• I just tested the new ones in RE and agree the different was rather big, these newer ones now had that "MB Profiled" quality & trademark to them. The biggest difference seemed to be in the cabinet side as those older ones came alive with the cabinet in the newer version. I recall there were some issues that pressing "merge" changed the tone in those earlier beta releases. Anyhoo, great work! I would offer these to Kemper team as replacement for the ones currently available through the Merged Rigs Pack (February 2015).

    Then to the wishlist ;) Bad Cat amps!! Would love to get especially the Lynx model (high gain, EL34, cathode biased) profiles from MB. :thumbup: I think they sound unique among the existing MB offerings.
    Also some 6550 and KT66/77/88 power tube equipped amps would add value and versatility even further.

  • thanks for the upgrade Michael !

    i didnt care much for the first merged pack , didnt have "that" M.Britt quality , but this rock !

    I bought the first and second pack in the past, this merged pack sounds overall "brighter" ( in a good way ) , imho.

  • Hey guys,

    I've been doing a lot of profiling lately and I think the new firmware revision just sounds fantastic overall. I'm still concentrating on mostly studio profiles but I have done a few DI/Merged ones that are ok. I'm still working on how to release the new stuff, but there should be some new amps coming out within the month. I also went back and listened to the merged rigs that I did for the 3.0 release and I'm not sure why but they sounded really funky to me. I don't know if it was because I was using a beta at the time or if it was operator error or what but I revisited those profiles and looked up the original studio and di files and worked with them, re-merging them and I think they sound a bit better. I'd love to get some feedback on whether it's an improvement or not before I see about including the new versions with the merged rig pack from Kemper. I uploaded them onto Rig Exchange and I also put a link directly from the home page of my web site (in first news story and highlighted in red). I added the * suffix to the new versions. Thanks guys!


    Thank you very much!!! Now your merged profiles sound awesome using FRFR and guitar cab. Wow!!!

  • I used the new merged pack profiles at rehearsal today (mostly the 3rd power Blackface profile) with some of the kemper effects (wah, delay, green screamer, compressor, rotary)
    I ran my kemper through a Mesa Recto 2x12 with V30s.

    Sounded fantastic! Even switched to our other guitar player's 2x10 Dr.Z combo for fun at the end of the rehearsal. The kemper was easily as dynamic and punchy as the Dr. Z Maz 18 2x10 if not more so.

    Thanks for the great merged profiles.

  • Hi Michael,

    Since you're in Nashville, it would be great if you could profile a bunch of different 65Amps. I would really like to have - at least the London (Blue Line) and the SOHO - profiled with the cabinet that combines the G12H30 and the Celestion Blue. It would be nice to have merged profiles of these also, as that cab works really, really well with a lot of the Divided By13 EL84 based amps too (actually, anything with EL84s).

    BTW, their Little Elvis, Empire and Whiskey are great too, but the cab above would be unnecessary for those.

    Thanks in advance!

    Edited 2 times, last by Dlaut (April 13, 2015 at 10:36 PM).

  • Hi Michael

    I think your profiles in the rig exchange do sound better than the ones bundles with fw3.0

    Still I am one of (the few) people who find your profiles too bass heavy. To me, Clean profiles sound good, but I have some trouble with the crunch and high gain profiles. I need to do a lot of editing, eq, definition and clarity etc...
    I first thought it was my guitar (Vigier Excalibur with Dimarzios) but I recently bought a strat and I have the same "problem" (and with various monitors)
    So here is my request: could you do a few EQ variations in your upcoming packs ?

  • Dlaut: I'll try to keep my eyes out for a 65 London. There's one for sale for $1800 locally but that's one of the few that I've seen. I don't think any of my usual sources (friends, friends of friends) have an 65 amps. I'll check with the local rental companies too and maybe I'll get lucky. I'll see what I can do on the merged cabs, but no promises. ;)

    mattt67: Thanks for beta testing the 3.0 merged packs. As far as the bass heavy profiles go, I may find it difficult to give a bunch of eq variations. It's not that I add bass anywhere when I'm profiling. I'm not boosting low end on the amp or on the sub-mixer. To get brighter profiles I can crank the highs and cut lows on the amp, but it's really difficult for me to listen to something that I don't find pleasing personally and think, "oh yeah, that's it!" It would be like you trying to guess what I think sounds right. Some of the differences we're hearing may be attributed to personal taste, method of monitoring, guitars/pickups, sheer volume, and/or our actual hearing. Profiling is a pretty personal process (aside from DI profiles) and I really only feel comfortable making things sound right to me. Anything else is just a shot in the dark and I don't know that I could put my name on it. I'm sure that judging by the people that find mine too dark or bassy that there are other places to get brighter, less bassy profiles. I hope it doesn't sound like a cop-out but I'm just not sure I can just do a bunch of profiles that don't sound right to me, personally. I'm trying to be attentive and have tried to err on the side of slightly bright compared to where I started but when it starts sounding thin or tinny compared to my other profiles, I have to pull back a little. Sadly, this may mean that my profiles won't appeal to everyone, but I do appreciate you wanting to find some of mine you like.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • A question for Michael Britt...

    Michael, I notice that the naming conventions you use on the merged profiles that you have uploaded to the Rig Exchange are different than those that are included in the factory profiles (firmware 3.0). I am speaking of the actual Amplifier names, not the "Rig" names.

    For example:

    Factory RIG:
    Rig Name = MB OTS OD1
    Amplifier = Ceriatone Overtone

    Rig Exchange RIG:
    Rig Name = MB OTS OD1*
    Amplifier = Cereal Ton OTS

    Is this to avoid some type of filename conflict with the corresponding factory profile in the KPA, if one were to import the Rig Exchange version?

    It only occurred to me to ask the question, because the unconventional naming of the amplifier would prevent it from coming up in a Search. In other words, if I were to search Rig Exchange (or Rig Manager) for "Ceriatone"...it will miss your merged profiles due to your different naming convention of "Cereal Ton". That, plus the cheeky name is confusing. :D

    I mean, I guessed (correctly) that the "Cereal Ton" must be a Ceriatone. However, I got stumped on your "Mars MP", lol. I kind of guessed the "Mars" was Marshall...but then I was trying to figure out the "MP" portion. "Master Plexi"?? No. "Master volume Plexi"?? maybe. "Merged Profile"?? Again, maybe. But then I cross-checked with the Factory Rig name, and saw that it was a Marshall JMP50. And that is when my head exploded, just like that guy in the Cronenberg film "Scanners". 8)

  • mattt67: Thanks for beta testing the 3.0 merged packs. As far as the bass heavy profiles go, I may find it difficult to give a bunch of eq variations. It's not that I add bass anywhere when I'm profiling. I'm not boosting low end on the amp or on the sub-mixer. To get brighter profiles I can crank the highs and cut lows on the amp, but it's really difficult for me to listen to something that I don't find pleasing personally and think, "oh yeah, that's it!" It would be like you trying to guess what I think sounds right. Some of the differences we're hearing may be attributed to personal taste, method of monitoring, guitars/pickups, sheer volume, and/or our actual hearing. Profiling is a pretty personal process (aside from DI profiles) and I really only feel comfortable making things sound right to me. Anything else is just a shot in the dark and I don't know that I could put my name on it. I'm sure that judging by the people that find mine too dark or bassy that there are other places to get brighter, less bassy profiles. I hope it doesn't sound like a cop-out but I'm just not sure I can just do a bunch of profiles that don't sound right to me, personally. I'm trying to be attentive and have tried to err on the side of slightly bright compared to where I started but when it starts sounding thin or tinny compared to my other profiles, I have to pull back a little. Sadly, this may mean that my profiles won't appeal to everyone, but I do appreciate you wanting to find some of mine you like.

    Thank you for your answer :thumbup:
    No problem

  • Yeah, the naming is a little different for the 3.0 Merged Pack profiles. I submitted the files to Kemper with the real amp names and they came up with the interesting names for the rigs in those packs. Around the time of my Pack 3 release I decided to rename my existing and new rigs to avoid copyright issues and such and my interesting names didn't exactly match up with Kemper's interesting names. I wasn't sure what they were going to name them when I came up with mine. Yeah, the MP is short for JMP. It's kinda tricky coming up with names that won't infringe on manufacturer's copyrights but still recognizable and such. If you guys ever have an issue deciphering them, just let me know and I'll be glad to help. I also include that info in the info sheet pdf's with the rig packs I sell.

    As far as new amp profiles… I have enough to make two packs at this point. I think I may split them up into a vintage pack and a modern pack. Here are the contenders: Bogner Helios, Friedman Dirty Shirley and Pink Taco, Swart Space Tone, Dr. Z Rx, Suhr Hedgehog, Supro Dual Tone, Vox Night Train, '65 Vox AC50, '65 Champ, '62 Deluxe, Silvertone Twin Twelve, '58 Tweed Deluxe, Roland Jazz Chorus, '68 Selmer Treble'n'Bass, Music Man HD120, Polytone Mini Brute. I've still got a couple of items on my wish list for this pack and I'll probably try to snag a couple more this week, but that's what I'm working with so far.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Yeah, the naming is a little different for the 3.0 Merged Pack profiles. I submitted the files to Kemper with the real amp names and they came up with the interesting names for the rigs in those packs. Around the time of my Pack 3 release I decided to rename my existing and new rigs to avoid copyright issues and such and my interesting names didn't exactly match up with Kemper's interesting names. I wasn't sure what they were going to name them when I came up with mine. Yeah, the MP is short for JMP. It's kinda tricky coming up with names that won't infringe on manufacturer's copyrights but still recognizable and such. If you guys ever have an issue deciphering them, just let me know and I'll be glad to help. I also include that info in the info sheet pdf's with the rig packs I sell.

    As far as new amp profiles… I have enough to make two packs at this point. I think I may split them up into a vintage pack and a modern pack. Here are the contenders: Bogner Helios, Friedman Dirty Shirley and Pink Taco, Swart Space Tone, Dr. Z Rx, Suhr Hedgehog, Supro Dual Tone, Vox Night Train, '65 Vox AC50, '65 Champ, '62 Deluxe, Silvertone Twin Twelve, '58 Tweed Deluxe, Roland Jazz Chorus, '68 Selmer Treble'n'Bass, Music Man HD120, Polytone Mini Brute. I've still got a couple of items on my wish list for this pack and I'll probably try to snag a couple more this week, but that's what I'm working with so far.

    Thanks for your reply, Michael.

  • As far as new amp profiles… I have enough to make two packs at this point. I think I may split them up into a vintage pack and a modern pack. Here are the contenders: Bogner Helios, Friedman Dirty Shirley and Pink Taco, Swart Space Tone, Dr. Z Rx, Suhr Hedgehog, Supro Dual Tone, Vox Night Train, '65 Vox AC50, '65 Champ, '62 Deluxe, Silvertone Twin Twelve, '58 Tweed Deluxe, Roland Jazz Chorus, '68 Selmer Treble'n'Bass, Music Man HD120, Polytone Mini Brute. I've still got a couple of items on my wish list for this pack and I'll probably try to snag a couple more this week, but that's what I'm working with so far.

    That's a sweet-looking list. It might be time to check out some of the famous MBritt profiles...


  • Just bought the first profile pack and it is absolutely fantastic! I am no, or at least i wasn't, a vintage boutique gear phreak but these profiles just has so much depth! Exept for maybe 1 or 2, every profile is highly usable!