• Bring some Joe Bonamassa sounds..Thanx..!!..Blend some Amps together And....

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  • Bring some Joe Bonamassa sounds..Thanx..!!..Blend some Amps together And....

    Man, that sounds good, but all I can think of is phasing nightmare. Usually phase gets flipped at every gain stage so trying to keep multiple amps in phase with different pedal configurations in front of them… my brain would just give up. I'll have to do some experimenting with multiple amps, though. Joe's tone is so sick, though.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Joe is incredible. HIs rig is worth a fortune, though, between his Dumbles, Van Weeldens, and all his vintage guitars, it's just an insane amount of money. What's funny is that he could probably floor people with his playing even through a Blues Jr. I think the closest tone to his sound that I think I've profiled is one of the Helios profiles I recently did. Lots of gain but fat and clear. I can't wait to get that one out.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Joe is incredible. HIs rig is worth a fortune, though, between his Dumbles, Van Weeldens, and all his vintage guitars, it's just an insane amount of money. What's funny is that he could probably floor people with his playing even through a Blues Jr. I think the closest tone to his sound that I think I've profiled is one of the Helios profiles I recently did. Lots of gain but fat and clear. I can't wait to get that one out.

    Michael, can't wait for your next pack. Especially since I own a Helios and can't wait to hear what your profiles sound like. Other than the profile I did with my Torpedo live and put up on the exchange, I have not really tried to profile my amp. Quite frankly, your profiles that I use live are so good, I didn't feel like I needed to. . Maybe now I will be able to use a Helios profile at gigs. Also looking forward to your Dirty Shirley profiles. So I say this with the utmost respect and appreciation. HURRY UP! :)

  • Finally got some time with Pack 3 last night, the Sold A PRS profiles are fantastic (and I'm not saying that coz I'm biased ;) ). 2-3 and 4 will be mainstays for sure, got a gig coming up and can't wait to use them on stage!

  • Love Joe's playing and tones. Saw him here in Phoenix last week. Guitar to wah pedal, a booster and 4 old tweed fenders cranked up loud. So stripped down compared to his other rigs, no delays and still sounded killer!

    looking forward to the next pack :)


  • When using some of the more gain laden profiles from these sets through my powerhead into a standard guitar cab I'm getting a sort of woofing on the lowend. I presume that it's either proximity affect from the microphone that the profiler is unable to remove as part of the cab maker or something similar. I'm finding that simply lowering the bass on the monitor output helps to a degree but you lose some of the richness of the tone. I just wondered if anyone else had noticed this and if they had a way to help reduce it. I thought about adding a compressor after the amp/cab but didn't really want to mess with the direct sound.

  • XpennoKPA - I don't have nor have I used a powerhead into a guitar cab so I'm not sure where the extra low end is coming from. If it sounds ok to you as far as the direct outs to mains or in headphones, I would just try to adjust the monitor out eq. If it's too much low end overall, try rolling the definition up. It could depend on if you're using humbuckers, etc. I would try to stay away from putting comps or eq on it if the direct outs sound like you want them. Maybe someone else with a powerhead can chime in too. You can also see if a different cab profile would fix it? My profiles seldom get accused of being too thin for sure.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • When using some of the more gain laden profiles from these sets through my powerhead into a standard guitar cab I'm getting a sort of woofing on the lowend. I presume that it's either proximity affect from the microphone that the profiler is unable to remove as part of the cab maker or something similar. I'm finding that simply lowering the bass on the monitor output helps to a degree but you lose some of the richness of the tone. I just wondered if anyone else had noticed this and if they had a way to help reduce it. I thought about adding a compressor after the amp/cab but didn't really want to mess with the direct sound.


    This may be a stupid question...so I apologize in advance. However, if your are using your Power Rack into a traditional Guitar Cabinet...why aren't you using some of the Direct Amp Profiles that are now available. Or, are you? For example, if you are using M. Britt's latest Merged Profiles (from the Factory Merged Profile Pack), you should be able to completely turn of the Cabinet (or globally turn of Cabs using Monitor Cab --> OFF in the Output menu), and be left with only a pure Direct Amp profile which would be sent out the KPA's speaker Out to your guitar cab. Again, maybe you are doing this already...but I just thought I would ask the question.

    Also, keep in mind that the KPA has a dedicated Monitor Output EQ, in the Output Menu/Section. So, you can work with the Monitor Output EQ (which is same as the Speaker Out), and it won't be applied to or affect the sound going out the Main Outputs.

    From the KPA Reference Manual (page 18):


    For the perfect on-stage setup, the Profiler allows to simultaneously run a guitar speaker-cabinet through a power-
    amp, and - at the same time - send a complete studio sound (amplifier plus cabinet and microphone) from the MAIN
    OUTPUTS to the front-of-house mixing desk. Since your guitar cabinet doesn’t need to be picked up via microphone
    any more, it becomes your personal monitor on stage. The MONITOR OUTPUT features an independent volume
    control, as well as a dedicated Monitor Output Equalizer in the Output Menu. These allow you to tailor the sound to
    your speaker cabinet, while the sound on the other outputs remain unaffected.


  • He may not be using the direct amp profiles because they don't have that same magic sound. And this is not only for Michael's profiles but any direct that I've heard including my own. The combination of amp, cab and mic along with the studio and engineer's know how is what makes the sound for me. The direct profiles lose a little something IMO they sound good but I much prefer the studio versions, even through a traditional guitar cab.

  • Someone really needs to investigate this I think. Some people say they sound the same, some don't, CKemper states they are not investigating this at this time, others state it's a problem yet there is still no audio proof... So, we are going round and round here I think. For what it's worth I just got my g12h30 loaded 2x12 and Isp power amp and couldn't be happier with merged and studio profiles with this setup, both sound fine to me.

  • Direct Amp profiles through a guitar cab will never sound the same as Studio/Merged profiles with cabs on through FRFR. However, a Merged profile with Cabs off through a guitar cab should be identical to the Direct Amp profile of the same amp profiled with the same settings.
    A Studio profile of that very same amp with the same settings with Cabs off through a guitar cab won't sound the same as either the Direct Amp or Merged profile, because of the introduction of CabDriver into the equation (although personally I've found it to also be very good generally). The Studio profile and Merged profile with Cabs on through FRFR should be identical, though.