but surely that's trial and error if they're not 'merged' profiles right? Some of those swaps could sound glorious, and some may sound horrendous due to the profile being of the "full package" so to speak, or am I wrong?

  • Thanks for the great reviews!

    The only merged profiles I've done were for the Kemper 3.0 firmware release. I did some updated versions of the ones in that rig pack that are available for free on the Rig Exchange. All of my packs are studio profiles, but you can always feel free to mix and match cabs. It's kind of redundant in that most of my packs use the exact same mics and cabinet, so even though the differences should be minor, the profiling algorithm assigns different attributes to each. I don't foresee a lot more merged profiles in my packs, but there are some who like swapping cabs and with the newest firmware, it should make it possible and fun to play around with.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Ok the Driftwood DI profiles are awesome. I play a lot of Judas Priest and Iron maiden covers and these are perfect. Please do more DI profiles. Thanks

    Well I got the Tweed, Marshall, Guytron and Kelley profiles. You had to go mention Judas Priest and Maiden. i suppose I'll have to grab the Driftwoods as well!

  • For anyone that missed the Periscope broadcast, it's up on the "gear" page of my site now: http://www.mbrittprofiles.com/gear.html . Sorry for the aspect ratio but Periscope defaults to vertical, which doesn't translate as well to YouTube.

    Also, curious to see how the new packs' sounds are working for those who've tried them live. I'm using one of the Pro Jr. profiles and a couple of the other tweeds in our shows now. I'm also using one of the Guytron cleans with 80's chorus back for Dann Huff-like ballad cleans.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • I've got 3 of the new packs and they all sound great at home. I've got an interesting dep gig on Thursday with a disco band. Any amps in the new packs (or the old ones for that matter) for a cool Nile Rogers type sound? Also, I asked before about the Dual Citizen and you mentioned your signature amp, the profile of which I have and love, but the interesting thing about the Dual citizen was the ability to blend both the US and the UK channels. That sounded amazing on the NAMM demo. Anyway, I'm excited about the Z Wreck profile. I have a profile from somewhere else but it isn't very good and I don't use it which is a shame as I love Mr Paisley's tone when he uses them. I'm really hoping you use the different speaker configs that you have been doing lately as the Zs (the amps themselves) tend to implode on themselves when the gain is cranked. I've only ever heard the amp with its own speakers, a blue and a gold I think, so it'd be really interesting to see if the V30s can do something about that.
    Thanks for all the hard work!

  • Excellent! I had put that on hold thinking I could watch later then couldn't so I'll review that video now. :)

    Britt, what are your favorite profiles that you offer in your opinion of the new stuff? I did get the Marshall, I would like your opinion on your own work. :)

  • I swapped the cabs around today on the XTC model from Pack 2 and got some fantastic results but surely that's trial and error if they're not 'merged' profiles right? Some of those swaps could sound glorious, and some may sound horrendous due to the profile being of the "full package" so to speak, or am I wrong?

    Well, I'd disagree on this. The fact that a certain cab profile is the exact representation of a cab doesn't imply that it will sound better to you than a "standard" cab with other profiles. It would be trials and errors nevertheless IMO... So feel free to experiment! :)

    Edited once, last by viabcroce (October 6, 2015 at 4:49 PM).

  • Xander: There are some of the new Guytron profiles that should get a clear, clean Nile Rodgers sound. And I haven't tried jumping the channels on my MB100 (which is a 100w version of Dual Citizen) but I may have to try that. I did profile the Z Wreck with a couple different speakers, my usual 3P and the Z cab with Blue. I'm not sure if I have enough variety to justify its own mini pack yet, so it may have to wait until I compile enough for another bundle. I have quite a few amps that I've got handfuls of good profiles that won't make good mini's so I'm still trying to figure out how to put them out.

    Oozish: Of course I like most of the profiles that I put out, but since our show pretty much has the same 18 songs and many of those have sounds pretty much dialed in, I only have a handful of songs that I'm able to play with to try new profiles. I'm always on the lookout for the perfect big rock lead sound. I have a few that I bounce between, including my 72 Marshall, 70 Marshall SL, 3P Plexi Tim and now the 69 Marshall. I still use my 3P crunch from the first pack for much of my rhythm overdrive sounds and the 3P clean for many of the cleans. I've added the Guytron clean to a couple of the ballads for a brighter, more crisp clean which works well with extra chorus and delays. I've added the 56 Pro and Pro Jr. on a couple of songs because they have a great, rich midrange but still have the spanky feel of a tweed. I've used the Jim Kelley profiles for cleans and big lead sounds too with good results. I'm beta-testing a couple of the Z Wrecks as well and they're holding up nicely in the AC30 and 3P crunch realm. And I use a couple Fenders (Princeton and 67 Deluxe) for clean strummy stuff.

    It's funny that with so many profiles I've done, I still tend to gravitate to a few of the same amps, which I guess is a testament to the Kemper, because I would be doing the exact same thing with real world amps. Many times I love the sound of el84 amps but they don't have the gut-punch of el34 and 6l6 amps sometimes and that definitely still holds true even with profiles. The coolest thing is that little amps like the champ and Pro Jr. can hang volume-wise with the big Marshalls now, which isn't as possible in the real world. In Kemper-land, tone reigns supreme and we're not limited by the overall volume of the amps anymore. The same holds true for the big Marshalls that would be overkill in some smaller venues. Now we can get the cranked to the ceiling sounds without blowing away everyone in a 50 ft. radius and annoying the soundman. I really like that so many different people land on so many different favorites. That's really why I keep trying to add amps that maybe won't make my final cut. I realize I'm not the end result, but all I can do is to try to get them profiled in a usable way so that hopefully other people will find a tone that they've been looking for.

    I've got 3 of the new packs and they all sound great at home. I've got an interesting dep gig on Thursday with a disco band. Any amps in the new packs (or the old ones for that matter) for a cool Nile Rogers type sound? Also, I asked before about the Dual Citizen and you mentioned your signature amp, the profile of which I have and love, but the interesting thing about the Dual citizen was the ability to blend both the US and the UK channels. That sounded amazing on the NAMM demo. Anyway, I'm excited about the Z Wreck profile. I have a profile from somewhere else but it isn't very good and I don't use it which is a shame as I love Mr Paisley's tone when he uses them. I'm really hoping you use the different speaker configs that you have been doing lately as the Zs (the amps themselves) tend to implode on themselves when the gain is cranked. I've only ever heard the amp with its own speakers, a blue and a gold I think, so it'd be really interesting to see if the V30s can do something about that.
    Thanks for all the hard work!

    Excellent! I had put that on hold thinking I could watch later then couldn't so I'll review that video now. :)

    Britt, what are your favorite profiles that you offer in your opinion of the new stuff? I did get the Marshall, I would like your opinion on your own work. :)

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • I am using two "rigs" for the most part. One band I'm in is a little more rock oriented. For that band I use the 3P Blackface for clean, Brit45 (which is a profile of my personal amp) for a slight crunch, another Brit45 for AC/DC style crunch, SoldPRS (also my amp) for big fat OD rhythm, and finally another SoldPRS for stadium rock solo's.
    For the more varied band I'm in I use the 3P Blackface. Great clean tone. Then I use a DrZ Remedy for my Prince Purple Rain sound. Tons of delay, verb, roto, comp on this one. Then I use the '56 Pro for light-med crunch.'72 Marshall for BIG crunch and finally the 72 Marshall with all the fun stuff on it to cover up my bad notes!
    The majority of these gigs are done with mo amps in the PA. I have been using a Fryette Power Station with a Boogie 1x12 but last week I brought out 2 Tech21 Power Engines. One with stock speaker & the other with a Celestion Classic Lead 80. Together they sound really good. The feel from the Fryette is better, but the sound from the Tech21's seems to fit better in the band. I may go to a hybrid setup using one T21 and the Fryette. I do some bigger gigs where I'm in the PA and the sound guys love me. I get a killer sound out front and I'm able to keep my stage volume down. Sometimes I get a little of my gtr in the monitors to fill it out.
    Anyway, that's what I'm doing.

    My name is Chris & I'm a guitar-a-holic!

  • I think we're going to try to do another Periscope broadcast this evening (or whatever time in the world it is where you are) around 5:30-6pm central time (US). It'll be available for viewing on periscope for 24 hours and then I'll have it up on YouTube by the following week (hopefully sooner). You can send me your questions in advance via email: mike@mbrittprofiles.com or twitter @mbrittprofiles or just put questions on here. I want to try to cover some basic profile editing techniques today, so that will be the primary theme but always open to suggestions.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar